
Dela via

Queries for the MicrosoftDataShareReceivedSnapshotLog table

For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, see Log Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, see Query.

List received snapshots by duration

A list of the snapshots sorted by duration time, over the last 7 days.

| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d)  
| where StartTime != "" and EndTime  != ""
| project StartTime , EndTime , DurationSeconds =(todatetime(EndTime)-todatetime(StartTime))/1s, ResourceName = split(_ResourceId,"/accounts/",1)// use split to get a part of the _ResourceId  
| sort by DurationSeconds desc nulls last

Count failed received snapshots

Count of failed snapshots over the last 7 days.

| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d)  
| where Status == "Failed" 
| summarize count() by _ResourceId 

Frequent errors in received snapshots

Top 10 most frequent errors over the last 7 days.

| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d)  
| where Status == "Failed" 
| summarize count() by _ResourceId, DataSetType // Counting failed logs per datasettype
| top 10 by count_ desc nulls last

Chart of daily received snapshots

A time chart of the daily snapshots count, over the past week.

// Failed, In Progress and Succeeded Received Snapshots
| where TimeGenerated > ago(7d)  
| summarize count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1d), Status , _ResourceId // Aggregating by day //Click "Table" to see resource's name.
| render timechart