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Script execution limits

  • Script execution is limited to 30 minutes. If the script's execution time exceeds 30 minutes, it's canceled. Any entities that were added or updated before the script was canceled are saved.

  • There is no limit on the number of times you can run a script.

  • The number of scripts you may have per account is limited to 100.

Single account limits

These single account limits are the per script (they are not the aggregation of calls across scripts).

  • An iterator can return a maximum of 50,000 entities. For example, KeywordIterator returns a maximum of 50,000 keywords even if KeywordSelector returns more than 50,000 keywords. When you reach the limit, the iterator's hasNext method returns false and Scripts logs a warning.

  • A selector's withIds method is limited to 10,000 IDs. Scripts throws a runtime error if you specify more than 10,000 IDs. The same is true if you use the selector's withCondition method and specify an 'Id IN [LIST]' condition with more than 10,000 IDs.

  • A script can get a maximum of 250,000 entities. This means you can get five iterators with each returning a maximum of 50,000 entities. When you reach the limit, the iterator's hasNext method returns false and Scripts logs a warning.

  • A script can create a maximum of 250,000 keywords and ads. Creating additional entities fail and Scripts logs a warning.

  • A script can write a maximum 100 KB of output to the console log. When you exceed the limit, Scripts logs a warning.

Calling pattern to avoid entity limits

For information about handling entity limits in your scripts, see Calling pattern to avoid entity limits in Best practices.

Multi-account limits

  • The single account limits listed above apply to each account that a multi-account script processes.

    The exception is for scripts that call the executeInParallel method. If your script calls executeInParallel, the script must also complete with within 30 minutes unless you specify a callback function. If you specify a callback function, the callback may take an additional 30 minutes to complete. This means that your script (including the function you execute for each account) has 30 minutes to complete and your callback has 30 minutes to complete. If either takes longer than 30 minutes, the script is canceled and any entities that were added or updated before the script was canceled are saved.

  • The executeInParallel method lets your script process up to 50 accounts at the same time.

  • The function that executeInParallel specifies may return a maximum of 10 MB of data.

UrlFetch limits

See UrlFetch limits.

Microsoft Advertising entity limits

For Microsoft Advertising entity limits, see Entity Hierarchy and Limits.