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TypePresenter.Filter Property


Gets or sets the filter used to show types.

 property Func<Type ^, bool> ^ Filter { Func<Type ^, bool> ^ get(); void set(Func<Type ^, bool> ^ value); };
public Func<Type,bool> Filter { get; set; }
member this.Filter : Func<Type, bool> with get, set
Public Property Filter As Func(Of Type, Boolean)

Property Value

A delegate with one return value and a Boolean value that represents the filter used to show types.


By default, the following types are shown in the type presenter/type browser

  1. Project system case

    1. All public types in referenced assemblies/projects

    2. All public types in current project

  2. Standalone XAML case (file in rehosted application/file opened in Visual Studio without solution opened)

    1. All public types in all assemblies loaded in the AppDomain

By setting the filter property, you can limit the number of types shown in the type browser to only those types that are valid for your activity.

Applies to