Compiler errors C2001 - C3999, C7000 - C7999
The articles in this section of the documentation explain a subset of the error messages that are generated by the Microsoft C/C++ compiler.
In this section
Compiler errors C2001 through C2099
Compiler errors C2100 through C2199
Compiler errors C2200 through C2299
Compiler errors C2300 through C2399
Compiler errors C2400 through C2499
Compiler errors C2500 through C2599
Compiler errors C2600 through C2699
Compiler errors C2700 through C2799
Compiler errors C2800 through C2899
Compiler errors C2900 through C2999
Compiler errors C3000 through C3099
Compiler errors C3100 through C3199
Compiler errors C3200 through C3299
Compiler errors C3300 through C3399
Compiler errors C3400 through C3499
Compiler errors C3500 through C3999
Compiler errors C7000 through C7499
Compiler errors C7500 through C7999