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Analyzing job queue lifecycle telemetry

APPLIES TO: Business Central 2020 release wave 2, version 17.2, and later

Job queue lifecycle telemetry gathers data about the following operations:

  • A job queue entry was enqueued.
  • A job queue entry was started.
  • A job queue entry finished. Provides information as to whether it was successful or failed.
  • A job queue entry was stopped.
  • A job queue entry was cancelled.
  • A job queue entry was scheduled on login.
  • A job queue entry was run by a user.

For information about creating and managing job queue entries, see Use Job Queues to Schedule Tasks in the Business Central application help.

For technical information about how the Job Queue works, see How the Job Queue works in the in the Business Central developer content.

Job queue telemetry events

The following table describes the event IDs that are currently emitted by the job queue system.

Event Event id Job queue status Description
Job queue entry enqueued AL0000E24 Enqueued Occurs when a job queue entry successfully enqueues and will after the specified alJobQueueEarliestStartDateTime.
Job queue entry failed to be enqueued AL0000FNY Enqueued Occurs when a job queue entry fails to enqueue and this happens if no task scheduler is created behind it.
Job queue entry started AL0000E25 Started Occurs right before the Job Queue Start codeunit is triggered and that codeunit will run the specified Object ID to run.
Job queue entry finished AL0000E26 Finished successfully Occurs at the very end of the job queue run.
Job queue entry failed (might be retried) AL0000HE7 Error Occurs when a job queue errors, and this is the first thing that is triggered before the updating of records.
Job queue entry rescheduled on login AL0000I49 N/A Emitted if a job queue entry is rescheduled every time a user logs in.
Job queue entry run once by a user AL0000FMG N/A Emitted when the "Run once (Foreground)" action is clicked in Job Queue Entries/Card pages
Job queue entry failed for the last time and is set to stopped AL0000JRG Error Emitted when the job queue entry fails for the very last time before being set in Error state.

Common custom dimensions to all job queue events

The following table explains custom dimensions that are common to all job queue entry telemetry events described below.

Dimension Description or value
alCategory AL JobQueueEntries


Azure Active Directory is now Microsoft Entra ID. Learn more

Specifies the Microsoft Entra tenant ID used for Microsoft Entra authentication. For on-premises, if you aren't using Microsoft Entra authentication, this value is common.
environmentName Specifies the name of the tenant environment. See Managing Environments.
environmentType Specifies the environment type for the tenant, such as Production or Sandbox. See Environment Types.
companyName The current company name.
alJobQueueScheduledTaskId Specifies the ID of the scheduled task.
alJobQueueEarliestStartDateTime Specifies the earliest start date/time for the job queue entry.
alJobQueueId Specifies the ID of the job queue entry.
alJobQueueIsRecurring Specifies if the job queue is recurring. True indicates it's recurring. False indicates it's not recurring. Note that the values in the dimension is localized to the language of the user session.
alJobQueueObjectId Specifies the ID of the object that the job queue entry runs.
alJobQueueObjectName Specifies the name of the object that the job queue entry runs.

This dimension was introduced in version 22.0.
alJobQueueObjectType Specifies the type of the object that the job queue entry runs, for example Report or Codeunit.
alJobQueueObjectDescription Specifies the description of the object that the job queue entry runs.

This dimension was introduced in version 22.2.
alJobQueueStackTrace Specifies the AL stack trace of the job queue entry.

This dimension was introduced in version 21.3.
alJobQueueStatus Ready indicates it's a non-recurring job queue entry or the first run of a recurring job queue entry that's ready to run. In Process indicates it's being run. Error indicates it encountered an error while running. On Hold indicates it's being queued. Finished indicates it's finished without error. On Hold with Inactivity Timeout indicates it's a recurring job query entry that's ready to run.

Job queue entry enqueued

Occurs when a job queue entry is sent to the job queue to eventually be run. A job queue entry is sent to the queue when its status is changed from On Hold to Ready or if it's a recurring job queue entry. Recurring job queue entries are automatically enqueued after each run.

General dimensions

Dimension Description or value
message Job queue entry enqueued: {alJobQueueId}
severityLevel 1
user_Id The user telemetry ID for the user. From the user card, you can use user_Id to identify the user who triggered this telemetry event. For more information, see Assign a telemetry ID to users.

Custom dimensions

The following table explains custom dimensions that are specific to this trace.

Dimension Description or value
eventId AL0000E24
alJobQueueId Specifies the ID of the job queue entry.
alJobQueueIsRecurring Specifies whether the job queue is recurring. Yes indicates it's recurring. No indicates it's not recurring.
alJobQueueObjectId Specifies the ID of the object that the job queue entry runs.
alJobQueueObjectType Specifies the type of the object that the job queue entry runs, for example Report or Codeunit.
alJobQueueObjectDescription Specifies the description of the object that the job queue entry runs. This dimension was introduced in Business Central 2023 release wave 1, version 22.2.
alJobQueueStatus Ready indicates it's a non-recurring job queue entry or the first run of a recurring job queue entry that's ready to run. On Hold with Inactivity Timeout indicates it's a recurring job query entry that's ready to run.

Job queue entry failed to be enqueued

Information if the job queue entry fails to be sent to the queue.

General dimensions

Dimension Description or value
message Job queue entry not enqueued: {alJobQueueId}
severityLevel 2
user_Id The user telemetry ID for the user. From the user card, you can use user_Id to identify the user who triggered this telemetry event. For more information, see Assign a telemetry ID to users.

Custom dimensions

The following table explains custom dimensions that are specific to this trace.

Dimension Description or value
eventId AL0000FNY
See common custom dimensions

Job queue entry started

Occurs when a job queue entry starts to run.

General dimensions

Dimension Description or value
message Job queue entry started: {alJobQueueId}
severityLevel 1
user_Id The user telemetry ID for the user. From the user card, you can use user_Id to identify the user who triggered this telemetry event. For more information, see Assign a telemetry ID to users.

Custom dimensions

The following table explains custom dimensions that are specific to this trace.

Dimension Description or value
eventId AL0000E25
See common custom dimensions

Job queue entry finished (request)

Occurs when a request for a job queue entry finishes running.

General dimensions

Dimension Description or value
message Job queue entry finished: {alJobQueueId}
severityLevel 1
user_Id The user telemetry ID for the user. From the user card, you can use user_Id to identify the user who triggered this telemetry event. For more information, see Assign a telemetry ID to users.

Custom dimensions

Dimension Description or value
eventId AL0000E26
alJobQueueExecutionTimeInMs Specifies how many milliseconds it took to run the job queue entry.
See common custom dimensions

Job queue entry finished (run)

Occurs when a job queue entry finishes running.

General dimensions

Dimension Description or value
message JobID = {alJobQueueId}, ObjectType = {alJobQueueObjectType}, ObjectID = {alJobQueueObjectId}, Status = Finished, Result = Success, Company = {alJobQueueCompanyName}, Scheduled Task Id = {alJobQueueScheduledTaskId}
severityLevel 1
user_Id The user telemetry ID for the user. From the user card, you can use user_Id to identify the user who triggered this telemetry event. For more information, see Assign a telemetry ID to users.

Custom dimensions

Dimension Description or value
eventId AL0000E26
See common custom dimensions

Job queue entry failed with error

Occurs when a job queue entry fails to run.

General dimensions

Dimension Description or value
message Job queue entry errored: {alJobQueueId}
severityLevel 2
user_Id The user telemetry ID for the user. From the user card, you can use user_Id to identify the user who triggered this telemetry event. For more information, see Assign a telemetry ID to users.

Custom dimensions

Dimension Description or value
eventId AL0000HE7
See common custom dimensions

Sample KQL code

This KQL code can help you get started troubleshooting job queue errors. Note that these failed entries might be restarted.

// Job queue entry run failed
| where timestamp > ago(60d) // adjust as needed
| where customDimensions.eventId == 'AL0000HE7'
| project timestamp
, aadTenantId = customDimensions.aadTenantId
, environmentName = customDimensions.environmentName
, environmentType = customDimensions.environmentType
, companyName = customDimensions.companyName
// jobQueueApp* dimensions contains the information about the app where the jobQueueObject* is located
, jobQueueAppId = customDimensions.alCallerAppId
, jobQueueAppName = customDimensions.alCallerAppName
, jobQueueAppPublisher = customDimensions.alCallerPublisher
, jobQueueAppVersion = customDimensions.alCallerAppVersion
// jobQueueObject* dimensions contains the information about the object containing the code being run
, jobQueueObjectId = customDimensions.alJobQueueObjectId 	
, jobQueueObjectName = customDimensions.alJobQueueObjectName // added in 22.0 
, jobQueueObjectType = customDimensions.alJobQueueObjectType
// jobQueueExecution dimensions contain information about the job queue entry definition
, jobQueueEntryId = customDimensions.alJobQueueId 	
, jobQueueEntryIsRecurring = customDimensions.alJobQueueIsRecurring
, jobQueueEntryDescription = customDimensions.alJobQueueObjectDescription // added in 22.2
, jobQueueEntryMaxNumberOfAttemptsToRun = customDimensions.alJobQueueMaxNumberOfAttemptsToRun // added in 21.5
// jobQueueExecution dimensions contain information about the attempted run of the job queue entry
, jobQueueExecutionNumberOfAttemptsToRun = customDimensions.alJobQueueNumberOfAttemptsToRun // added in 21.5
, jobQueueExecutionStacktrace = customDimensions.alJobQueueStacktrace
, jobQueueExecutionStatus = customDimensions.alJobQueueStatus
, jobQueueExecutionTaskId = customDimensions.alJobQueueScheduledTaskId // you can join to task scheduler telemetry on the taskId

Job queue entry {Job Queue Id} errored after {attempt number} attempts

Occurs when a job queue entry fails to run. This telemetry event was introduced in version 21.5.

General dimensions

Dimension Description or value
message Job queue entry {Job Queue Id} errored after {attempt number} attempts
severityLevel 2
user_Id The user telemetry ID for the user. From the user card, you can use user_Id to identify the user who triggered this telemetry event. For more information, see Assign a telemetry ID to users.

Custom dimensions

Dimension Description or value
eventId AL0000JRG
See common custom dimensions

Sample KQL code

This KQL code can help you get started troubleshooting job queue errors where the entry has been vstopped because it failed for the last time before being set in Error state. As an administrator, you want to know about job queue entries that are going into the final failed state and require manual intervention (restarting etc).

// Job queue entry {Job Queue Id} errored after {attempt number} attempts
| where timestamp > ago(60d) // adjust as needed
| where customDimensions.eventId == 'AL0000JRG'
| project timestamp
, aadTenantId = customDimensions.aadTenantId
, environmentName = customDimensions.environmentName
, environmentType = customDimensions.environmentType
, companyName = customDimensions.companyName
// jobQueueApp* dimensions contains the information about the app where the jobQueueObject* is located
, jobQueueAppId = customDimensions.alCallerAppId
, jobQueueAppName = customDimensions.alCallerAppName
, jobQueueAppPublisher = customDimensions.alCallerPublisher
, jobQueueAppVersion = customDimensions.alCallerAppVersion
// jobQueueObject* dimensions contains the information about the object containing the code being run
, jobQueueObjectId = customDimensions.alJobQueueObjectId 	
, jobQueueObjectName = customDimensions.alJobQueueObjectName // added in 22.0 
, jobQueueObjectType = customDimensions.alJobQueueObjectType
// jobQueueExecution dimensions contain information about the job queue entry definition
, jobQueueEntryId = customDimensions.alJobQueueId 	
, jobQueueEntryIsRecurring = customDimensions.alJobQueueIsRecurring
, jobQueueEntryDescription = customDimensions.alJobQueueObjectDescription // added in 22.2
, jobQueueEntryMaxNumberOfAttemptsToRun = customDimensions.alJobQueueMaxNumberOfAttemptsToRun // added in 21.5
// jobQueueExecution dimensions contain information about the attempted run of the job queue entry
, jobQueueExecutionNumberOfAttemptsToRun = customDimensions.alJobQueueNumberOfAttemptsToRun // added in 21.5
, jobQueueExecutionStatus = customDimensions.alJobQueueStatus
, jobQueueExecutionStacktrace = customDimensions.alJobQueueStacktrace
, jobQueueExecutionTaskId = customDimensions.alJobQueueScheduledTaskId // you can join to task scheduler telemetry on the taskId

Job queue entry run by user

Occurs when the "Run once (Foreground)" action is clicked in Job Queue Entries/Card pages by a user. This telemetry event was introduced in version 22.2.

General dimensions

Dimension Description or value
message Running job queue once
severityLevel 2
user_Id The user telemetry ID for the user. From the user card, you can use user_Id to identify the user who triggered this telemetry event. For more information, see Assign a telemetry ID to users.

Custom dimensions

Dimension Description or value
eventId AL0000FMG
See common custom dimensions

Job queue entry rescheduled on login

Occurs when a job queue entry was rescheduled on login of a user. This telemetry event was introduced in version 22.0

General dimensions

Dimension Description or value
message Job queue entry rescheduled on login: {job queue entry id}
severityLevel 2
user_Id The user telemetry ID for the user. From the user card, you can use user_Id to identify the user who triggered this telemetry event. For more information, see Assign a telemetry ID to users.

Custom dimensions

Dimension Description or value
eventId AL0000I49
See common custom dimensions

Job queue entry cancelled

Occurs when a job queue entry was cancelled. This telemetry event was introduced in version 23.0.

General dimensions

Dimension Description or value
message Job queue entry cancelled: {job queue entry id}
severityLevel 2
user_Id The user telemetry ID for the user. From the user card, you can use user_Id to identify the user who triggered this telemetry event. For more information, see Assign a telemetry ID to users.

Custom dimensions

Dimension Description or value
eventId AL0000KZV
See common custom dimensions

Job queues and performance

Scheduled tasks or job queue entries that are set to run on a recurring schedule can impact the performance of Business Central under either of the following conditions:

  • They run too frequently.

    Consider how often the task or job needs to run. Especially for polling scenarios, you might have better and more performant ways to react, such as using webhooks.

  • They run heavy jobs while many users are also using Business Central.

    Consider running them outside working hours. This might decrease locking and deadlock issues both for users and for the task or job itself.

Troubleshooting Job queue issues with telemetry

The reason for a failed job queue entry could be in the code that is running. You can find the owner (also called publisher) of the code in the AL stack trace dimension in the job queue error event AL0000HE7. If the error comes from an app/extension, you need to contact the owner of the code to get it resolved. If the error comes from the Microsoft application, then you need to open a support request with Microsoft to get it resolved.

See event AL0000HE7 above for sample KQL code to analyze further.

If a job queue entry fails after the maximum number of retry attempts has been done, the telemetry event AL0000JRG is emitted and the job queue entry is set to permanently being stopped. As an administrator, you want to know about these job queue entries that are going into the final failed state and require manual intervention (restarting etc).

See event AL0000JRG above for sample KQL code to analyze further.

Alerting on Job queue issues with telemetry

If something happens in your environment or app that you need to act on, you can set up a system that sends you an alert. Azure Application Insights makes it easy to define such alerts.

You can use the following tools to define and set up alerts on telemetry events:

  • Azure Application Insights Alerts
  • Azure Logic Apps
  • Power Automate

All three approaches need a Kusto (KQL) query to define the alerting condition.

There exists at least three job queue error scenarios where you might want to setup alerts:

  1. Some job queue entries fail
  2. Some job queue entries failed and have been stopped
  3. No job queue entries are running

In the table below, you can read more about the scenarios and get sample KQL code for the alerting conditions in your alerts.

Condition Area Relevant for Description Event Id(s) KQL sample code (CTRL+click to open in new page)
Job queue errors Errors VAR Get alerted on job queue entries fail. AL0000E26 JobQueueFailures.kql
Job queue stopped due to errors errors Errors VAR Get alerted on job queue entries that are stopped due to recurring errors (because they have failed for all retry attempts). AL0000JRG JobQueueFailures.kql
Job queue not running Errors VAR Get alerted if no job queue entries have been started in a given time period. AL0000E26 NoJobQueueRuns.kql

For more information about how to setup alerts on telemetry, see Alert on Telemetry.

See also

Use Job Queues to Schedule Tasks
How the Job Queue works
Telemetry overview
Enabling Telemetry
Alert on Telemetry