
Dela via

company resource type (automation)

Represents a company in Dynamics 365 Business Central.


For information about enabling APIs for Business Central see Enabling the APIs for Dynamics 365 Business Central.


Method Return Type Description
GET company company Gets a company object.
Navigation Return Type Description
configurationPackages configurationPackages Gets the configurationpackages of the company.
automationCompanies automationCompanies Gets the automationcompanies of the company.
extensions extensions Gets the extensions of the company.
userGroups userGroups Gets the usergroups of the company.
users users Gets the users of the company.
userGroupMembers userGroupMembers Gets the usergroupmembers of the company.
userPermissions userPermissions Gets the userpermissions of the company.
scheduledJobs scheduledJobs Gets the scheduledjobs of the company.
permissionSets permissionSets Gets the permissionsets of the company.
extensionUpload extensionUpload Gets the extensionupload of the company.
extensionDeploymentStatus extensionDeploymentStatus Gets the extensiondeploymentstatus of the company.


Property Type Description
id GUID The unique ID of the item. Non-editable.
systemVersion string Specifies the internal version of the company.
name string Represents the company's name.
displayName string Specifies the company's name. This name will appear on all sales documents for the company.
businessProfileId string Specifies the Business Profile ID linked to the company.
systemCreatedAt datetime The datetime the company was created.
systemCreatedBy GUID The ID of the user who created the company.
systemModifiedAt datetime The last datetime the company was modified.
systemModifiedBy GUID The ID of the user who last modified the company.

JSON representation

Here is a JSON representation of the company resource.

    "id": "GUID",
    "systemVersion": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "displayName": "string",
    "businessProfileId": "string",
    "systemCreatedAt": "datetime",
    "systemCreatedBy": "GUID",
    "systemModifiedAt": "datetime",
    "systemModifiedBy": "GUID"

See Also

GET company