Dela via

Azure.Data.AppConfiguration Namespace



The client to use for interacting with the Azure Configuration Store.


Extension methods for ConfigurationClient and its related models.


Options that allow users to configure the requests sent to the App Configuration service.


Configuration Setting model factory that enables mocking for the AppConfiguration client library.


A setting, defined by a unique combination of a key and label.


Enables filtering of key-values.


The Snapshot.


A long-running operation for CreateSnapshot(WaitUntil, String, ConfigurationSnapshot, CancellationToken) or CreateSnapshotAsync(WaitUntil, String, ConfigurationSnapshot, CancellationToken).


Represents a configuration setting that stores a feature flag value. Feature flags allow you to activate or deactivate functionality in your application. A simple feature flag is either on or off. The application always behaves the same way. For example, you could roll out a new feature behind a feature flag. When the feature flag is enabled, all users see the new feature. Disabling the feature flag hides the new feature.

In contrast, a conditional feature flag allows the feature flag to be enabled or disabled dynamically. The application may behave differently, depending on the feature flag criteria. Suppose you want to show your new feature to a small subset of users at first. A conditional feature flag allows you to enable the feature flag for some users while disabling it for others. Feature filters determine the state of the feature flag each time it's evaluated.

NOTE: The Azure.Data.AppConfiguration doesn't evaluate feature flags on retrieval. It's the responsibility of the library consumer to interpret feature flags and determine whether a feature is enabled.


A Feature filter represents a filter definition that should be evaluated by the consumer to determine if the feature is enabled.


Represents a configuration setting that references as KeyVault secret.


SettingSelector is a set of options that allows selecting a filtered set of ConfigurationSetting entities from the configuration store, and optionally allows indicating which fields of each setting to retrieve.

Literals or filters may be specified for keys and labels.

For more information, Filtering.


SnapshotSelector is a set of options that allows selecting a filtered set of ConfigurationSnapshot entities.



The current status of the snapshot.


The composition type describes how the key-values within the snapshot are composed. The 'key' composition type ensures there are no two key-values containing the same key. The 'key_label' composition type ensures there are no two key-values containing the same key and label.


The SnapshotFields.



The versions of the App Configuration service supported by this client library.


Fields to retrieve from a configuration setting.