Dela via


Adam Singer

Veni, vidi, expertus sum- I came, I saw, I tested

Adam Sorenson’s (MSFT) Blog

SharePoint Auth and User Profiles - SITE MOVED TO


adamga's WebLog

Unfrozen Caveman ALM...

Adam's Tech Blog

Common Issues I Find in the Support World

AdamU's WebLog

Thoughts and the occasional rant from Adam Ulrich, a Test Manager in Microsoft's Designer Tools Group. All things Sparkle, Acrylic, testing, recruiting and hiring.

Adaptive Experiences in SharePoint 2013

Adarsh's blog

Network programing and unified communications.

ADFS Documentation Blog

Your source for news about current and upcoming ADFS documentation projects.

ADFS Product Support Blog

Adi’s Blog

Learn as you code , blog as you learn….

Aditee Rele's Notes!

Insights from my experiments with technology! Love to converse on twitter @aditeerele

Adiy Q’s Blog

Adjust the action steps


I dev too...

Adnan Ezzi’ blog on System Center


The official source of information on Managed Providers, DataSet & Entity Framework from Microsoft

ADO.NET, LINQ, DataSet and other fun .NET technology

Adrian Ford on XPS et cetera

two types of paper

Adrian Moore

Notes on Exchange...straight from the trenches

Adrian Padilla (a.k.a Grumpy Dev)

For the code is dark and full of terrors

Advanced Analytics

Advanced Workflow: Enabling Tricky Scenarios

Adventures in C#/XAML app development

New Developer experiences creating windows phone and windows store apps in c#/XAML

Adventures in Consulting

This is a place for me to share those little gems one finds when doing consulting work. Since I focus mainly on SharePoint Server, most of the posts will cover topics relating to SharePoint.

Adventures in Enterprise Software Development

Adventures in Information Protection

Random Ramblings about Rights Management and Information Protection

Adventures In SoftwareLand

from the keyboard of Michael G. Lehman...

Adventures in System Center tuning

System Center and Cloud related usefulness

Adventures of a CS Graduate

Journal for my technical learning

Adventures of an aspiring agile developer in a not-quite agile world

The Adventures of an Exchange Engineer

Watch me pull an Exchange engineer out of my hat!

Adventurous Identity

Thoughts and practices on Cloud Identity

Aeval Shah's Blog

High Availability & Virtualisation


Agile Software Engineering with Visual Studio, from Concept to Continuous Feedback

The Agileer

Doug Seelinger's blog

Ahmed Amin

Fix your SharePoint issues as I did!

Ahmet Gyger's blog

A blog about Lync Server with a specific focus on Response Group Application and Call Park Service

Aidan Nolan's [MSFT] SharePoint Blog

All things MOSS and probably other stuff too...

ainaba's blog

Azure CSA のお仕事の中で良くあるお問い合わせやはまりポイントなどをまとめています。掲載内容は個人の見解であり、所属する企業を代表するものではありません。


Few Cents from my side

Ajay's Blog

ASP.NET,Windows 8, Metro Apps , Windows Phone,VS 11

Ajit Yadav blog

MSDTC, COM+ and all that jazz..

ajitha's sharepoint blog

our common interest sharepoint

Ajith's blog


Project Server Customization Blog (Tips & Tricks)

ajoyk - random thoughts...

Akash Blogging......

Akhune's WebLog

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