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AppSourceCop Error AS0029

Pages and PageExtensions that have been published must not be deleted, since dependent extensions may break


Pages and PageExtensions that have been published must not be deleted.


It's not allowed to remove pages which have been published unless they have been marked as Obsolete. This will break dependent extensions which:

  • are referencing this page from code,
  • are extending the page using a page extension,
  • are customizing the page using page customizations.


If a page coming from a dependency has been removed, AppSourceCop allows the removal of page extensions extending it even if these page extensions have not been previously marked as Obsolete.

How to fix this diagnostic?

In order to fix this diagnostic, the removal of the page extension must be reverted. The page extension should also be marked as Obsolete instead, so that the page extension can be removed in a future version.

Examples not triggering the rule

Example 1 - Removing an obsolete page extension

Version 1.0 of the extension:

pageextension 50100 MyCustomerCardExt extends "Customer Card"
    // Some changes on the page.

Version 2.0 of the extension:

pageextension 50100 MyCustomerCardExt extends "Customer Card"
    ObsoleteState = Pending;

    // Some changes on the page.

Once dependent extensions have been updated to not reference the page extension anymore, the page extension can be removed.

Version 3.0 of the extension:

// Page extension has been removed

Example 2 - Removing a page extension targeting a removed page

Version 1.0 of the extension:

pageextension 50100 MyCustomerCardExt extends "Customer Card"
    // Some changes on the page.

Let's consider that between version 1.0, the dependency defining "Customer Card" has removed the page. Removing the page extension is then allowed.

Version 2.0 of the extension:

// Page extension has been removed

Examples of errors for dependent extensions

The following examples show some of the compilation errors that will be reported on dependent extensions if a page is removed from one version to another.

Version 1.0 of the extension defines a page named MyPage. Version 2.0 does not define this page anymore.

Example 1 - Extensions referencing this page using a variable

If a dependent extension references this page from code, when compiling against version 2.0, this will lead to a compilation error similar to Page 'MyPage' is missing (AL0185).

codeunit 50100 SomeCodeunit
    procedure SomeProcedure()
        p: Page MyPage;

Example 2 - Extensions running this page from code

If a dependent extension runs this page from code, when compiling against version 2.0, this will lead to a compilation error similar to 'Page' does not contain a definition for 'MyPage' (AL0132).

codeunit 50100 SomeCodeunit
    procedure SomeProcedure()

Example 3 - Extensions running this page from an action

If a dependent extension references this page from an action, when compiling against version 2.0, this will lead to a compilation error similar to Page 'MyPage' is missing (AL0185).

        RunObject = page MyPage;

Example 4 - Extensions extending or customizing this page

If a dependent extension extends or customizes this page, when compiling against version 2.0, this will lead to a compilation error similar to The target Page MyPage for the extension object is not found (AL0247).

pageextension 50100 MyExtension extends MyPage
    // Some additional changes on the page.

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