
Dela via


Table attributes

Attribute Value
Resource types -
Categories Network
Solutions NetworkMonitoring
Basic log No
Ingestion-time transformation Yes
Sample Queries -


Column Type Description
AddressType string
AgentCapability int
AgentFqdn string
AgentId string
AgentIP string
AlertsCount int
AvgHopLatencyList string
AzureHopListDiagnosticCode string
AzureHopListHealth string
AzureHopListIPAddress string
AzureHopListResourceID string
AzureHopListType string
_BilledSize real The record size in bytes
BitsInPerSecond long
BitsOutPerSecond long
CircuitName string
CircuitRegion string
CircuitResourceGroup string
CircuitResourceId string
CircuitSKUFamily string
CircuitSKUTier string
CircuitSubscriptionId string
Computer string
ConnectionMonitorResourceId string
ConnectionResourceId string
CustomFieldName string
CustomFieldValueFloat long
CustomFieldValueHex string
CustomFieldValueInt long
CustomFieldValueString string
CustomMonitoringData string
CustomOid string
CustomOidResponseSuffix string
DestinationNetwork string
DestinationNetworkNodeInterface string
DestinationNetworkNodeLink string
DestinationSubNetwork string
Details string
DeviceComponentType string
DeviceMonitoringChannel string
DeviceState string
DeviceType string
DiagnosticHop string
DiagnosticHopLatency string
DiskCount int
EgressByteCount long
EgressPacketCount long
EndpointId int
Enterprise string
ExporterIp string
ExportProtocol string
FanCount int
FriendlyName string
GenTrapType string
HighLatency real
HostFqdn string
HostFqdn1 string
HostFqdn2 string
HostIp string
HostIp1 string
HostIp2 string
IcmpPingStatus string
ifAdminStatus string
ifHCInBroadcastPkts long
ifHCInMulticastPkts long
ifHCInOctets long
ifHCInUcastPkts long
ifHCOutBroadcastPkts long
ifHCOutMulticastPkts long
ifHCOutOctetsMib2 int
ifHCOutUcastPkts long
ifHighSpeed long
ifInDiscardsMib2 long
ifInErrors long
ifMtu long
ifOperStatus string
ifOutDiscards long
ifOutErrors long
ifOutQLen long
ifPhysAddress string
ifType string
InBroadCastPktsPerSec long
Index long
InDiscardsPercent int
InDiscardsPerSec long
InErrorsPercent int
InErrorsPerSec long
IngressByteCount long
IngressPacketCount long
InMultiCastPktsPerSec long
InOctetsPerSec long
InterfaceCount int
InterfaceId int
InternalByteCount long
InternalPacketCount long
InUnicastPktsPerSec long
IpV4Addresses string
IpV4Subnets string
IpV6Addresses string
IpV6Subnets string
_IsBillable string Specifies whether ingesting the data is billable. When _IsBillable is false ingestion isn't billed to your Azure account
IsPrimary bool
L2ConnectedNodes string
L2ConnectedPorts string
L4Port int
L4Protocol string
L7Protocol string
LatencyBenchmark real
LatencyFaultLinks string
LatencyHealthIndicator bool
LatencyHealthState string
LatencyMode string
LatencyThreshold real
LatencyThresholdMode string
Loss real
LossBenchmark real
LossFaultLinks string
LossHealthIndicator bool
LossHealthState string
LossMode string
LossThreshold real
LossThresholdMode string
LowLatency real
MachineType int
MaxHopLatencyList string
MedianLatency real
MemAvailablePercent int
MemCount int
MemTotalInMB long
MessageCode string
MessageDetails string
MessageType string
MicrosoftEdge string
MicrosoftEdgeAlias string
MinHopLatencyList string
Model string
NodeLinkCount int
NodeUniqueName string
NotificationCode int
NotificationType string
NPMAgentEnvironment string
OSType string
OutBroadCastPktsPerSec long
OutDiscardsPercent int
OutDiscardsPerSec long
OutErrorsPercent long
OutErrorsPerSec long
OutMultiCastPktsPerSec long
OutOctetsPerSec long
OutUnicastPktsPerSec long
Path string
PathInformation string
PeeringLocation string
PeeringName string
PeeringType string
PingDelayInMsec real
Port int
PortName string
PrefixLength string
PrimaryBytesInPerSecond long
PrimaryBytesOutPerSecond long
ProcessorCount int
ProcessorTimePercent int
Protocol string
ProviderEdge string
ProviderEdgeAlias string
ProvisioningState string
ResponseCodeHealthState string
RouteDestination string
RouteMetric string
RouteNextHop string
RouterIP string
RouterName string
RouteTableIpV4NextHops string
RouteTableIpV6NextHops string
RouteTableNextHopNodes string
RuleName string
SecondaryBytesInPerSecond long
SecondaryBytesOutPerSecond long
ServiceKey string
ServiceLossHealthState string
ServiceLossPercent real
ServiceProvider string
ServiceResponseCode long
ServiceResponseHealthState string
ServiceResponseThreshold real
ServiceResponseThresholdMode string
ServiceResponseTime real
ServiceTestId int
SnmpManagementIpV4Address string
SnmpManagementIpV6Address string
SnmpPingStatus string
SnmpVersion string
SourceNetwork string
SourceNetworkNodeInterface string
SourceNetworkNodeLink string
SourceSubNetwork string
SourceSystem string The type of agent the event was collected by. For example, OpsManager for Windows agent, either direct connect or Operations Manager, Linux for all Linux agents, or Azure for Azure Diagnostics
SpecificTrapType string
SubnetId string
SubnetId1 string
SubnetId2 string
SubnetLinkCount int
SubscriptionId string
SubType string
SupportsSnmp bool
sysContact string
sysDescr string
sysLocation string
sysName string
sysObjectID string
sysUpTime long
Target string
TestName string
TimeGenerated datetime
TimeProcessed datetime
TimeSinceActive int
ToS int
TotalByteCount long
TotalFlowRecords long
TotalPacketCount long
TotalPeerings int
TotalSessions int
TraceRouteCompletionTime datetime
TrapCollectionIntervalInSeconds int
TrapCount int
TrapData string
TrapOid string
Type string The name of the table
UtilizationHealthState string
Vendor string
VirtualNetwork string
VLan int