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IConventionEntityTypeBuilder Interface


Provides a simple API surface for configuring an IConventionEntityType from conventions.

This interface is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally not used in application code.

public interface IConventionEntityTypeBuilder : Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.Builders.IConventionAnnotatableBuilder
public interface IConventionEntityTypeBuilder : Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.Builders.IConventionTypeBaseBuilder
type IConventionEntityTypeBuilder = interface
    interface IConventionAnnotatableBuilder
type IConventionEntityTypeBuilder = interface
    interface IConventionTypeBaseBuilder
    interface IConventionAnnotatableBuilder
Public Interface IConventionEntityTypeBuilder
Implements IConventionAnnotatableBuilder
Public Interface IConventionEntityTypeBuilder
Implements IConventionTypeBaseBuilder


See Model building conventions for more information and examples.



Gets the entity type being configured.


Gets the model builder.

(Inherited from IConventionAnnotatableBuilder)


CanAddNavigation(String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given navigation can be added to this entity type.

CanHaveComplexIndexerProperty(Type, String, Type, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given complex indexer property can be added to this type.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
CanHaveComplexProperty(MemberInfo, Type, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given complex property can be added to this type.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
CanHaveComplexProperty(Type, String, Type, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given complex property can be added to this type.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
CanHaveIndex(IReadOnlyList<String>, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether and index on the given properties can be added to this entity type.

CanHaveIndexerProperty(Type, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given indexer property can be added to this entity type.

CanHaveNavigation(MemberInfo, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given navigation can be added to this entity type.

CanHaveNavigation(String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given navigation can be added to this entity type.

CanHaveNavigation(String, Type, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given navigation can be added to this entity type.

CanHaveProperty(MemberInfo, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given property can be added to this entity type.

CanHaveProperty(Type, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given property can be added to this entity type.

CanHaveServiceProperty(MemberInfo, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given service property can be added to this entity type.

CanHaveSkipNavigation(MemberInfo, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given skip navigation can be added to this entity type.

CanHaveSkipNavigation(String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given skip navigation can be added to this entity type.

CanHaveSkipNavigation(String, Type, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given skip navigation can be added to this entity type.

CanHaveTrigger(String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the trigger can be configured.

CanIgnore(String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given member name can be ignored from the given configuration source.

CanRemoveAnnotation(String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether an annotation with the given name can be removed using this configuration source.

(Inherited from IConventionAnnotatableBuilder)
CanRemoveComplexProperty(IConventionComplexProperty, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the complex property can be removed from this type.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)

Returns a value indicating whether the discriminator property can be removed.

CanRemoveIndex(IConventionIndex, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the index can be removed from this entity type.


Returns a value indicating whether the entity type can be marked as keyless.

CanRemoveKey(IConventionKey, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the key can be removed from this entity type.

CanRemoveNavigation(IConventionNavigation, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the navigation can be removed from this entity type.

CanRemoveProperty(IConventionProperty, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the property can be removed from this type.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
CanRemoveRelationship(IConventionForeignKey, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the foreign key can be removed from this entity type.

CanRemoveServiceProperty(IConventionServiceProperty, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the service property can be removed from this entity type.

CanRemoveSkipNavigation(IConventionSkipNavigation, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the skip navigation can be removed from this entity type.

CanRemoveSkipNavigation(ISkipNavigation, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the skip navigation can be removed from this entity type.

CanSetAnnotation(String, Object, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether an annotation with the given name and value can be set from this configuration source.

(Inherited from IConventionAnnotatableBuilder)
CanSetBaseType(IConventionEntityType, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given type can be set as the base type of this entity type.

CanSetChangeTrackingStrategy(Nullable<ChangeTrackingStrategy>, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given change tracking strategy can be set from the current configuration source.

CanSetDefiningQuery(LambdaExpression, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given defining query can be set from the current configuration source.

CanSetDiscriminator(MemberInfo, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the discriminator property can be configured.

CanSetDiscriminator(String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the discriminator property can be configured.

CanSetDiscriminator(String, Type, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the discriminator property can be configured.

CanSetDiscriminator(Type, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the discriminator property can be configured.

CanSetDiscriminator(Type, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the discriminator column can be configured.

CanSetPrimaryKey(IReadOnlyList<IConventionProperty>, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given properties can be set as the primary key for this entity type.

CanSetPrimaryKey(IReadOnlyList<String>, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given properties can be set as the primary key for this entity type.

CanSetPropertyAccessMode(Nullable<PropertyAccessMode>, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given PropertyAccessMode can be set from the current configuration source.

CanSetQueryFilter(LambdaExpression, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given query filter can be set from the current configuration source.

ComplexIndexerProperty(Type, String, Type, Boolean)

Returns an object that can be used to configure the complex indexer property with the given name. If no matching property exists, then a new property will be added.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
ComplexProperty(MemberInfo, Type, Boolean)

Returns an object that can be used to configure the complex property with the given member info. If no matching property exists, then a new property will be added.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
ComplexProperty(Type, String, Type, Boolean)

Returns an object that can be used to configure the complex property with the given name. If no matching property exists, then a new property will be added.

(Inherited from IConventionTypeBaseBuilder)
CreateUniqueProperty(Type, String, Boolean)

Creates a property with a name that's different from any existing properties.

GetOrCreateProperties(IEnumerable<MemberInfo>, Boolean)

Returns the existing properties matching the given members or creates them.

GetOrCreateProperties(IReadOnlyList<String>, Boolean)

Returns the existing properties with the given names or creates them if matching CLR members are found.

GetTargetEntityTypeBuilder(Type, MemberInfo, Boolean, Nullable<Boolean>, Boolean)

Gets or creates a builder for the target of a potential navigation.

HasAnnotation(String, Object, Boolean)

Sets the annotation stored under the given name. Overwrites the existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists with same or lower ConfigurationSource.

HasBaseType(IConventionEntityType, Boolean)

Sets the base type of this entity type in an inheritance hierarchy.

HasChangeTrackingStrategy(Nullable<ChangeTrackingStrategy>, Boolean)

Configures the ChangeTrackingStrategy to be used for this entity type. This strategy indicates how the context detects changes to properties for an instance of the entity type.

HasDefiningQuery(LambdaExpression, Boolean)

Configures a query used to provide data for a keyless entity type.


Configures the discriminator property used to identify which entity type each row in a table represents when an inheritance hierarchy is mapped to a single table in a relational database.

HasDiscriminator(MemberInfo, Boolean)

Configures the discriminator property used to identify which entity type each row in a table represents when an inheritance hierarchy is mapped to a single table in a relational database.

HasDiscriminator(String, Boolean)

Configures the discriminator property used to identify which entity type each row in a table represents when an inheritance hierarchy is mapped to a single table in a relational database.

HasDiscriminator(String, Type, Boolean)

Configures the discriminator property used to identify which entity type each row in a table represents when an inheritance hierarchy is mapped to a single table in a relational database.

HasDiscriminator(Type, Boolean)

Configures the discriminator property used to identify which entity type each row in a table represents when an inheritance hierarchy is mapped to a single table in a relational database.

HasIndex(IReadOnlyList<IConventionProperty>, Boolean)

Configures an index on the specified properties. If there is an existing index on the given list of properties, then the existing index will be returned for configuration.

HasIndex(IReadOnlyList<IConventionProperty>, String, Boolean)

Configures an index on the specified properties, with the specified name. If there is an existing index on the given set of properties and with the given name, then the existing index will be returned for configuration.

HasIndex(IReadOnlyList<String>, Boolean)

Configures an index on the specified property names. If there is an existing index on the given list of property names, then the existing index will be returned for configuration.

HasIndex(IReadOnlyList<String>, String, Boolean)

Configures an index on the specified property names. If there is an existing index on the given list of property names, then the existing index will be returned for configuration.

HasKey(IReadOnlyList<IConventionProperty>, Boolean)

Creates an alternate key in the model for this entity type if one does not already exist over the specified properties.

HasNoAnnotation(String, Boolean)

Removes the annotation with the given name from this object.

HasNoComplexProperty(IConventionComplexProperty, Boolean)

Removes a complex property from this entity type.


Removes the discriminator property from this entity type. This method is usually called when the entity type is no longer mapped to the same table as any other type in the hierarchy or when this entity type is no longer the root type.


Removes the discriminator property from this entity type. This method is usually called when the entity type is no longer mapped to the same table as any other type in the hierarchy or when this entity type is no longer the root type.

HasNoIndex(IConventionIndex, Boolean)

Removes an index from this entity type.

HasNoIndex(IReadOnlyList<IConventionProperty>, Boolean)

Removes an index from this entity type.


Configures the entity type to have no keys. It will only be usable for queries.

HasNoKey(IConventionKey, Boolean)

Removes a primary or alternate key from this entity type.

HasNoKey(IReadOnlyList<IConventionProperty>, Boolean)

Removes a primary or alternate key from this entity type.

HasNoNavigation(IConventionNavigation, Boolean)

Removes a navigation from this entity type.

HasNonNullAnnotation(String, Object, Boolean)

Sets the annotation stored under the given name. Overwrites the existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists with same or lower ConfigurationSource. Removes the annotation if null value is specified.

HasNoProperty(IConventionProperty, Boolean)

Removes a property from this entity type.

HasNoRelationship(IConventionForeignKey, Boolean)

Removes a foreign key from this entity type.

HasNoRelationship(IReadOnlyList<IConventionProperty>, IConventionKey, IConventionEntityType, Boolean)

Removes a relationship from this entity type.

HasNoServiceProperty(IConventionServiceProperty, Boolean)

Removes a service property from this entity type.

HasNoSkipNavigation(IConventionSkipNavigation, Boolean)

Removes a skip navigation from this entity type.

HasNoSkipNavigation(ISkipNavigation, Boolean)

Removes a skip navigation from this entity type.

HasOwnership(IConventionEntityType, MemberInfo, Boolean)

Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity.

HasOwnership(IConventionEntityType, MemberInfo, MemberInfo, Boolean)

Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity.

HasOwnership(IConventionEntityType, String, Boolean)

Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity.

HasOwnership(IConventionEntityType, String, String, Boolean)

Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity.

HasOwnership(Type, MemberInfo, Boolean)

Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity.

HasOwnership(Type, MemberInfo, MemberInfo, Boolean)

Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity.

HasOwnership(Type, String, Boolean)

Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity.

HasOwnership(Type, String, String, Boolean)

Configures a relationship where the target entity is owned by (or part of) this entity.

HasQueryFilter(LambdaExpression, Boolean)

Specifies a LINQ predicate expression that will automatically be applied to any queries targeting this entity type.

HasRelationship(IConventionEntityType, Boolean)

Configures a relationship between this and the target entity type.

HasRelationship(IConventionEntityType, IConventionKey, Boolean)

Configures a relationship between this and the target entity type with the target as the principal end.

HasRelationship(IConventionEntityType, IReadOnlyList<IConventionProperty>, Boolean)

Configures a relationship between this and the target entity type with the target as the principal end.

HasRelationship(IConventionEntityType, IReadOnlyList<IConventionProperty>, IConventionKey, Boolean)

Configures a relationship between this and the target entity type with the target as the principal end.

HasRelationship(IConventionEntityType, MemberInfo, Boolean, Boolean)

Configures a relationship between this and the target entity type.

HasRelationship(IConventionEntityType, MemberInfo, MemberInfo, Boolean, Boolean)

Configures a relationship between this and the target entity type.

HasRelationship(IConventionEntityType, String, Boolean, Boolean)

Configures a relationship between this and the target entity type.

HasRelationship(IConventionEntityType, String, String, Boolean, Boolean)

Configures a relationship between this and the target entity type.

HasSkipNavigation(MemberInfo, IConventionEntityType, MemberInfo, Nullable<Boolean>, Nullable<Boolean>, Boolean)

Configures a skip navigation and the inverse between this and the target entity type.

HasSkipNavigation(MemberInfo, IConventionEntityType, Nullable<Boolean>, Nullable<Boolean>, Boolean)

Configures a skip navigation between this and the target entity type.

HasSkipNavigation(String, IConventionEntityType, Nullable<Boolean>, Nullable<Boolean>, Boolean)

Configures a skip navigation between this and the target entity type.

HasSkipNavigation(String, IConventionEntityType, Type, Nullable<Boolean>, Nullable<Boolean>, Boolean)

Configures a skip navigation between this and the target entity type.

HasTrigger(String, Boolean)

Configures a database trigger when targeting a relational database.

Ignore(String, Boolean)

Excludes the given property from the entity type and prevents conventions from adding a matching property or navigation to the type.

IndexerProperty(Type, String, Boolean)

Returns an object that can be used to configure the indexer property with the given name. If no matching property exists, then a new property will be added.

IsIgnored(String, Boolean)

Indicates whether the given member name is ignored for the given configuration source.

PrimaryKey(IReadOnlyList<IConventionProperty>, Boolean)

Sets the properties that make up the primary key for this entity type.

PrimaryKey(IReadOnlyList<String>, Boolean)

Sets the properties that make up the primary key for this entity type.

Property(MemberInfo, Boolean)

Returns an object that can be used to configure the property with the given member info. If no matching property exists, then a new property will be added.

Property(Type, String, Boolean, Boolean)

Returns an object that can be used to configure the property with the given name. If no matching property exists, then a new property will be added.

RemoveAnnotation(String, Boolean)

Removes the annotation with the given name from this object.

(Inherited from IConventionAnnotatableBuilder)

Removes properties in the given list if they are not part of any metadata object.

RemoveUnusedShadowProperties(IReadOnlyList<IConventionProperty>, Boolean)

Removes shadow properties in the given list if they are not part of any metadata object.

ServiceProperty(MemberInfo, Boolean)

Returns an object that can be used to configure the service property with the given member info. If no matching property exists, then a new property will be added.

ServiceProperty(Type, MemberInfo, Boolean)

Returns an object that can be used to configure the service property with the given member info. If no matching property exists, then a new property will be added.

SetOrRemoveAnnotation(String, Object, Boolean)

Sets or removes the annotation stored under the given name.

(Inherited from IConventionAnnotatableBuilder)
UsePropertyAccessMode(Nullable<PropertyAccessMode>, Boolean)

Sets the PropertyAccessMode to use for all properties of this entity type.

Extension Methods

CanSetAnalyticalStoreTimeToLive(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, Nullable<Int32>, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the time to live for analytical store can be set from the current configuration source

CanSetContainer(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the container that the entity type maps to can be set from the current configuration source

CanSetDefaultTimeToLive(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, Nullable<Int32>, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the default time to live can be set from the current configuration source

CanSetJsonProperty(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the parent property name to which the entity type is mapped to can be set from the current configuration source

CanSetPartitionKey(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the property that is used to store the partition key can be set from the current configuration source

CanSetThroughput(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, Nullable<Int32>, Boolean, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given throughput can be set.

HasAnalyticalStoreTimeToLive(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, Nullable<Int32>, Boolean)

Configures the time to live for analytical store in seconds at container scope.

HasDefaultTimeToLive(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, Nullable<Int32>, Boolean)

Configures the default time to live in seconds at container scope.

HasPartitionKey(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Configures the property that is used to store the partition key.

HasThroughput(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, Nullable<Int32>, Boolean, Boolean)

Configures the provisioned throughput.

ToContainer(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Configures the container that the entity type maps to when targeting Azure Cosmos.

ToJsonProperty(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Configures the property name that the entity is mapped to when stored as an embedded document.

CanSetInMemoryQuery(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, LambdaExpression, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given in-memory query can be set from the current configuration source.

ToInMemoryQuery(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, LambdaExpression, Boolean)

Configures a query used to provide data for an entity type.

CanExcludeTableFromMigrations(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, Nullable<Boolean>, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the table that this entity type is mapped to can be excluded from migrations using the specified configuration source.

CanHaveCheckConstraint(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the check constraint can be configured.

CanSetCheckConstraint(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the check constraint can be configured.

CanSetComment(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether a comment can be set for this entity type using the specified configuration source.

CanSetFunction(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, MethodInfo, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the function name can be set for this entity type using the specified configuration source.

CanSetFunction(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the function name can be set for this entity type using the specified configuration source.

CanSetJsonPropertyName(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given value can be used as a JSON property name for the entity type.

CanSetMappingStrategy(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the hierarchy mapping strategy can be configured using the specified configuration source.

CanSetSchema(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the schema of the table name can be set for this entity type using the specified configuration source.

CanSetSqlQuery(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the query SQL string can be set for this entity type using the specified configuration source.

CanSetTable(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the table name can be set for this entity type using the specified configuration source.

CanSetView(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the view name can be set for this entity type using the specified configuration source.

CanSetViewSchema(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the schema of the view can be set for this entity type using the specified configuration source.

DeleteUsingStoredProcedure(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, Boolean)

Configures the stored procedure that the entity type uses for deletes when targeting a relational database.

ExcludeTableFromMigrations(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, Nullable<Boolean>, Boolean)

Mark the table that this entity type is mapped to as excluded from migrations.

HasCheckConstraint(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, String, Boolean)

Configures a database check constraint when targeting a relational database.

HasComment(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Configures a comment to be applied to the table

HasJsonPropertyName(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Configures the entity mapped to a JSON column, mapping it to the given JSON property, rather than using the navigation name leading to it.

InsertUsingStoredProcedure(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, Boolean)

Configures the stored procedure that the entity type uses for inserts when targeting a relational database.

ToFunction(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, MethodInfo, Boolean)

Configures the function that the entity type maps to when targeting a relational database.

ToFunction(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Configures the function that the entity type maps to when targeting a relational database.

ToSchema(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Configures the schema of the table that the entity type maps to when targeting a relational database.

ToSqlQuery(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Configures a SQL string used to provide data for the entity type.

ToTable(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Configures the table that the entity type maps to when targeting a relational database.

ToTable(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, String, Boolean)

Configures the table that the entity type maps to when targeting a relational database.

ToView(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Configures the view that the entity type maps to when targeting a relational database.

ToView(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, String, Boolean)

Configures the view that the entity type maps to when targeting a relational database.

ToViewSchema(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Configures the schema of the view that the entity type maps to when targeting a relational database.

UpdateUsingStoredProcedure(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, Boolean)

Configures the stored procedure that the entity type uses for updates when targeting a relational database.

UseMappingStrategy(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Sets the hierarchy mapping strategy.

CanSetHistoryTableName(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the given history table name can be set for the entity.

CanSetHistoryTableSchema(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the mapped table can have history table schema.

CanSetIsMemoryOptimized(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, Nullable<Boolean>, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the mapped table can be configured as memory-optimized.

CanSetIsTemporal(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, Boolean, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the mapped table can be configured as temporal.

CanSetPeriodEnd(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the mapped table can have period end property.

CanSetPeriodStart(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Returns a value indicating whether the mapped table can have period start property.

ForSqlServerIsMemoryOptimized(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, Nullable<Boolean>, Boolean)

Configures the table that the entity maps to when targeting SQL Server as memory-optimized.

HasPeriodEnd(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Configures a period end property for the entity mapped to a temporal table.

HasPeriodStart(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Configures a period start property for the entity mapped to a temporal table.

IsMemoryOptimized(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, Nullable<Boolean>, Boolean)

Configures the table that the entity maps to when targeting SQL Server as memory-optimized.

IsTemporal(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, Boolean, Boolean)

Configures the table as temporal.

UseHistoryTableName(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Configures a history table name for the entity mapped to a temporal table.

UseHistoryTableSchema(IConventionEntityTypeBuilder, String, Boolean)

Configures a history table schema for the entity mapped to a temporal table.

Applies to