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IRelationalTypeMappingSource Interface


The relational type mapping source. Type mappings describe how a provider maps CLR types/values to database types/values.

This type is typically used by database providers (and other extensions). It is generally not used in application code.

Warning: do not implement this interface directly. Instead, derive from RelationalTypeMappingSource.

public interface IRelationalTypeMappingSource : Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.ITypeMappingSource
type IRelationalTypeMappingSource = interface
    interface ITypeMappingSource
Public Interface IRelationalTypeMappingSource
Implements ITypeMappingSource


The service lifetime is Singleton. This means a single instance is used by many DbContext instances. The implementation must be thread-safe. This service cannot depend on services registered as Scoped.

See Implementation of database providers and extensions for more information and examples.



Finds the type mapping for a given IElementType.

(Inherited from ITypeMappingSource)

Finds the type mapping for a given IProperty.


Finds the type mapping for a given MemberInfo representing a field or a property of a CLR type.


Finds the type mapping for a given database type name.


Finds the type mapping for a given Type.

FindMapping(Type, IModel)

Finds the type mapping for a given Type, taking pre-convention configuration into the account.

FindMapping(Type, IModel, CoreTypeMapping)

Finds the type mapping for a given Type, taking pre-convention configuration into the account.

FindMapping(Type, String, Boolean, Nullable<Boolean>, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<Boolean>, Nullable<Boolean>, Nullable<Int32>, Nullable<Int32>)

Finds the type mapping for a given Type and additional facets.

Extension Methods

GetMapping(IRelationalTypeMappingSource, IProperty)

Gets the relational database type for a given property, throwing if no mapping is found.

GetMapping(IRelationalTypeMappingSource, String)

Gets the mapping that represents the given database type, throwing if no mapping is found.

GetMapping(IRelationalTypeMappingSource, Type)

Gets the relational database type for a given .NET type, throwing if no mapping is found.

GetMapping(IRelationalTypeMappingSource, Type, IModel)

Gets the relational database type for a given .NET type, throwing if no mapping is found.

GetMappingForValue(IRelationalTypeMappingSource, Object)

Gets the relational database type for a given object, throwing if no mapping is found.

GetMappingForValue(IRelationalTypeMappingSource, Object, IModel)

Gets the relational database type for a given object, throwing if no mapping is found.

Applies to