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8 Steps to make Google and the users love your business website content

Guest post by Gloria Kopp,

There's a balance you'll have to find while creating your website content, and that's the balance between making your readers happy and satisfying the search engine gods. Believe it or not, you can create amazingly valuable content that your readers will actually want to read, while hitting all of the must-haves for Google optimization. Here are some of the most effective ways to find that ideal balance.

Meta titles and descriptions make a big difference

When readers are searching for content, the short blurb that appears in Google results can have a big impact on swaying their actions, either to click and read or keep scrolling to other results. Although your meta descriptions can be as long as you'd like, Google will generally only display the first 160 characters. So, if you're writing a long description, you want to make sure your most important or interesting information is held within those first 160 characters. Word count tool can accurately tell you if you're within those character limitations. And, of course, you want to make a great first impression, so utilize SlickWrite to weed out any spelling or grammatical errors in your description.

Proper formatting goes a long way

Look at your content through the eyes of a reader and determine if you've done everything possible to make things clear, organized and properly formatted. Leaving things looking like a jumbled mess, and letting our readers try to sort through that mess looks incredibly unprofessional and can cost you a lot of credibility. In the eyes of your readers, if they can't rely on you to put the effort into formatting your work, then how can they trust you've put any effort into the content of that work. A simple tool like ProWritingAid can be downloaded directly to your computer, to help structure your writing in a clear and concise way, making it easy for your readers to digest. And, keep your professional image in tact by using the citation generating tool to put together flawless references for your readers to source. Think of your website content like a pair of shoes – whether polished or unpolished, they're still a pair of shoes. But, each will give off a very different impression that can impact the way others see you.

Use the headline and URL as a part of your SEO

Making the most out of each part of your website means utilizing your headline and even your URL to boost your SEO. A Washington Post article explains even more about the importance of your headline, by outlining research that 6 out of 10 readers are not inclined to even read past the headline. This makes the creation of your headline even more important, as it will inform many of your readers about what message you want them to get – without them wanting or having to read the entire article. If you're stuck on how to put together an SEO friendly headline that gives your readers the info they need, an expert writer at Essayroo can lend a hand in the process.

A picture says a thousand words, but only needs a few key ones

Each and every component of your website can add to your search engine optimization. This includes the words you select to name and describe your images. Just naming the images on your site generic and meaningless names does nothing to maximize those webpage components. Rather than naming an image of a diamond ring 'Image123.jpg', give it a name with some search potential, like 'DiamondEngagementRing.jpg'. And always make use of the image tag to add a short description. If you're wondering whether each piece of your webpage is living up to its full potential, the On-Page Optimization Tool can look through and tell you. Seeing things through the eyes of a search engine lets you know what is working and what needs improvement.

Make the most of your keyword usage

Keywords are an important factor in your readers being able to find the relevant information that they're looking for. These are the words they'll likely be searching Google for, so it's important to have a solid understanding of exactly what words they'll be looking for and how you can apply those words within your content. Use too many keywords, even if they're what readers are looking for, and your content isn't going to sound natural. In fact, you may need to call on the writing guides at Boomessays or Bigassignments to get advice on polishing your content to be flawless. Also, when inserting keywords throughout your content, make use of the Keyword Density Checker to ensure you're sticking within the recommended 2-3% range for usage.

Find the highest ranking WordPress themes

Not all WordPress themes are created equal. Fact is, some are much more SEO friendly than others. Sure, it's great to have a resource like WordPress that's filled with thousands of pre-made templates to choose from, but when you know which ones have proven themselves to be most effective, you can have a bigger impact with your chosen template. As of the latest information, the Schema theme has shown itself to have the most SEO success, above all other WordPress themes.

What the audience wants, must come first

As the saying goes, the customer is always right. In the case of your website content, this means that whatever your audience wants, they should get. Don't try to feed them information that they have no interest in and won't be receptive to. Someone who's looking for winter tires for their car may like the way a set of brand new chrome rims look, but they're not likely to go ahead and buy those, since it's not what they need right now. Just giving them any sort of car-related content doesn't cut it, and they'll tune you out and move on if you're not giving them what they want to see. Content writing and editing companies such as Oxessays or Resumention are staffed with people in the field, so they can give you direction as to what your readers will want to see, and help you in every step of the writing process.

Catalogue your content

Make it as easy as possible for readers to locate anything you've ever written, by cataloguing your work in a simple and organized manner. Proper tags and keywords make it possible for search engines to find your information and refer readers to it. If you're looking to find the most effective keywords that you should be using, Wordstream Free Keyword Tool can guide you in the right direction. The optimal keywords can make it a piece of cake for readers to locate past content contained in your library of works.
Finding the perfect balance to satisfy the standards of Google and the wants of your readers is a skill that can be honed and perfected. Following these steps can set you in the right direction as you try to create google and user friendly content that is both valuable and informative.


  • Anonymous
    March 20, 2017
    Great article esthergergis,Great description on On-Site optimization, it plays a vital role in ranking the site in search engine.By the way Backlink is always important to rank better.If you have any article written about Backlink strategy then I would love to read it.CheersRanjan KC
  • Anonymous
    May 09, 2017
    Great description on On-Site optimization, it plays a vital role in ranking the site in search engine.By the way Backlink is always important to rank better. ......