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IMutableElementType Interface


Represents the elements of a collection property.

public interface IMutableElementType : Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.IMutableAnnotatable, Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.IReadOnlyElementType
type IMutableElementType = interface
    interface IReadOnlyElementType
    interface IReadOnlyAnnotatable
    interface IMutableAnnotatable
Public Interface IMutableElementType
Implements IMutableAnnotatable, IReadOnlyElementType


This interface is used during model creation and allows the metadata to be modified. Once the model is built, IElementType represents a read-only view of the same metadata.

See Modeling entity types and relationships for more information and examples.



The type of elements in the collection.

(Inherited from IReadOnlyElementType)

Gets the collection property for which this represents the element.


Gets or sets a value indicating whether elements of the collection can be null.


Gets or sets the value of the annotation with the given name.

(Inherited from IMutableAnnotatable)


AddAnnotation(String, Object)

Adds an annotation to this object. Throws if an annotation with the specified name already exists.

(Inherited from IMutableAnnotatable)

Adds annotations to an object.

(Inherited from IMutableAnnotatable)

Gets the debug string for all annotations declared on the object.

(Inherited from IReadOnlyAnnotatable)

Gets the annotation with the given name, returning null if it does not exist.

(Inherited from IMutableAnnotatable)

Returns the type mapping for elements of the collection.

(Inherited from IReadOnlyElementType)

Gets the annotation with the given name, throwing if it does not exist.

(Inherited from IReadOnlyAnnotatable)

Gets all annotations on the current object.

(Inherited from IMutableAnnotatable)

Gets the type of JsonValueReaderWriter<TValue> to use for elements of the collection.

(Inherited from IReadOnlyElementType)

Gets the maximum length of data that is allowed in elements of the collection. For example, if the element type is a String then this is the maximum number of characters.

(Inherited from IReadOnlyElementType)

Gets the precision of data that is allowed in elements of the collection. For example, if the element type is a Decimal, then this is the maximum number of digits.

(Inherited from IReadOnlyElementType)

Gets the type that the elements of the collection will be converted to before being sent to the database provider.

(Inherited from IReadOnlyElementType)

Gets the scale of data that is allowed in this elements of the collection. For example, if the element type is a Decimal, then this is the maximum number of decimal places.

(Inherited from IReadOnlyElementType)

Returns the CoreTypeMapping for the elements of the collection from a finalized model.

(Inherited from IReadOnlyElementType)

Gets the custom ValueComparer for elements of the collection.

(Inherited from IReadOnlyElementType)

Gets the custom ValueConverter for this elements of the collection.

(Inherited from IReadOnlyElementType)

Gets a value indicating whether elements of the collection can persist Unicode characters.

(Inherited from IReadOnlyElementType)

Removes the given annotation from this object.

(Inherited from IMutableAnnotatable)
SetAnnotation(String, Object)

Sets the annotation stored under the given key. Overwrites the existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists.

(Inherited from IMutableAnnotatable)

Sets a value indicating whether elements of the collection can persist Unicode characters.


Sets the type of JsonValueReaderWriter<TValue> to use for elements of the collection.


Sets the maximum length of data that is allowed in elements of the collection. For example, if the element type is a String then this is the maximum number of characters.

SetOrRemoveAnnotation(String, Object)

Sets the annotation stored under the given name. Overwrites the existing annotation if an annotation with the specified name already exists. Removes the existing annotation if null is supplied.

(Inherited from IMutableAnnotatable)

Sets the precision of data that is allowed in elements of the collection. For example, if the element type is a Decimal, then this is the maximum number of digits.


Sets the type that the elements of the collection will be converted to before being sent to the database provider.


Sets the scale of data that is allowed in this elements of the collection. For example, if the element type is a Decimal, then this is the maximum number of decimal places.


Sets the CoreTypeMapping for the given element.


Sets the custom ValueComparer for elements of the collection.


Sets the custom ValueComparer for elements of the collection.


Sets the custom ValueConverter for this elements of the collection.


Sets the custom ValueConverter for this elements of the collection.

ToDebugString(MetadataDebugStringOptions, Int32)

Creates a human-readable representation of the given metadata.

Warning: Do not rely on the format of the returned string. It is designed for debugging only and may change arbitrarily between releases.

(Inherited from IReadOnlyElementType)

Explicit Interface Implementations


Gets a value indicating whether elements of the collection can be null.

Extension Methods


Returns the RelationalTypeMapping for the given element on a finalized model.


Returns the RelationalTypeMapping for the given element on a finalized model.


Returns the database type of the elements, or null if the database type could not be found.


Returns a flag indicating whether the elements are capable of storing only fixed-length data, such as strings.

IsFixedLength(IReadOnlyElementType, StoreObjectIdentifier)

Returns a flag indicating whether the elements are capable of storing only fixed-length data, such as strings.

SetIsFixedLength(IMutableElementType, Nullable<Boolean>)

Sets a flag indicating whether the elements are capable of storing only fixed-length data, such as strings.

SetStoreType(IMutableElementType, String)

Sets the database type of the elements.

Applies to