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Azure HDInsight available in Microsoft Cloud Germany

(auch verfügbar in Deutsch)

We are pleased to announce the availability of Azure HDInsight in the Microsoft Cloud Germany.

Azure HDInsight makes the Hadoop components from the Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) distribution available in the cloud, deploys managed clusters with high reliability and availability, and provides enterprise-grade security and governance with Active Directory. HDInsight is a cloud distribution on Microsoft Azure of the rapidly expanding Apache Hadoop technology stack for big data analysis. It includes implementations of Apache Spark, HBase, Kafka, Storm, Pig, Hive, Interactive Hive, Sqoop, Oozie, Ambari, and so on. HDInsight also integrates with business intelligence (BI) tools such as Power BI, Excel, SQL Server Analysis Services, and SQL Server Reporting Services.

Apache Hadoop was the original open-source project for big data processing. Big data describes any large body of digital information, from the text in a Twitter feed, to the sensor information from industrial equipment, to information about customer browsing and purchases on a website. Big data can be historical (meaning stored data) or real-time (meaning streamed directly from the source). Big data is being collected in ever-escalating volumes, at increasingly higher velocities, and in an expanding variety formats.

For big data to provide actionable intelligence or insight, you must collect relevant data and ask the right questions. You must also make sure the data is accessible, cleaned, analyzed, and then presented in a useful way. That's where big data analysis on Hadoop in HDInsight can help.

See Overview of the Hadoop ecosystem in HDInsight for further details.