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Create metric alert in Azure CLI

These samples create metric alert monitors in Azure Monitor by using Azure CLI commands. The first sample creates an alert for a virtual machine. The second command creates an alert that includes a dimension for an App Service Plan.


Create an alert

This alert monitors an existing virtual machine named VM07 in the resource group named ContosoVMRG.

You can create a resource group by using the az group create command. For information about creating virtual machines, see Create a Windows virtual machine with the Azure CLI, Create a Linux virtual machine with the Azure CLI, and the az vm create command.

# resource group name: ContosoVMRG
# virtual machine name: VM07

# Create scope
scope=$(az vm show --resource-group ContosoVMRG --name VM07 --output tsv --query id)

# Create action
action=$(az monitor action-group create --name ContosoWebhookAction \
  --resource-group ContosoVMRG --output tsv --query id \
  --action webhook usecommonalertschema)

# Create condition
condition=$(az monitor metrics alert condition create --aggregation Average \
  --metric "Percentage CPU" --op GreaterThan --type static --threshold 90 --output tsv)

# Create metrics alert
az monitor metrics alert create --name alert-01 --resource-group ContosoVMRG \
  --scopes $scope --action $action --condition $condition --description "Test High CPU"

This sample uses the tsv output type, which doesn't include unwanted symbols such as quotation marks. For more information, see Use Azure CLI effectively.

Create an alert with a dimension

This sample creates an App Service Plan and then creates a metrics alert for it. The example uses a dimension to specify that all instances of the App Service Plan will fall under this metric. The sample creates a resource group and application service plan.

# Create resource group
az group create --name ContosoRG --location eastus2
# Create application service plan
az appservice plan create --resource-group ContosoRG --name ContosoAppServicePlan \
   --is-linux --number-of-workers 4 --sku S1 
# Create scope
scope=$(az appservice plan show --resource-group ContosoRG --name ContosoAppServicePlan \
   --output tsv --query id) 
# Create dimension
dim01=$(az monitor metrics alert dimension create --name Instance --value * --op Include --output tsv)
# Create condition
condition=$(az monitor metrics alert condition create --aggregation Average \
   --metric CpuPercentage --op GreaterThan --type static --threshold 90 \
   --dimension $dim01 --output tsv)

To see a list of the possible metrics, run the az monitor metrics list-definitions command. The --output parameter displays the values in a readable format.

az monitor metrics list-definitions --resource $scope --output table 
# Create metrics alert
az monitor metrics alert create --name alert-02 --resource-group ContosoRG \
   --scopes $scope --condition $condition --description "Service Plan High CPU"

Clean up deployment

If you created resource groups to test these commands, you can remove a resource group and all its contents by using the az group delete command:

az group delete --name ContosoVMRG

az group delete --name ContosoRG

If you used existing resources that you want to keep, use the az monitor metrics alert delete command to delete your practice alerts:

az monitor metrics alert delete --name alert-01

az monitor metrics alert delete --name alert-02

Azure CLI commands used in this article

This article uses the following Azure CLI commands:

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