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Free Microsoft Guidance and Software for SharePoint and related technologies.....

If you work in a healthcare organisation, or just want free Microsoft guidance and software to help you create a sophisticated SharePoint environment, the following maybe of interest..... 

Microsoft has recently posted lots of Microsoft Healthcare Platform Optimisation (HPO) content here to help organisations configure a desktop and server infrastructure that is easy to manage and will help staff to perform day-to-day tasks. This includes in-depth guidance and software for Active Directory, Windows Vista, Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, SharePoint Server 2007 and Office 2007.

From a SharePoint perspective, the applicable content includes:

Much of the guidance is in-depth and provides step-by-step intructions to help configure a secure and well-designed envrionment. At the same time, the guides aim to be concise, ensuring you can configure an environment v easily. 

I strongly recommend visiting the links above to find out more about each download. For those with SharePoint already installed, why not try the free wsp files (similar, but much richer, than the the fab 40 templates).
