
Dela via

COleControlSite Class

Provides support for custom client-side control interfaces.


class COleControlSite : public CCmdTarget


Public Constructors

Name Description
COleControlSite::COleControlSite Constructs a COleControlSite object.

Public Methods

Name Description
COleControlSite::BindDefaultProperty Binds the default property of the hosted control to a data source.
COleControlSite::BindProperty Binds a property of the hosted control to a data source.
COleControlSite::CreateControl Creates a hosted ActiveX control.
COleControlSite::DestroyControl Destroys the hosted control.
COleControlSite::DoVerb Executes a specific verb of the hosted control.
COleControlSite::EnableDSC Enables data sourcing for a control site.
COleControlSite::EnableWindow Enables the control site.
COleControlSite::FreezeEvents Specifies if the control site is accepting events.
COleControlSite::GetDefBtnCode Retrieves the default button code for the hosted control.
COleControlSite::GetDlgCtrlID Retrieves the identifier of the control.
COleControlSite::GetEventIID Retrieves the ID of an event interface for a hosted control.
COleControlSite::GetExStyle Retrieves the extended styles of the control site.
COleControlSite::GetProperty Retrieves a specific property of the hosted control.
COleControlSite::GetStyle Retrieves the styles of the control site.
COleControlSite::GetWindowText Retrieves the text of the hosted control.
COleControlSite::InvokeHelper Invoke a specific method of the hosted control.
COleControlSite::InvokeHelperV Invoke a specific method of the hosted control with a variable list of arguments.
COleControlSite::IsDefaultButton Determines if the control is the default button in the window.
COleControlSite::IsWindowEnabled Checks the visible state of the control site.
COleControlSite::ModifyStyle Modifies the current extended styles of the control site.
COleControlSite::ModifyStyleEx Modifies the current styles of the control site.
COleControlSite::MoveWindow Changes the position of the control site.
COleControlSite::QuickActivate Quick activates the hosted control.
COleControlSite::SafeSetProperty Sets a property or method of the control without chance of throwing an exception.
COleControlSite::SetDefaultButton Sets the default button in the window.
COleControlSite::SetDlgCtrlID Retrieves the identifier of the control.
COleControlSite::SetFocus Sets the focus to the control site.
COleControlSite::SetProperty Sets a specific property of the hosted control.
COleControlSite::SetPropertyV Sets a specific property of the hosted control with a variable list of arguments.
COleControlSite::SetWindowPos Sets the position of the control site.
COleControlSite::SetWindowText Sets the text of the hosted control.
COleControlSite::ShowWindow Shows or hides the control site.

Protected Methods

Name Description
COleControlSite::GetControlInfo Retrieves keyboard information and mnemonics for the hosted control.

Public Data Members

Name Description
COleControlSite::m_bIsWindowless Determines if the hosted control is a windowless control.
COleControlSite::m_ctlInfo Contains information on keyboard handling for the control.
COleControlSite::m_dwEventSink The cookie of the control's connection point.
COleControlSite::m_dwMiscStatus The miscellaneous states for the hosted control.
COleControlSite::m_dwPropNotifySink The IPropertyNotifySink cookie of the control.
COleControlSite::m_dwStyle The styles of the hosted control.
COleControlSite::m_hWnd The handle of the control site.
COleControlSite::m_iidEvents The ID of the event interface for the hosted control.
COleControlSite::m_nID The ID of the hosted control.
COleControlSite::m_pActiveObject A pointer to the IOleInPlaceActiveObject object of the hosted control.
COleControlSite::m_pCtrlCont The container of the hosted control.
COleControlSite::m_pInPlaceObject A pointer to the IOleInPlaceObject object of the hosted control.
COleControlSite::m_pObject A pointer to the IOleObjectInterface interface of the control.
COleControlSite::m_pWindowlessObject A pointer to the IOleInPlaceObjectWindowless interface of the control.
COleControlSite::m_pWndCtrl A pointer to the window object for the hosted control.
COleControlSite::m_rect The dimensions of the control site.


This support is the primary means by which an embedded ActiveX control obtains information about the location and extent of its display site, its moniker, its user interface, its ambient properties, and other resources provided by its container. COleControlSite fully implements the IOleControlSite, IOleInPlaceSite, IOleClientSite, IPropertyNotifySink, IBoundObjectSite, INotifyDBEvents, IRowSetNotify interfaces. In addition, the IDispatch interface (providing support for ambient properties and event sinks) is also implemented.

To create an ActiveX control site using COleControlSite, derive a class from COleControlSite. In your CWnd-derived class for the container (for instance, your dialog box) override the CWnd::CreateControlSite function.

Inheritance Hierarchy





Header: afxocc.h


Binds the calling object's default simple bound property, as marked in the type library, to the underlying cursor that is defined by the DataSource, UserName, Password, and SQL properties of the data-source control.

virtual void BindDefaultProperty(
    DISPID dwDispID,
    VARTYPE vtProp,
    LPCTSTR szFieldName,
    CWnd* pDSCWnd);


Specifies the DISPID of a property on a data-bound control that is to be bound to a data-source control.

Specifies the type of the property to be bound — for example, VT_BSTR, VT_VARIANT, and so on.

Specifies the name of the column, in the cursor provided by the data-source control, to which the property will be bound.

A pointer to the CWnd-derived object that hosts the data-source control to which the property will be bound.


The CWnd object on which you call this function must be a data-bound control.


Binds the calling object's simple bound property, as marked in the type library, to the underlying cursor that is defined by the DataSource, UserName, Password, and SQL properties of the data-source control.

virtual void BindProperty(
    DISPID dwDispId,
    CWnd* pWndDSC);


Specifies the DISPID of a property on a data-bound control that is to be bound to a data-source control.

A pointer to the CWnd-derived object that hosts the data-source control to which the property will be bound.


The CWnd object on which you call this function must be a data-bound control.


Constructs a new COleControlSite object.

explicit COleControlSite(COleControlContainer* pCtrlCont);


A pointer to the control's container (which represents the window that hosts the AtiveX control).


This function is called by the COccManager::CreateContainer function. For more information on customizing the creation of containers, see COccManager::CreateSite.


Creates an ActiveX control, hosted by the COleControlSite object.

virtual HRESULT CreateControl(
    CWnd* pWndCtrl,
    REFCLSID clsid,
    LPCTSTR lpszWindowName,
    DWORD dwStyle,
    const RECT& rect,
    UINT nID,
    CFile* pPersist = NULL,
    BOOL bStorage = FALSE,
    BSTR bstrLicKey = NULL);

virtual HRESULT CreateControl(
    CWnd* pWndCtrl,
    REFCLSID clsid,
    LPCTSTR lpszWindowName,
    DWORD dwStyle,
    const POINT* ppt,
    const SIZE* psize,
    UINT nID,
    CFile* pPersist = NULL,
    BOOL bStorage = FALSE,
    BSTR bstrLicKey = NULL);


A pointer to the window object representing the control.

The unique class ID of the control.

A pointer to the text to be displayed in the control. Sets the value of the winodw's Caption or Text property (if any).

Windows styles. The available styles are listed under the Remarks section.

Specifies the control's size and position. It can be either a CRect object or a RECT structure.

Specifies the control's child window ID.

A pointer to a CFile containing the persistent state for the control. The default value is NULL, indicating that the control initializes itself without restoring its state from any persistent storage. If not NULL, it should be a pointer to a CFile-derived object that contains the control's persistent data, in the form of either a stream or a storage. This data could have been saved in a previous activation of the client. The CFile can contain other data, but must have its read-write pointer set to the first byte of persistent data at the time of the call to CreateControl.

Indicates whether the data in pPersist should be interpreted as IStorage or IStream data. If the data in pPersist is a storage, bStorage should be TRUE. If the data in pPersist is a stream, bStorage should be FALSE. The default value is FALSE.

Optional license key data. This data is needed only for creating controls that require a run-time license key. If the control supports licensing, you must provide a license key for the creation of the control to succeed. The default value is NULL.

A pointer to a POINT structure that contains the upper-left corner of the control. The size of the control is determined by the value of psize. The ppt and psize values are an optional method of specifying the size and position opf the control.

A pointer to a SIZE structure that contains the size of the control. The upper-left corner is determined by the value of ppt. The ppt and psize values are an optional method of specifying the size and position opf the control.

Return Value

A standard HRESULT value.


Only a subset of the Windows dwStyle flags are supported by CreateControl:

  • WS_VISIBLE Creates a window that is initially visible. Required if you want the control to be visible immediately, like ordinary windows.

  • WS_DISABLED Creates a window that is initially disabled. A disabled window cannot receive input from the user. Can be set if the control has an Enabled property.

  • WS_BORDER Creates a window with a thin-line border. Can be set if control has a BorderStyle property.

  • WS_GROUP Specifies the first control of a group of controls. The user can change the keyboard focus from one control in the group to the next by using the direction keys. All controls defined with the WS_GROUP style after the first control belong to the same group. The next control with the WS_GROUP style ends the group and starts the next group.

  • WS_TABSTOP Specifies a control that can receive the keyboard focus when the user presses the TAB key. Pressing the TAB key changes the keyboard focus to the next control of the WS_TABSTOP style.

Use the second overload to create default-sized controls.


Destroys the COleControlSite object.

virtual BOOL DestroyControl();

Return Value

Nonzero if successful, otherwise 0.


Once completed, the object is freed from memory and any pointers to the object are no longer valid.


Executes the specified verb.

virtual HRESULT DoVerb(
    LONG nVerb,
    LPMSG lpMsg = NULL);


Specifies the verb to execute. It can include one of the following:

Value Meaning Symbol
-1 Secondary verb (None)
1 Displays the object for editing. OLEIVERB_SHOW
-2 Edits the item in a separate window. OLEIVERB_OPEN
-3 Hides the object. OLEIVERB_HIDE
-4 Activates a control in-place. OLEIVERB_UIACTIVATE
-5 Activates a control in-place, without additional user interface elements. OLEIVERB_INPLACEACTIVATE
-7 Display the control's properties. OLEIVERB_PROPERTIES

Pointer to the message that caused the item to be activated.

Return Value

A standard HRESULT value.


This function directly calls through the control's IOleObject interface to execute the specified verb. If an exception is thrown as a result of this function call, an HRESULT error code is returned.

For more information, see IOleObject::DoVerb in the Windows SDK.


Enables data sourcing for the control site.

virtual void EnableDSC();


Called by the framework to enable and initialize data sourcing for the control site. Override this function to provide customized behavior.


Enables or disables mouse and keyboard input to the control site.

virtual BOOL EnableWindow(BOOL bEnable);


Specifies whether to enable or disable the window: TRUE if window input is to be enabled, otherwise FALSE.

Return Value

Nonzero if the window was previously disabled, otherwise 0.


Specifies whether the control site will handle or ignore events fired from a control.

void FreezeEvents(BOOL bFreeze);


Specifies whether the control site wishes to stop accepting events. Nonzero if the control is not accepting events; otherwise zero.


If bFreeze is TRUE, the control site requests the control to stop firing events. If bFreeze is FALSE, the control site requests the control to continue firing events.


The control is not required to stop firing events if requested by the control site. It can continue firing but all subsequent events will be ignored by the control site.


Retrieves information about a control's keyboard mnemonics and keyboard behavior.

void GetControlInfo();


The information is stored in COleControlSite::m_ctlInfo.


Determines if the control is a default push button.

DWORD GetDefBtnCode();

Return Value

Can be one of the following values:

  • DLGC_DEFPUSHBUTTON Control is the default button in the dialog.

  • DLGC_UNDEFPUSHBUTTON Control is not the default button in the dialog.

  • 0 Control is not a button.


Retrieves the identifier of the control.

virtual int GetDlgCtrlID() const;

Return Value

The dialog item identifier of the control.


Retrieves a pointer to the control's default event interface.

BOOL GetEventIID(IID* piid);


A pointer to an interface ID.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful, otherwise 0. If successful, piid contains the interface ID for the control's default event interface.


Retrieves the window's extended styles.

virtual DWORD GetExStyle() const;

Return Value

The control window's extended styles.


To retrieve the regular styles, call COleControlSite::GetStyle.


Gets the control property specified by dwDispID.

virtual void GetProperty(
    DISPID dwDispID,
    VARTYPE vtProp,
    void* pvProp) const;


Identifies the dispatch ID of the property, found on the control's default IDispatch interface, to be retrieved.

Specifies the type of the property to be retrieved. For possible values, see the Remarks section for COleDispatchDriver::InvokeHelper.

Address of the variable that will receive the property value. It must match the type specified by vtProp.


The value is returned through pvProp.


Retrieves the styles of the control site.

virtual DWORD GetStyle() const;

Return Value

The window's styles.


For a list of possible values, see Windows Styles. To retrieve the extended styles of the control site, call COleControlSite::GetExStyle.


Retrieves the current text of the control.

virtual void GetWindowText(CString& str) const;


A reference to a CString object that contains the current text of the control.


If the control supports the Caption stock property, this value is returned. If the Caption stock property is not supported, the value for the Text property is returned.


Invokes the method or property specified by dwDispID, in the context specified by wFlags.

virtual void AFX_CDECL InvokeHelper(
    DISPID dwDispID,
    WORD wFlags,
    VARTYPE vtRet,
    void* pvRet,
    const BYTE* pbParamInfo, ...);


Identifies the dispatch ID of the property or method, found on the control's IDispatch interface, to be invoked.

Flags describing the context of the call to IDispatch::Invoke. For possible wFlags values, see IDispatch::Invoke in the Windows SDK.

Specifies the type of the return value. For possible values, see the Remarks section for COleDispatchDriver::InvokeHelper.

Address of the variable that will receive the property value or return value. It must match the type specified by vtRet.

Pointer to a null-terminated string of bytes specifying the types of the parameters following pbParamInfo. For possible values, see the Remarks section for COleDispatchDriver::InvokeHelper.

Variable list of parameters, of types specified in pbParamInfo.


The pbParamInfo parameter specifies the types of the parameters passed to the method or property. The variable list of arguments is represented by ... in the syntax declaration.

This function converts the parameters to VARIANTARG values, then invokes the IDispatch::Invoke method on the control. If the call to IDispatch::Invoke fails, this function will throw an exception. If the status code returned by IDispatch::Invoke is DISP_E_EXCEPTION, this function throws a COleDispatchException object, otherwise it throws a COleException.


Invokes the method or property specified by dwDispID, in the context specified by wFlags.

virtual void InvokeHelperV(
    DISPID dwDispID,
    WORD wFlags,
    VARTYPE vtRet,
    void* pvRet,
    const BYTE* pbParamInfo,
    va_list argList);


Identifies the dispatch ID of the property or method, found on the control's IDispatch interface, to be invoked.

Flags describing the context of the call to IDispatch::Invoke.

Specifies the type of the return value. For possible values, see the Remarks section for COleDispatchDriver::InvokeHelper.

Address of the variable that will receive the property value or return value. It must match the type specified by vtRet.

Pointer to a null-terminated string of bytes specifying the types of the parameters following pbParamInfo. For possible values, see the Remarks section for COleDispatchDriver::InvokeHelper.

Pointer to a variable argument list.


The pbParamInfo parameter specifies the types of the parameters passed to the method or property. Extra parameters for the method or property being invoked can be passed using the va_list parameter.

Typically, this function is called by COleControlSite::InvokeHelper.


Determines if the control is the default button.

BOOL IsDefaultButton();

Return Value

Nonzero if the control is the default button on the window, otherwise zero.


Determines if the control site is enabled.

virtual BOOL IsWindowEnabled() const;

Return Value

Nonzero if the control is enabled, otherwise zero.


The value is retrieved from the control's Enabled stock property.


Determines if the object is a windowless control.

BOOL m_bIsWindowless;


Nonzero if the control has no window, otherwise zero.


Information on how keyboard input is handled by the control.



This information is stored in a CONTROLINFO structure.


Contains the connection point's cookie from the control's event sink.

DWORD m_dwEventSink;


Contains miscellaneous information about the control.

DWORD m_dwMiscStatus;


For more information, see OLEMISCin the Windows SDK.


Contains the IPropertyNotifySink cookie.

DWORD m_dwPropNotifySink;


Contains the Window styles of the control.

DWORD m_dwStyle;


Contains the HWND of the control, or NULL if the control is windowless.

HWND m_hWnd;


Contains the interface ID of the control's default event sink interface.

IID m_iidEvents;


Contains the control's dialog item ID.



Contains the IOleInPlaceActiveObject interface of the control.



Contains the control's container (representing the form).

COleControlContainer* m_pCtrlCont;


Contains the IOleInPlaceObject IOleInPlaceObject interface of the control.



Contains the IOleObjectInterface interface of the control.



Contains the IOleInPlaceObjectWindowlessIOleInPlaceObjectWindowless interface of the control.

IOleInPlaceObjectWindowless* m_pWindowlessObject;


Contains a pointer to the CWnd object that represents the control itself.

CWnd* m_pWndCtrl;


Contains the bounds of the control, relative to the container's window.

CRect m_rect;


Modifies the styles of the control.

virtual BOOL ModifyStyle(
    DWORD dwRemove,
    DWORD dwAdd,
    UINT nFlags);


The styles to be removed from the current window styles.

The styles to be added from the current window styles.

Window positioning flags. For a list of possible values, see the SetWindowPos function in the Windows SDK.

Return Value

Nonzero if the styles are changed, otherwise zero.


The control's stock Enabled property will be modified to match the setting for WS_DISABLED. The control's stock Border Style property will be modified to match the requested setting for WS_BORDER. All other styles are applied directly to the control's window handle, if one is present.

Modifies the window styles of the control. Styles to be added or removed can be combined by using the bitwise OR (|) operator. See the CreateWindow function in the Windows SDK for information about the available window styles.

If nFlags is nonzero, ModifyStyle calls the Win32 function SetWindowPos, and redraws the window by combining nFlags with the following four flags:

  • SWP_NOSIZE Retains the current size.

  • SWP_NOMOVE Retains the current position.

  • SWP_NOZORDER Retains the current Z order.

  • SWP_NOACTIVATE Does not activate the window.

To modify a window's extended styles, call ModifyStyleEx.


Modifies the extended styles of the control.

virtual BOOL ModifyStyleEx(
    DWORD dwRemove,
    DWORD dwAdd,
    UINT nFlags);


The extended styles to be removed from the current window styles.

The extended styles to be added from the current window styles.

Window positioning flags. For a list of possible values, see the SetWindowPos function in the Windows SDK.

Return Value

Nonzero if the styles are changed, otherwise zero.


The control's stock Appearance property will be modified to match the setting for WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE. All other extended window styles are applied directly to the control's window handle, if one is present.

Modifies the window extended styles of the control site object. Styles to be added or removed can be combined by using the bitwise OR (|) operator. See the CreateWindowEx function in the Windows SDK for information about the available window styles.

If nFlags is nonzero, ModifyStyleEx calls the Win32 function SetWindowPos, and redraws the window by combining nFlags with the following four flags:

  • SWP_NOSIZE Retains the current size.

  • SWP_NOMOVE Retains the current position.

  • SWP_NOZORDER Retains the current Z order.

  • SWP_NOACTIVATE Does not activate the window.

To modify a window's extended styles, call ModifyStyle.


Changes the position of the control.

virtual void MoveWindow(
    int x,
    int y,
    int nWidth,
    int nHeight);


The new position of the left side of the window.

The new position of the top of the window.

The new width of the window

The new height of the window.


Quick activates the contained control.

virtual BOOL QuickActivate();

Return Value

Nonzero if the control site was activated, otherwise zero.


This function should be called only if the user is overriding the creation process of the control.

The IPersist*::Load and IPersist*::InitNew methods should be called after quick activation occurs. The control should establish its connections to the container's sinks during quick activation. However, these connections are not live until IPersist*::Load or IPersist*::InitNew has been called.


Sets the control property specified by dwDispID.

virtual BOOL AFX_CDECL SafeSetProperty(
    DISPID dwDispID,
    VARTYPE vtProp, ...);


Identifies the dispatch ID of the property or method, found on the control's IDispatch interface, to be set.

Specifies the type of property to be set. For possible values, see the Remarks section for COleDispatchDriver::InvokeHelper.

A single parameter of the type specified by vtProp.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise zero.



Unlike SetProperty and SetPropertyV, if an error is encountered (such as trying to set a nonexistent property), no exception is thrown.


Sets the control as the default button.

void SetDefaultButton(BOOL bDefault);


Nonzero if the control should become the default button; otherwise zero.



The control must have the OLEMISC_ACTSLIKEBUTTON status bit set.


Changes the value of the control's dialog item identifier.

virtual int SetDlgCtrlID(int nID);


The new identifier value.

Return Value

If successful, the previous dialog item identifier of the window; otherwise 0.



Sets focus to the control.

virtual CWnd* SetFocus();
virtual CWnd* SetFocus(LPMSG lpmsg);


A pointer to a MSG structure. This structure contains the Windows message triggering the SetFocus request for the control contained in the current control site.

Return Value

A pointer to the window that previously had focus.


Sets the control property specified by dwDispID.

virtual void AFX_CDECL SetProperty(
    DISPID dwDispID,
    VARTYPE vtProp, ...);


Identifies the dispatch ID of the property or method, found on the control's IDispatch interface, to be set.

Specifies the type of property to be set. For possible values, see the Remarks section for COleDispatchDriver::InvokeHelper.

A single parameter of the type specified by vtProp.


If SetProperty encounters an error, an exception is thrown.

The type of exception is determined by the return value of the attempt to set the property or method. If the return value is DISP_E_EXCEPTION, a COleDispatchExcpetion is thrown; otherwise a COleException.


Sets the control property specified by dwDispID.

virtual void SetPropertyV(
    DISPID dwDispID,
    VARTYPE vtProp,
    va_list argList);


Identifies the dispatch ID of the property or method, found on the control's IDispatch interface, to be set.

Specifies the type of property to be set. For possible values, see the Remarks section for COleDispatchDriver::InvokeHelper.

Pointer to the list of arguments.


Extra parameters for the method or property being invoked can be passed using the arg_list parameter. If SetProperty encounters an error, an exception is thrown.

The type of exception is determined by the return value of the attempt to set the property or method. If the return value is DISP_E_EXCEPTION, a COleDispatchExcpetion is thrown; otherwise a COleException.


Sets the size, position, and Z order of the control site.

virtual BOOL SetWindowPos(
    const CWnd* pWndInsertAfter,
    int x,
    int y,
    int cx,
    int cy,
    UINT nFlags);


A pointer to the window.

The new position of the left side of the window.

The new position of the top of the window.

The new width of the window

The new height of the window.

Specifies the window sizing and positioning flags. For possible values, see the Remarks section for SetWindowPos in the Windows SDK.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful, otherwise zero.


Sets the text for the control site.

virtual void SetWindowText(LPCTSTR lpszString);


Pointer to a null-terminated string to be used as the new title or control text.


This function first attempts to set the Caption stock property. If the Caption stock property is not supported, the Text property is set instead.


Sets the window's show state.

virtual BOOL ShowWindow(int nCmdShow);


Specifies how the control site is to be shown. It must be one of the following values:

  • SW_HIDE Hides this window and passes activation to another window.

  • SW_MINIMIZE Minimizes the window and activates the top-level window in the system's list.

  • SW_RESTORE Activates and displays the window. If the window is minimized or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and position.

  • SW_SHOW Activates the window and displays it in its current size and position.

  • SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED Activates the window and displays it as a maximized window.

  • SW_SHOWMINIMIZED Activates the window and displays it as an icon.

  • SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE Displays the window as an icon. The window that is currently active remains active.

  • SW_SHOWNA Displays the window in its current state. The window that is currently active remains active.

  • SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE Displays the window in its most recent size and position. The window that is currently active remains active.

  • SW_SHOWNORMAL Activates and displays the window. If the window is minimized or maximized, Windows restores it to its original size and position.

Return Value

Nonzero if the window was previously visible; 0 if the window was previously hidden.

See also

CCmdTarget Class
Hierarchy Chart
COleControlContainer Class