Dela via

Adding a Web Reference to a VS 2008 Windows Forms Project


First, we will see how to add a web service in VS2005, and then we will see what changed in VS2008 orcas.


In Visual 2005 (Whidbey), adding a Web Reference is pretty straight forward.

From Project -> Add Web Reference ..., (From Solution Explorer, Right Click on Project, From the drop down Menu, Select Add Web Reference)

Add Web Reference Dialog Comes up.

In the Text box for URL, you specify url for the Web Service.

Click Go

Then a preview of the service is shown.  You have the option of renaming the service.

Click the "Add Reference ..." Button.

Web Service is added to the solution.  You can see it under "Web References"

What Changed in Orcas

From Project -> Add Service Reference ..., (From Solution Explorer, Right Click on Project, From the drop down Menu, Select Add Service Reference)

Click Advanced Button


Service Reference Setting Dialog Comes up. Click "Web Reference" button here.   Web Reference dialog comes up. The rest of the steps are same as in VS2005