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Quickstart: Deploy a connected registry to an IoT Edge device (To be deprecated)

In this quickstart, you use the Azure CLI to deploy a connected registry as a module on an Azure IoT Edge device. The IoT Edge device can access the parent Azure container registry in the cloud.

For an overview of using a connected registry with IoT Edge, see Using connected registry with Azure IoT Edge. This scenario corresponds to a device at the top layer of an IoT Edge hierarchy.


Import images to your cloud registry

Import the following container images to your cloud registry using the az acr import command. Skip this step if you already imported these images.

Connected registry image

To support nested IoT Edge scenarios, the container image for the connected registry runtime must be available in your private Azure container registry. Use the az acr import command to import the connected registry image into your private registry.

# Use the REGISTRY_NAME variable in the following Azure CLI commands to identify the registry

az acr import \
  --name $REGISTRY_NAME \

IoT Edge and API proxy images

To support the connected registry on nested IoT Edge, you need to deploy modules for the IoT Edge and API proxy. Import these images into your private registry.

The IoT Edge API proxy module allows an IoT Edge device to expose multiple services using the HTTPS protocol on the same port such as 443.

az acr import \
  --name $REGISTRY_NAME \

az acr import \
  --name $REGISTRY_NAME \

az acr import \
  --name $REGISTRY_NAME \

az acr import \
  --name $REGISTRY_NAME \

Hello-world image

For testing the connected registry, import the hello-world image. This repository will be synchronized to the connected registry and pulled by the connected registry clients.

az acr import \
  --name $REGISTRY_NAME \

Retrieve connected registry configuration

Before deploying the connected registry to the IoT Edge device, you need to retrieve configuration settings from the connected registry resource in Azure.

Use the az acr connected-registry get-settings command to get the settings information required to install a connected registry. The following example specifies HTTPS as the parent protocol. This protocol is required when the parent registry is a cloud registry.

az acr connected-registry get-settings \
  --registry $REGISTRY_NAME \
  --parent-protocol https

By default, the settings information doesn't include the sync token password, which is also needed to deploy the connected registry. Optionally, generate one of the passwords by passing the --generate-password 1 or generate-password 2 parameter. Save the generated password to a safe location. It cannot be retrieved again.


Regenerating a password rotates the sync token credentials. If you configured a device using the previous password, you need to update the configuration.

Command output includes the registry connection string and related settings. The following example output shows the connection string for the connected registry named myconnectedregistry with parent registry contosoregistry:

  "ACR_REGISTRY_CONNECTION_STRING": "ConnectedRegistryName=myconnectedregistry;SyncTokenName=myconnectedregistry-sync-token;SyncTokenPassword=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;;ParentEndpointProtocol=https"

Configure a deployment manifest for IoT Edge

A deployment manifest is a JSON document that describes which modules to deploy to the IoT Edge device. For more information, see Understand how IoT Edge modules can be used, configured, and reused.

To deploy the connected registry and API proxy modules using the Azure CLI, save the following deployment manifest locally as a manifest.json file. You will use the file path in the next section when you run the command to apply the configuration to your device.

Connected registry module settings

  • Use the token credentials and connection string from the previous sections to update the relevant JSON values in the env node.

  • The following environment variables are optional in the env node:

    Variable Description
    ACR_REGISTRY_LOGIN_SERVER Specifies a unique hostname or FQDN. If used, the connected registry only accepts requests made to this login server value.

    If no value is provided, then the connected registry can be accessed with any login server value.
    ACR_REGISTRY_CERTIFICATE_VOLUME If your connected registry will be accessible via HTTPS, points to the volume where the HTTPS certificates are stored.

    If not set, the default location is /var/acr/certs.
    ACR_REGISTRY_DATA_VOLUME Overwrites the default location /var/acr/data where the images will be stored by the connected registry.

    This location must match the volume bind for the container.


    If the connected registry listens on a port different from 80 and 443, the ACR_REGISTRY_LOGIN_SERVER value (if specified) must include the port. Example:

  • A HostPort binding for the connected registry should be set if the API proxy module isn't used. Example:

     "createOptions": "{\"HostConfig\":{\"Binds\":[\"/home/azureuser/connected-registry:/var/acr/data\"],\"PortBindings\":{\"8080/tcp\":[{\"HostPort\":\"8080\"}]}}}"

API proxy module settings

  • The API proxy will listen on port 8000 configured as NGINX_DEFAULT_PORT. For more information about the API proxy settings, see the IoT Edge GitHub repo.
    "modulesContent": {
        "$edgeAgent": {
            "properties.desired": {
                "modules": {
                    "connected-registry": {
                        "settings": {
                            "image": "<REPLACE_WITH_CLOUD_REGISTRY_NAME>",
                            "createOptions": "{\"HostConfig\":{\"Binds\":[\"/home/azureuser/connected-registry:/var/acr/data\"]}}"
                        "type": "docker",
                        "env": {
                            "ACR_REGISTRY_CONNECTION_STRING": {
                                "value": "ConnectedRegistryName=<REPLACE_WITH_CONNECTED_REGISTRY_NAME>;SyncTokenName=<REPLACE_WITH_SYNC_TOKEN_NAME>;SyncTokenPassword=REPLACE_WITH_SYNC_TOKEN_PASSWORD;ParentGatewayEndpoint=<REPLACE_WITH_CLOUD_REGISTRY_NAME>.<REPLACE_WITH_CLOUD_REGISTRY_REGION>;ParentEndpointProtocol=https"
                        "status": "running",
                        "restartPolicy": "always",
                        "version": "1.0"
                    "IoTEdgeAPIProxy": {
                        "settings": {
                            "image": "<REPLACE_WITH_CLOUD_REGISTRY_NAME>",
                            "createOptions": "{\"HostConfig\":{\"PortBindings\":{\"8000/tcp\":[{\"HostPort\":\"8000\"}]}}}"
                        "type": "docker",
                        "env": {
                            "NGINX_DEFAULT_PORT": {
                                "value": "8000"
                            "CONNECTED_ACR_ROUTE_ADDRESS": {
                                "value": "connected-registry:8080"
                            "BLOB_UPLOAD_ROUTE_ADDRESS": {
                                "value": "AzureBlobStorageonIoTEdge:11002"
                        "status": "running",
                        "restartPolicy": "always",
                        "version": "1.0"
                "runtime": {
                    "settings": {
                        "minDockerVersion": "v1.25",
                        "registryCredentials": {
                            "cloudregistry": {
                                "address": "<REPLACE_WITH_CLOUD_REGISTRY_NAME>",
                                "password": "<REPLACE_WITH_SYNC_TOKEN_PASSWORD>",
                                "username": "<REPLACE_WITH_SYNC_TOKEN_NAME>"
                    "type": "docker"
                "schemaVersion": "1.1",
                "systemModules": {
                    "edgeAgent": {
                        "settings": {
                            "image": "<REPLACE_WITH_CLOUD_REGISTRY_NAME>",
                            "createOptions": ""
                        "type": "docker",
                        "env": {
                            "SendRuntimeQualityTelemetry": {
                                "value": "false"
                    "edgeHub": {
                        "settings": {
                            "image": "<REPLACE_WITH_CLOUD_REGISTRY_NAME>",
                            "createOptions": "{\"HostConfig\":{\"PortBindings\":{\"443/tcp\":[{\"HostPort\":\"443\"}],\"5671/tcp\":[{\"HostPort\":\"5671\"}],\"8883/tcp\":[{\"HostPort\":\"8883\"}]}}}"
                        "type": "docker",
                        "status": "running",
                        "restartPolicy": "always"
        "$edgeHub": {
            "properties.desired": {
                "routes": {
                    "route": "FROM /messages/* INTO $upstream"
                "schemaVersion": "1.1",
                "storeAndForwardConfiguration": {
                    "timeToLiveSecs": 7200

Deploy the connected registry and API proxy modules on IoT Edge

Use the following command to deploy the connected registry and API proxy modules on the IoT Edge device, using the deployment manifest created in the previous section. Provide the ID of the IoT Edge top layer device and the name of the IoT Hub where indicated.

# Set the IOT_EDGE_TOP_LAYER_DEVICE_ID and IOT_HUB_NAME environment variables for use in the following Azure CLI command

az iot edge set-modules \
  --hub-name $IOT_HUB_NAME \
  --content manifest.json

For details, see Deploy Azure IoT Edge modules with Azure CLI.

To check the status of the connected registry, use the following az acr connected-registry show command. The name of the connected registry is the value of $CONNECTED_REGISTRY_RW.

az acr connected-registry show \
  --registry $REGISTRY_NAME \
  --output table

After successful deployment, the connected registry shows a status of Online.

Next steps

In this quickstart, you learned how to deploy a connected registry to an IoT Edge device. Continue to the next guides to learn how to pull images from the newly deployed connected registry or to deploy the connected registry on nested IoT Edge devices.