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News About Me

From time to time things get shuffled around here and I was involved in a recent shuffle that has changed my job yet again.  I’ve been working directly on performance in one capacity or another for nearly 5 years now but a few weeks ago I was asked to take on a new, broader, job.  That job is Chief Architect of Visual Studio.  I could hardly say no.

So, I hope you’ll all be pleased and you won’t worry that I will suddenly forget everything I knew about performance or stop driving performance excellence at Microsoft but I will have a new way to do that. 

Naturally with Beta 2 of Orcas coming “soon” the results of my old job are what you’re likely to see in terms of Visual Studio performance (and other things) for a while, but hopefully that will change – in a good way – in the months and years to come.

Wish me luck. It’s a huge job.  Easily the biggest of my career.