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Two SharePoint 2010 - IT Showcase Talks Published: Managing a Parallel Upgrade and Initial Best Practices & Lessons Learned from Microsoft IT's SharePoint 2010 Upgrade

Hi all-

I published two IT Showcase talks with Sam Crewdson (MSIT SharePoint Manager) recorded in December 2010 on Managing a Parallel Upgrade and Initial Best Practices & Lessons Learned from Microsoft IT's SharePoint 2010 Upgrade - Managing a Parallel Upgrade - Initial Best Practices & Lessons Learned from Microsoft IT's SharePoint 2010 Upgrade

Here is the Content Summary for Both:

Managing a Parallel Upgrade to SharePoint 2010
: January 2011
There are two basic approaches to upgrade: in-place and database attach. In addition, there are various techniques you can use to combine aspects of these basic approaches to mitigate downtime or potentially improve performance. Microsoft IT opted to run parallel upgrades to mitigate downtime. This video explores the various options and the benefits Microsoft IT experienced throughout the migration.

Initial Best Practices & Lessons Learned from Microsoft IT's SharePoint 2010 Upgrade
January 2011
With its SharePoint 2010 deployment nearly complete, Microsoft IT has developed helpful perspective on what worked and what steps could have been performed better. The Microsoft IT SharePoint engineering team is sharing its experiences with you to help reduce planning, deployment, and management of a SharePoint 2010 migration project.

Managing a