Anpassad orkestreringsstatus i Durable Functions (Azure Functions)
Med anpassad orkestreringsstatus kan du ange ett anpassat statusvärde för orkestreringsfunktionen. Den här statusen tillhandahålls via HTTP GetStatus-API :et eller motsvarande SDK-API på orkestreringsklientobjektet.
Exempel på användningsfall
Visualisera förloppet
Klienter kan avsöka statusslutpunkten och visa ett förloppsgränssnitt som visualiserar det aktuella körningssteget. Följande exempel visar förloppsdelning:
Dessa C#-exempel skrivs för Durable Functions 2.x och är inte kompatibla med Durable Functions 1.x. Mer information om skillnaderna mellan olika versioner finns i artikeln Durable Functions versioner.
Ett annat intressant scenario är segmentering av användare genom att returnera anpassade utdata baserat på unika egenskaper eller interaktioner. Med hjälp av anpassad orkestreringsstatus förblir koden på klientsidan allmän. Alla huvudändringar sker på serversidan enligt följande exempel:
public static void Run(
[OrchestrationTrigger] IDurableOrchestrationContext context)
int userChoice = context.GetInput<int>();
switch (userChoice)
case 1:
recommendedCities = new[] {"Tokyo", "Seattle"},
recommendedSeasons = new[] {"Spring", "Summer"}
case 2:
recommendedCities = new[] {"Seattle, London"},
recommendedSeasons = new[] {"Summer"}
case 3:
recommendedCities = new[] {"Tokyo, London"},
recommendedSeasons = new[] {"Spring", "Summer"}
// Wait for user selection and refine the recommendation
CityRecommender Orchestrator
const df = require("durable-functions");
module.exports = df.orchestrator(function*(context) {
const userChoice = context.df.getInput();
switch (userChoice) {
case 1:
recommendedCities: [ "Tokyo", "Seattle" ],
recommendedSeasons: [ "Spring", "Summer" ],
case 2:
recommendedCities: [ "Seattle", "London" ],
recommendedSeasons: [ "Summer" ],
case 3:
recommendedCity: [ "Tokyo", "London" ],
recommendedSeasons: [ "Spring", "Summer" ],
// Wait for user selection and refine the recommendation
CityRecommender Orchestrator
import azure.functions as func
import azure.durable_functions as df
def orchestrator_function(context: df.DurableOrchestrationContext):
userChoice = int(context.get_input())
if userChoice == 1:
'recommendedCities' : ['Tokyo', 'Seattle'],
'recommendedSeasons' : ['Spring', 'Summer']
if userChoice == 2:
'recommendedCities' : ['Seattle', 'London']
'recommendedSeasons' : ['Summer']
if userChoice == 3:
'recommendedCities' : ['Tokyo', 'London'],
'recommendedSeasons' : ['Spring', 'Summer']
# Wait for user selection and refine the recommendation
main = df.Orchestrator.create(orchestrator_function)
CityRecommender Orchestrator
$userChoice = $Context.Input -as [int]
if ($userChoice -eq 1) {
Set-DurableCustomStatus -CustomStatus @{ recommendedCities = @('Tokyo', 'Seattle');
recommendedSeasons = @('Spring', 'Summer')
if ($userChoice -eq 2) {
Set-DurableCustomStatus -CustomStatus @{ recommendedCities = @('Seattle', 'London');
recommendedSeasons = @('Summer')
if ($userChoice -eq 3) {
Set-DurableCustomStatus -CustomStatus @{ recommendedCities = @('Tokyo', 'London');
recommendedSeasons = @('Spring', 'Summer')
# Wait for user selection and refine the recommendation
public void cityRecommender(
@DurableOrchestrationTrigger(name = "ctx") TaskOrchestrationContext ctx) {
int userChoice = ctx.getInput(int.class);
switch (userChoice) {
case 1:
ctx.setCustomStatus(new Recommendation(
new String[]{ "Tokyo", "Seattle" },
new String[]{ "Spring", "Summer" }));
case 2:
ctx.setCustomStatus(new Recommendation(
new String[]{ "Seattle", "London" },
new String[]{ "Summer" }));
case 3:
ctx.setCustomStatus(new Recommendation(
new String[]{ "Tokyo", "London" },
new String[]{ "Spring", "Summer" }));
// Wait for user selection with an external event
class Recommendation {
public Recommendation() { }
public Recommendation(String[] cities, String[] seasons) {
this.recommendedCities = cities;
this.recommendedSeasons = seasons;
public String[] recommendedCities;
public String[] recommendedSeasons;
Orkestreraren kan ge unika instruktioner till klienterna via det anpassade tillståndet. De anpassade statusinstruktionerna mappas till stegen i orkestreringskoden:
public static async Task<bool> Run(
[OrchestrationTrigger] IDurableOrchestrationContext context)
string userId = context.GetInput<string>();
int discount = await context.CallActivityAsync<int>("CalculateDiscount", userId);
discount = discount,
discountTimeout = 60,
bookingUrl = "",
bool isBookingConfirmed = await context.WaitForExternalEvent<bool>("BookingConfirmed");
? new {message = "Thank you for confirming your booking."}
: new {message = "The booking was not confirmed on time. Please try again."});
return isBookingConfirmed;
const df = require("durable-functions");
module.exports = df.orchestrator(function*(context) {
const userId = context.df.getInput();
const discount = yield context.df.callActivity("CalculateDiscount", userId);
discountTimeout = 60,
bookingUrl = "",
const isBookingConfirmed = yield context.df.waitForExternalEvent("bookingConfirmed");
? { message: "Thank you for confirming your booking." }
: { message: "The booking was not confirmed on time. Please try again." }
return isBookingConfirmed;
import azure.functions as func
import azure.durable_functions as df
def orchestrator_function(context: df.DurableOrchestrationContext):
userId = int(context.get_input())
discount = yield context.call_activity('CalculateDiscount', userId)
status = { 'discount' : discount,
'discountTimeout' : 60,
'bookingUrl' : "",
is_booking_confirmed = yield context.wait_for_external_event('BookingConfirmed')
context.set_custom_status({'message': 'Thank you for confirming your booking.'} if is_booking_confirmed
else {'message': 'The booking was not confirmed on time. Please try again.'})
return is_booking_confirmed
main = df.Orchestrator.create(orchestrator_function)
$userId = $Context.Input -as [int]
$discount = Invoke-DurableActivity -FunctionName 'CalculateDiscount' -Input $userId
$status = @{
discount = $discount;
discountTimeout = 60;
bookingUrl = ""
Set-DurableCustomStatus -CustomStatus $status
$isBookingConfirmed = Invoke-DurableActivity -FunctionName 'BookingConfirmed'
if ($isBookingConfirmed) {
Set-DurableCustomStatus -CustomStatus @{message = 'Thank you for confirming your booking.'}
} else {
Set-DurableCustomStatus -CustomStatus @{message = 'The booking was not confirmed on time. Please try again.'}
return $isBookingConfirmed
public boolean reserveTicket(
@DurableOrchestrationTrigger(name = "ctx") TaskOrchestrationContext ctx) {
String userID = ctx.getInput(String.class);
int discount = ctx.callActivity("CalculateDiscount", userID, int.class).await();
ctx.setCustomStatus(new DiscountInfo(discount, 60, ""));
boolean isConfirmed = ctx.waitForExternalEvent("BookingConfirmed", boolean.class).await();
if (isConfirmed) {
ctx.setCustomStatus("Thank you for confirming your booking.");
} else {
ctx.setCustomStatus("There was a problem confirming your booking. Please try again.");
return isConfirmed;
class DiscountInfo {
public DiscountInfo() { }
public DiscountInfo(int discount, int discountTimeout, String bookingUrl) { = discount;
this.discountTimeout = discountTimeout;
this.bookingUrl = bookingUrl;
public int discount;
public int discountTimeout;
public String bookingUrl;
Fråga efter anpassad status med HTTP
I följande exempel visas hur anpassade statusvärden kan efterfrågas med hjälp av de inbyggda HTTP-API:erna.
public static async Task SetStatusTest([OrchestrationTrigger] IDurableOrchestrationContext context)
// work...
// update the status of the orchestration with some arbitrary data
var customStatus = new { nextActions = new [] {"A", "B", "C"}, foo = 2, };
// more work...
const df = require("durable-functions");
module.exports = df.orchestrator(function*(context) {
// work...
// update the status of the orchestration with some arbitrary data
const customStatus = { nextActions: [ "A", "B", "C" ], foo: 2, };
// more work...
import azure.functions as func
import azure.durable_functions as df
def orchestrator_function(context: df.DurableOrchestrationContext):
# work...
custom_status = {'nextActions': ['A','B','C'], 'foo':2}
# more work...
main = df.Orchestrator.create(orchestrator_function)
public void myCustomStatusOrchestrator(
@DurableOrchestrationTrigger(name = "ctx") TaskOrchestrationContext ctx) {
// ... do work ...
// update the status of the orchestration with some arbitrary data
CustomStatusPayload payload = new CustomStatusPayload();
payload.nextActions = new String[] { "A", "B", "C" }; = 2;
// ... do more work ...
class CustomStatusPayload {
public String[] nextActions;
public int foo;
När orkestreringen körs kan externa klienter hämta den här anpassade statusen:
GET /runtime/webhooks/durabletask/instances/instance123
Nyttolasten för anpassad status är begränsad till 16 KB UTF-16 JSON-text. Vi rekommenderar att du använder extern lagring om du behöver en större nyttolast.