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PgoAutoSweep saves the current profile counter information to a file, and then resets the counters. Use the function during profile-guided optimization training to write all profile data from the running program to a .pgc file for later use in the optimization build.


void PgoAutoSweep(const char* name);    // ANSI/MBCS
void PgoAutoSweep(const wchar_t* name); // UNICODE


An identifying string for the saved .pgc file.


You can call PgoAutoSweep from your application to save and reset the profile data at any point during application execution. In an instrumented build, PgoAutoSweep captures the current profiling data, saves it in a file, and resets the profile counters. It's the equivalent of calling the pgosweep command at a specific point in your executable. In an optimized build, PgoAutoSweep is a no-op.

The saved profile counter data is placed in a file named base_name-name!value.pgc, where base_name is the base name of the executable, name is the parameter passed to PgoAutoSweep, and value is a unique value, usually a monotonically increasing number, to prevent file name collisions.

The .pgc files created by PgoAutoSweep must be merged into a .pgd file to be used to create an optimized executable. You can use the pgomgr command to perform the merge.

You can pass the name of the merged .pgd file to the linker during the optimization build by using the PGD=filename argument to the /USEPROFILE linker option, or by using the deprecated /PGD linker option. If you merge the .pgc files into a file named base_name.pgd, you do not need to specify the filename on the command line, because the linker picks up this file name by default.

The PgoAutoSweep function maintains the thread-safety setting specified when the instrumented build is created. If you use the default setting or specify the NOEXACT argument to the /GENPROFILE or /FASTGENPROFILE linker option, calls to PgoAutoSweep are not thread-safe. The EXACT argument creates a thread-safe and more accurate, but slower, instrumented executable.


Routine Required header
PgoAutoSweep <pgobootrun.h>

The executable must include the pgobootrun.lib file in the linked libraries. This file is included in your Visual Studio installation, in the VC libraries directory for each supported architecture.


The example below uses PgoAutoSweep to create two .pgc files at different points during execution. The first contains data that describes the runtime behavior until count is equal to 3, and the second contains the data collected after this point until just before application termination.

// pgoautosweep.cpp
// Compile by using: cl /c /GL /W4 /EHsc /O2 pgoautosweep.cpp
// Link to instrument: link /LTCG /genprofile pgobootrun.lib pgoautosweep.obj
// Run to generate data: pgoautosweep
// Merge data by using command line pgomgr tool:
// pgomgr /merge pgoautosweep-func1!1.pgc pgoautosweep-func2!1.pgc pgoautosweep.pgd
// Link to optimize: link /LTCG /useprofile pgobootrun.lib pgoautosweep.obj

#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <pgobootrun.h>

void func2(int count)
    std::cout << "hello from func2 " << count << std::endl;

void func1(int count)
    std::cout << "hello from func1 " << count << std::endl;

int main()
    int count = 10;
    while (count--)
        if (count < 3)
            if (count == 3)

In a developer command prompt, compile the code to an object file by using this command:

cl /c /GL /W4 /EHsc /O2 pgoautosweep.cpp

Then generate an instrumented build for training by using this command:

link /LTCG /genprofile pgobootrun.lib pgoautosweep.obj

Run the instrumented executable to capture the training data. The data output by the calls to PgoAutoSweep is saved in files named pgoautosweep-func1!1.pgc and pgoautosweep-func2!1.pgc. The output of the program should look like this as it runs:

hello from func1 9
hello from func1 8
hello from func1 7
hello from func1 6
hello from func1 5
hello from func1 4
hello from func1 3
hello from func2 2
hello from func2 1
hello from func2 0

Merge the saved data into a profile training database by running the pgomgr command:

pgoautosweep-func1!1.pgc pgoautosweep-func2!1.pgc

The output of this command looks something like this:

Microsoft (R) Profile Guided Optimization Manager 14.13.26128.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Merging pgoautosweep-func1!1.pgc
pgoautosweep-func1!1.pgc: Used  3.8% (22304 / 589824) of total space reserved.  0.0% of the counts were dropped due to overflow.
Merging pgoautosweep-func2!1.pgc
pgoautosweep-func2!1.pgc: Used  3.8% (22424 / 589824) of total space reserved.  0.0% of the counts were dropped due to overflow.

Now you can use this training data to generate an optimized build. Use this command to build the optimized executable:

link /LTCG /useprofile pgobootrun.lib pgoautosweep.obj

Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.13.26128.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Merging pgoautosweep!1.pgc
pgoautosweep!1.pgc: Used  3.9% (22904 / 589824) of total space reserved.  0.0% of the counts were dropped due to overflow.
  Reading PGD file 1: pgoautosweep.pgd
Generating code

0 of 0 ( 0.0%) original invalid call sites were matched.
0 new call sites were added.
294 of 294 (100.00%) profiled functions will be compiled for speed
348 of 1239 inline instances were from dead/cold paths
294 of 294 functions (100.0%) were optimized using profile data
16870 of 16870 instructions (100.0%) were optimized using profile data
Finished generating code

See also

Profile-Guided Optimizations