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This article provides an overview of the APIs that are available across various roles, and that can be used by various clients. The focus is on customer-facing application clients and e-commerce clients.
Every request to Commerce Scale Unit (via commerce proxy) operates under these main roles:
The Anonymous and Customer roles apply to e-commerce (customer/consumer) scenarios. The Anonymous role is used for requests that represent an e-commerce customer who hasn't signed in. The Customer role is used for requests that represent an e-commerce customer who has been authenticated and has signed in. A role filter is applied to every API that is exposed in Commerce Scale Unit (CSU). For e-commerce scenarios, you can use only APIs that have either the CommerceRole.Anonymous or CommerceRole.Customer roles associated with them. The BusinessPartnerEmployee role is used for requests that represent a contractor that works for a seller channel in a business to business to business (B2B2B) scenario.
By default, Anonymous access is not enabled. To enable Anonymous access for your environment, contact Support.
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetOrderShipmentsHistory | string accountNumber, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<OrderShipments> | Employee, Customer, Application | Gets order shipments history for the customers |
CreateEntity | Customer | Customer | Employee, Anonymous, Application | Creates customer. |
UpdateEntity | string key, Customer update | Customer | Employee, Customer, Application | Updates customer. |
GetOrderHistory | string accountNumber, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<SalesOrder> | Employee, Customer, Application | Returns the collection of sales orders. |
Search | CustomerSearchCriteria customerSearchCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<GlobalCustomer> | Employee, Application | Searches for the customers |
GetPurchaseHistory | string accountNumber, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<PurchaseHistory> | Employee, Customer, Application | Gets purchase history for the customers |
GetByAccountNumbers | IEnumerable<string> accountNumbers, int searchLocationValue, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | IEnumerable<Customer> | Employee, Customer, Application | Gets customers list from the list of customer account numbers |
GetCustomerSearchFields | queryResultSettings | IEnumerable<CustomerSearchField> | Employee, Customer, Application | Gets the customer search fields for the store set in headquarters |
SearchByFields | Customer entity | PageResult<GlobalCustomer> | Employee, Customer, Application | Searches for customers by specified fields |
PostNonTransactionalActivityLoyaltyPoints | string loyaltyCardNumber, long channelId, long affiliationId, string activityTypeId | void | Employee, Customer, Application | Post non-transactional activity loyalty points |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetReceipts | string id, ReceiptRetrievalCriteria receiptRetrievalCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<Receipt> | Employee | Gets a set of receipts based on the formTypes for Printing. |
GetGiftReceipts | string id, IEnumerable<decimal> salesLineNumbers, ReceiptRetrievalCriteria receiptRetrievalCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<Receipt> | Employee | Gets the gift receipts |
GetByReceiptId | string receiptId, string orderStoreNumber, string orderTerminalId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<SalesOrder> | Employee | Gets sales orders by the receipt identifier |
SearchSalesTransactionsBy- ReceiptId | string receiptId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<SalesOrder> | Employee | Search sales transaction by the receipt identifier |
Search | SalesOrderSearchCriteria salesOrderSearchCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<SalesOrder> | Employee, Customer | Searches for any orders matching the given search criteria |
SearchOrders | OrderSearchCriteria orderSearchCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<SalesOrder> | Employee, Customer | Searches for orders matching the given search criteria. |
GetInvoicesBySalesId | string salesId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<SalesInvoice> | Employee | Gets the sales invoice associated with the passed sales identifier |
GetOrderInvoices | string customerAccount, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<OrderInvoice> | Employee | Gets the open order invoices associated with the customer associated with the given customer identifier |
GetInvoices | InvoiceSearchCriteria invoiceSearchCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<OrderInvoice> | Employee | Gets the open invoices associated with the search criteria |
GetInvoicedSalesLinesBy- SalesIds | IEnumerable<string> salesIds, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<SalesLine> | Employee | Gets the list of invoiced sales lines by sales order identifiers |
CreatePickingList [Obsolete("Use CreatePickingListForItems instead.")] | string salesId | void | Employee | Creates a picking list for a sales order |
CreatePickingListForItems | string salesId, IEnumerable- <PickAndPackSalesLineParameter> pickAndPackSalesLineParameters | string | Employee | Creates a picking list for selected lines on sales order. |
GetPickingLists | string salesId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<PickingList> | Employee | Gets the picking lists for an order from Headquarters. |
CreatePackingSlip | void | Employee | Creates a packing slip | |
GetSalesOrderDetailsBy- TransactionId | string transactionId, int searchLocationValue | SalesOrder | Employee, Customer | Gets the sales order details by transaction id. |
GetSalesOrderDetailsBy- SalesId | string salesId | SalesOrder | Employee, Customer | Gets the sales order details by sales id. |
GetSalesOrderDetailsBy- QuotationId | string quotationId | SalesOrder | Employee, Customer | Gets the sales order details by Quotation id. |
GetEntityByKey | string transactionId | SalesOrder | Employee | Gets the sales order matching the transaction identifier. |
CreateEntity | SalesOrder entity | SalesOrder | Employee, Application | Uploads a booked sales order with tender lines. |
CheckInForOrderPickup | long channelId, string packingSlipId, string channelReferenceId, IEnumerable<CommerceProperty> extensionProperties | CheckInForOrderPickupConfirmation | Anonymous, Customer | The check-in operation for the order pickup. |
GetInvoiceDetails | InvoiceDetailsSearchCriteria invoiceDetailsSearchCriteria | SalesInvoice | Employee, Customer, Application | Gets the invoice details (lines, charges, taxes) by invoice search criteria. |
SearchSalesTransactionsByReceiptId | string receiptId, QueryResultSettings settings | PagedResult<SalesOrder> | Employee | Searches sales transactions by receipt identifier. |
SendReceipt | SearchReceiptCriteria searchReceiptCriteria, IEnumerable<ElectronicAddress> recipientAddresses | NullResponse | Employee | Sends transaction receipt satisfying the specified criteria to up to three specified electronic addresses. |
GetOrderByChannelReferenceLookupCriteria | ChannelReferenceLookupCriteria channelReferenceLookupCriteria | SalesOrder | Employee, Customer, Application, Anonymous | Gets a sales order for given channel reference id and additional lookup criteria. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
Checkout | string id, string receiptEmail, TokenizedPaymentCard tokenizedPaymentCard, string receiptNumberSequence, IEnumerable<CartTenderLine> cartTenderLines, long? cartVersion | SalesOrder | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Checkout the cart. |
AddCartLines | string id, System.Collections.Generic.- IEnumerable<CartLine> cartLines, long? cartVersion | Cart | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Adds the cart lines into Cart. |
VoidCartLines | string id, System.Collections.Generic.- IEnumerable<CartLine> cartLines | Cart | Employee | Voids the cart lines in the cart. |
UpdateCartLines | string id, System.Collections.Generic.- IEnumerable<CartLine> cartLines | Cart | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Updates the cart lines in the cart. |
RefillGiftCard | string id, string giftCardId, decimal amount, string currencyCode, string lineDescription) | Cart | Employee | Adds balance to gift card |
IssueGiftCard | string id, string giftCardId, decimal amount, string currencyCode, string lineDescription, string tenderTypeId | Cart | Employee | Issues gift card. |
CashOutGiftCard | string id, string giftCardId, decimal amount, string currencyCode, string lineDescription | Cart | Employee | Cash out a gift card. |
AddTenderLine | string id, CartTenderLine cartTenderLine, long? cartVersion | Cart | Employee | Adds the cart tender line. |
AddPreprocessed- TenderLine | string id, TenderLine preprocessedTenderLine, long? cartVersion | Cart | Employee | Adds the pre-processed tender line. |
ValidateTender- LineForAdd | string id, TenderLine tenderLine | void | Employee | Validates the tender line. |
UpdateTenderLine- Signature | string id, string tenderLineId, string signatureData | Cart | Employee | Updates the cart tender line signature. |
VoidTenderLine | string id, string tenderLineId, System.Collections.Generic.- IEnumerable<ReasonCodeLine> reasonCodeLines, bool? isPreprocessed = false, bool? forceVoid = false | Cart | Employee. | Voids the cart tender line. |
SuspendWithJournal | string id, string journalCartId, string receiptNumberSequence | Cart | Employee | Suspends a cart and makes journal entry. |
Resume | string id | Cart | Employee | Resumes a suspended cart. |
ResumeFromReceiptId | string receiptId | Cart | Employee | Resumes a suspended cart based on receipt id. |
RecallOrder | string transactionId, string salesId | Cart | Employee | Recalls a customer order. |
AddInvoicedSales- LinesToCart | string transactionId, IEnumerable<long> invoicedLineIds | Cart | Employee. | Add invoiced sales lines to cart. |
RecallQuote | string transactionId, string quoteId | Cart | Employee | Recalls a quote. |
RecallSalesInvoice | string transactionId, string invoiceId | Cart | Employee | Gets the cart that represents the invoice associated with the passed invoice identifier. |
AddOrderInvoice | string id, string invoiceId, string lineDescription | Cart | Employee | Adds the invoice associated with the passed invoice identifier to the cart. |
AddInvoices | string key, IEnumerable<string> invoiceIds | Cart | Employee | Add invoices to cart. |
RecalculateOrder | string id | Cart | Employee | Recalculates a customer order. |
UpdateCommission- SalesGroup | string transactionId, string cartLineId, string commissionSalesGroup, bool isUserInitiated | Cart | Employee | Updates a commission sales group on a line or transaction. |
CartDeliveryPreferences | string id | CartDeliveryPreferences | Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the applicable delivery preference types based on the items in the cart. |
GetLineDeliveryOptions | string id, IEnumerable- <LineShippingAddress> lineShippingAddresses, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <SalesLineDeliveryOption> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the delivery line option of the cart. |
GetLineDeliveryOptionsBy- ChannelId | string id, IEnumerable- <LineShippingAddress> lineShippingAddresses, long channelId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <SalesLineDeliveryOption> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the delivery line option of the cart by the channel identifier. |
GetPaymentsHistory | string id, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<TenderLine> | Employee | Gets the payments history given the cart identifier. |
GetDeliveryOptions | string id, Address shippingAddress, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <DeliveryOption> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the delivery options for the cart. |
UpdateLineDelivery- Specifications | string id, System.Collections.Generic.- IEnumerable- <LineDeliverySpecification> lineDeliverySpecifications | Cart | Customer, Anonymous, Application | Updates the delivery specifications per cart line. |
AddCharge | string cartId, int moduleTypeValue, string chargeCode, decimal calculatedAmount | Cart | Employee, Application | Add a charge to the cart. |
OverrideCharge | string cartId, string chargeLineId, decimal amount, IEnumerable<ReasonCodeLine> reasonCodeLines | Cart | Employee, Application | Override the amount of a charge in the cart. |
AddCartLineCharge | string cartId, string cartLineId, int moduleTypeValue, string chargeCode, decimal calculatedAmount | Cart | Employee, Application | Add a charge to the cart line. |
OverrideCartLineCharge | string cartId, string cartLineId, string chargeLineId, decimal amount, IEnumerable<ReasonCodeLine> reasonCodeLines | Cart | Employee, Application | Override the amount of a cart line charge. |
UpdateDelivery- Specification | string id, DeliverySpecification deliverySpecification | Cart | Customer, Anonymous, Application | Updates the delivery specification for cart header. |
OverrideCartLinePrice | string id, string cartLineId, decimal price | Cart | Employee | Processes the barcode workflow by sending the cart identifier and barcode scanned information. |
GetPromotions | string id | CartPromotions | Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the promotions for cart. |
AddDiscountCode | string id, string discountCode | Cart | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Add discount code to cart. |
RemoveDiscountCodes | string id, IEnumerable<string> discountCodes | Cart | Customer, Anonymous, Application | Remove discount code from cart. |
RemoveCartLines | string id, System.Collections.Generic.- IEnumerable<string> cartLineIds | Cart | Customer, Anonymous, Application | Deletes the cart lines. |
Search | CartSearchCriteria cartSearchCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<Cart> | Customer | Gets the carts by customer. |
GetCardPayment- AcceptPoint | string id, CardPaymentAcceptSettings cardPaymentAcceptSettings | CardPaymentAcceptPoint | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the accepting point of card payment, e.g. a web page. |
RetrieveCardPayment- AcceptResult | string resultAccessCode | CardPayment- AcceptResult | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Retrieves the accepting result of card payment, e.g. payment authorization, card token. |
AddCoupons | string id, IEnumerable<string> couponCodes, bool? isLegacyDiscountCode = false | Cart | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Add coupons to the cart. |
RemoveCoupons | string id, IEnumerable<string> couponCodes | Cart | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Remove coupon codes from the cart. |
GetChargeCodes | QueryResultSettings settings | PageResult<ChargeCode> | Employee, Application | Gets all the charge codes. |
GetMaxLoyaltyPointsTo- RedeemFor- TransactionBalance | string cartId, string loyaltyCardNumber, string redeemCurrency | LoyaltyPoint- RedemptionEstimate | Employee, Customer | Get a LoyaltyPoint- RedemptionEstimate object, which contains the max currency amount a loyalty card can apply to a transaction's balance, and the reward point quantities used to generate that max currency amount. |
GetDeclinedOrVoided- CardReceipts | string cartId, TenderLine preprocessedTenderLine, ReceiptRetrievalCriteria criteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<Receipt> | Employee | Gets a collection of gift receipts for a declined or terminated card tender line. |
ResetAllCharges | string id | Cart | Employee, Application | Recalculates charges (including deleting all manually added and overridden charges) for the cart. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetAddressPurposes | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<AddressPurpose> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the address purposes |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetBarcodeById | string barcodeId | Barcode | Employee | Gets barcode by identifier. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetCashDeclarations | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<CashDeclaration> | Employee | Gets barcode by identifier. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetCities | string countryRegionId, string stateProvinceId, string countyId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<CityInfo> | Employee | Get all the cities filtered by Country/Region, State Province and County. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetCounties | string countryRegionId, string stateProvinceId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<CountyInfo> | Employee | Get all the counties filtered by country/region and state province. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetCountryRegionsFor- Shipping | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings PageResult<CountryRegionInfo> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the translated countries/regions with delivery modes configured for the current channel. | |
GetCountryRegionsBy- LanguageId | string languageId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<CountryRegionInfo> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Get all the countries/regions filter by Language Id. |
GetCountryRegions | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<CountryRegionInfo> | Employee | Get all the countries/regions. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetCreditMemoById | string creditMemoId | CreditMemo | Employee | Get credit memo by identifier. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetDeliveryOptions | string id, Address shippingAddress, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<DeliveryOption> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Get the delivery options for the channel. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetCustomerGroups | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<CustomerGroup> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets collection of customer group. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetCurrenciesAmount | string currencyCode, decimal amount, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<CurrencyAmount> | Employee | Gets the currencies amount. |
CalculateTotalCurrencyAmount | System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable <CurrencyRequest> currenciesAmount | CurrencyAmount | Employee | Calculates the total currency amount. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetCustomerBalance | string accountNumber, string invoiceAccountNumber | CustomerBalances | Employee | Gets the customer balance. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetDeviceConfiguration | DeviceConfiguration | Employee | Gets a single device configuration. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetDistricts | string countryRegionId, string stateProvinceId, string countyId, string cityName, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<DistrictInfo> | Employee | Get all the district info filtered by country/region, state province, county, city. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetStateProvinces | string countryRegionId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<StateProvinceInfo> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Get all the states or provinces filtered by country/region. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
CalculateSalesDocument | Cart salesDocument | Cart | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Calculates prices and discounts for products at given quantities if they are bought together in an order. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetZipCodes | string countryRegionId, string stateProvinceId, string countyId, string cityName, string district, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<ZipCodeInfo> | Employee | Get all the zip codes filtered by country/region, state province, county, city and district. |
GetAddressFromZipCode | string countryRegionId, string zipPostalCode, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<ZipCodeInfo> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Get details of addresses associated with zip code filtered by country/region. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetAllSuspendedCarts | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<SuspendedCart> | Employee | Gets all suspended carts. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetTenderTypes | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<TenderType> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets tender types. |
RoundAmountByTenderType | decimal amount, string tenderTypeId | decimal | Employee | Round amount by tender type. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
SetOnlineChannelPublishStatus | int publishingStatus, string publishingStatusMessage | void | Application | Updates Online Channel publishing status. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetLanguages | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<SupportedLanguage> | Employee | Gets collection of supported languages. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetLocalizedStrings | string languageId, int? textId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<LocalizedString> | Employee | Gets all localized strings filtered by language identifier, text identifier. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetNotifications | IEnumerable<int> subscribedOperations, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | ICollection<NotificationItem> | Employee | Gets the notifications. |
AcknowledgeNotifications | DateTimeOffset lastPullDateTime | void | Employee | Acknowledge notifications. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetLatestNumberSequence | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<LocalizedString> | Employee | Gets the next number sequence for the current terminal. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetReasonCodes | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<ReasonCode> | Employee | Gets the reason codes. |
GetReturnOrderReasonCodes | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<ReasonCode> | Employee | Gets return order reason codes. |
GetReasonCodesById | string reasonCodeGroupId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<ReasonCode> | Employee | Gets the reason codes by group or single identifier. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetReceiptMasks | int? receiptTransactionType, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<ReceiptMask> | Employee | Gets the receipts masks. |
ValidatePrintReceiptCopyAllowed | SalesOrder salesOrderToPrint | void | Employee | Performs validation, whether receipt copy printing operation is allowed or not. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
SearchReportDataSet | int? receiptTransactionType, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | ReportDataSet | Employee | Searches all the report dataset filtered by Report Identifier, Parameters and Locale. |
GetReportDataSetById | SalesOrder salesOrderToPrint | ReportDataSet | Employee | Gets report data set by id. |
GetSrsReportDataSet | ReportDataSet | Employee | Gets SSRS report data set. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetSearchSuggestions | SearchSuggestionCriteria suggestionCriteria, QueryResultSettings settings | PageResult<SearchSuggestion> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets Search suggestions. |
GetSearchConfiguration | SearchConfiguration | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets Channel Search Configuration from Azure Search |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetTaxOverrides | SearchSuggestionCriteria suggestionCriteria, QueryResultSettings settings | PageResult<TaxOverride> | Employee | Searches for any tax overrides matching the given search criteria. |
GetSalesTaxGroups | PageResult<SalesTaxGroup> | Employee | Gets the sales tax groups. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
CreateDropAndDeclareTransaction | DropAndDeclareTransaction dropAndDeclareTransaction | DropAndDeclareTransaction | Employee | Performs saving tender drop and declare store operations. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetUnitsOfMeasure | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<UnitOfMeasure> | Employee | Get all the units of measure supported by the store. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetIncomeExpenseAccounts | int incomeExpenseAccountType, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<IncomeExpenseAccount> | Employee | Gets the income or expense accounts. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
Search | ProductSearchCriteria productSearchCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | IEnumerable<Product> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Searches for the product using OData query. |
GetById | long recordId, long channelId | SimpleProduct | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets a SimpleProduct by its record identifier. |
Get | PageResult<Product> | Employee, Customer, Storefront | Searches for the product. | |
GetByIds | long channelId, IEnumerable<long> productIds, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<SimpleProduct> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets a collection of products based on channel identifier and record identifier. |
GetRecommendedProducts | IEnumerable<long> productIds, string customerAccountNumber, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <ProductSearchResult> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Retrieves a collection of SimpleProduct recommendations given a collection of product identifiers. |
Compare | long channelId, long catalogId, IEnumerable<long> productIds, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <ProductComparisonLine> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Compares products. |
SearchByCategory | long channelId, long catalogId, long categoryId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <ProductSearchResult> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Searches for products that belong to a category directly or via its child categories. |
SearchByText | long channelId, long catalogId, string searchText, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <ProductSearchResult> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Searches for products that are associated to the given search text. |
GetSearchSuggestions | long channelId, long catalogId, string searchText, string hitPrefix, string hitSuffix, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <SearchSuggestion> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets recommended search phrases based on a (partial) search text. |
GetRefinersByCategory | long catalogId, long categoryId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <ProductRefiner> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the product refiner(s) available for the given category product(s). |
GetRefinersByText | long catalogId, string searchText, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <ProductRefiner> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the product refiner(s) available for product(s) resulting from searching the given text. |
GetProductSearchRefiners | ProductSearchCriteria searchCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <ProductRefiner> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the product refiner(s) available for product(s) resulting from the combination of refiners and search text/ category ids being used. |
GetRefinerValuesByCategory | long catalogId, long categoryId, long refinerId, int refinerSourceValue, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <ProductRefinerValue> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the product refiner value(s) available for the given category product(s). |
GetRefinerValuesByText | long catalogId, string searchText, long refinerId, int refinerSourceValue, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <ProductRefinerValue> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the product refiner value(s) available for product(s) resulting from searching the given text. |
RefineSearchByCategory | long channelId, long catalogId, long categoryId, IEnumerable- <ProductRefinerValue> refinementCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <ProductSearchResult> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Refines searches performed on products that belong to a category directly or via its child categories. |
RefineSearchByText | long channelId, long catalogId, string searchText, IEnumerable- <ProductRefinerValue> refinementCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <ProductSearchResult> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Refines searches performed on products that are associated to the given search text. |
GetDimensionValues | long recordId, long channelId, int dimension, IEnumerable<ProductDimension> matchingDimensionValues, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <ProductDimensionValue> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the dimension values for a product based on the specified requirements. |
GetVariantsBy- DimensionValues | long recordId, long channelId, IEnumerable<ProductDimension> matchingDimensionValues, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<SimpleProduct> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the variations of a product based on the specified requirements. |
GetVariantsBy- ComponentsInSlots | long recordId, long channelId, IEnumerable- <ComponentInSlotRelation> matchingSlotTo- ComponentRelationship, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<SimpleProduct> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the variations of a product based on the component in slot combination specified. |
GetDefaultComponents | long recordId, long channelId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <ProductComponent> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the default individual parts that constitute the specified product. |
GetComponentByProduct- SlotRelation | long channelId, ComponentInSlotRelation componentRelation | ProductComponent | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets a specific product component based on the provided ComponentIn- SlotRelation. |
GetSlotComponents | long recordId, long channelId, long slotId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <ProductComponent> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the default individual parts that can fit into a slot of a product to complete its constitution. |
GetFiltered- SlotComponents | long recordId, long channelId, long slotId, IEnumerable- <ComponentInSlotRelation> selectedComponents, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <ProductComponent> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the Product components that may be selected given a set of previously selected components. |
GetAttributeValues | long recordId, long channelId, long catalogId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<AttributeValue> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the attribute values of the specified product. |
GetRelationTypes | long recordId, long channelId, long catalogId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <ProductRelationType> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the types of relationships the specified product has with other products. |
GetRelatedProducts | long recordId, long channelId, long catalogId, long relationTypeId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <ProductSearchResult> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Searches for products that are associated to the specified product by the specified relationship. |
GetRefiners | ProductSearchCriteria productSearchCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<ProductRefiner> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Searches for product refiners using OData query. |
Changes | ChangedProductsSearchCriteria productSearchCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | IEnumerable<Product> | Employee, Storefront | Searches and retrieves changed products given the specified query criteria. |
ReadChangedProducts | ChangedProductsSearchCriteria productSearchCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<Product> | Application | Searches and retrieves changed products given the specified query criteria. |
GetDeletedListings | long catalogId, long skip, long top | DeletedListingsResult | Application | Searches and retrieves changed products given the specified query criteria. |
GetDeletedCatalogs | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | IEnumerable<long> | Application | Gets deleted catalogs. |
GetDeletedLanguages | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | IEnumerable<string> | Application | Gets deleted languages. |
DeleteListingsBy- Catalogs | IEnumerable<long> catalogIds | void | Application | Deletes listings by catalogs. |
DeleteListingsBy- Languages | IEnumerable<string> languages | void | Application | Deletes listings by languages. |
BeginRead- ChangedProducts | ChangedProductsSearchCriteria changedProductSearchCriteria | ReadChanged- ProductsSession | Application | Begins session to read changed products. |
EndReadChangedProducts | ReadChangedProductsSession session | void | Application | Ends session to read changed products. |
UpdateListing- PublishingStatus | IEnumerable<ListingPublishStatus> publishingStatuses | void | Application | Searches and retrieves changed products given the specified query criteria. |
GetProductAvailabilities | IEnumerable<long> itemIds, long channelId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult- <ProductAvailableQuantity> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Get available inventory for given list of items for given channel and customer. |
GetPrices | string itemId, string inventoryDimensionId, string barcode, string customerAccountNumber, string unitOfMeasureSymbol, decimal quantity, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<ProductPrice> | Employee | Gets the price of an item in context of the current customer. |
GetPrice | long recordId, string customerAccountNumber, string unitOfMeasureSymbol | ProductPrice | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the price of a product in context of the current customer. |
CalculateProductPrice | long recordId, string customerAccountNumber, string unitOfMeasureSymbol, string loyaltyCardId, IEnumerable<AffiliationLoyaltyTier> affiliationLoyaltyTiers | ProductPrice | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the price. |
GetActivePrices | ProjectionDomain projectDomain, IEnumerable<long> productIds, DateTimeOffset activeDate, string customerId, IEnumerable<AffiliationLoyaltyTier> affiliationLoyaltyTiers, bool? includeSimpleDiscountsIn- ContextualPrice, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<ProductPrice> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the price. |
GetMediaLocations | long recordId, long channelId, long catalogId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<MediaLocation> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the media locations for the specified product. |
GetMediaBlobs | long recordId, long channelId, long catalogId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<MediaBlob> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the media blobs for the specified product. |
GetUnitsOfMeasure | long recordId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<UnitOfMeasure> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the unit(s) of measure for the specified product. |
GetChannel- ProductAttributes | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<AttributeProduct> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets the channel product attributes. |
GetProductRatings | IEnumerable<long> productIds, QueryResultSettings settings | PageResult<ProductRating> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets a collection of product ratings based on product identifiers. |
GetEstimatedAvailability | InventoryAvailabilitySearchCriteria searchCriteria | ProductWarehouseInventoryInformation | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Get estimated product availability based on search criteria. |
GetEstimatedProductWarehouseAvailability | InventoryAvailabilitySearchCriteria searchCriteria | IEnumerable<ProductWarehouse> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Get estimated product availability for specific product warehouse pairs. |
UpdateProductWarehouseAvailability | IEnumerable<ProductWarehouseQuantity> quantities | UpdateProductWarehouseAvailabilityResult | BusinessPartnerEmployee, Application | Update inventory for products or product variants in specific warehouses. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
Search | ProductListSearchCriteria productListSearchCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PagedResult<ProductList> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Gets the product lists filtered by search criteria. |
AddProductListLines | string productListId, IEnumerable<ProductListLine> productListLines | PagedResult<ProductListLine> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Creates the product list lines for product list. |
UpdateProductListLines | string productListId, IEnumerable<ProductListLine> productListLines | PageResult<ProductListLine> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Updates the product list lines. |
GetProductListLines | string productListId, string searchText, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PagedResult<ProductListLine> | Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Gets the product list lines. |
RemoveProductListLines | string productListId, IEnumerable<ProductListLine> lines | NullResponse | Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Removes lines from the product list. |
CopyCartToProductList | string cartId, string destinationProductListId, bool isRewrite, bool isQuantityAggregate | ProductList | Employee, Customer | Copies the cart content to product list lines. |
GetEntityByKey | string productListId | ProductList | Employee, Customer | Gets a single product list by id. |
CreateEntity | ProductList productList | ProductList | Employee, Customer | Creates the product list. |
PatchEntity | ProductList productList | ProductList | Employee, Customer | Updates the product list properties. Used for partial updates. |
UpdateEntity | ProductList productList | ProductList | Employee, Customer | Updates the product list properties. Used for partial updates. |
DeleteEntity | string productListId | NullResponse | Employee, Customer | Deletes the product list. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
ShipFulfillmentLines | IEnumerable<ShipFulfillmentLine> fulfillmentLines | void | Employee | Ship the fulfillment lines. Invoices in AX. |
AcceptFulfillmentLines | IEnumerable<FulfillmentLineParameter> fulfillmentLines | void | Employee | Updates the status of the fulfillment lines to Accepted. |
PickFulfillmentLines | IEnumerable<FulfillmentLineParameter> fulfillmentLines, IEnumerable<FulfillmentLineParameter> fulfillmentLines | void | Employee | Updates the status of the fulfillment lines to Picking. |
MarkAsPicked | IEnumerable<FulfillmentLineParameter> fulfillmentLines | void | Employee | Updates the status of the fulfillment lines to Picked. |
PackFulfillmentLines | IEnumerable<FulfillmentLineParameter> fulfillmentLines | void | Employee | Updates the status of the fulfillment lines to Packed or Partially Packed. |
MarkFulfillmentLinesAsPacked | IEnumerable<FulfillmentLineParameter> fulfillmentLines | String | Employee | Updates the status of the fulfillment lines to Packed or Partially Packed. |
GetFulfillmentLines | FulfillmentLineSearchCriteria criteria, QueryResultSettings settings | IEnumerable<FulfillmentLine> | Employee | Gets the fulfillment lines. |
GetFulfillmentPackingSlips | IEnumerable<Receipt> | Employee | Gets the packing slips. | |
GetFulfillmentPackingSlipsById | string salesId, string packingSlipId, string hardwareProfileId | IEnumerable<Receipt> | Employee | Gets the packing slips by packing slip Id and sales Id. |
GetFulfillmentPickingLists | IEnumerable<FulfillmentLineParameter> pickingListFulfillmentLines, string hardwareProfileId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | IEnumerable<Receipt> | Employee | Gets the picking lists. |
RejectFulfillmentLines | IEnumerable<RejectFulfillmentLine> fulfillmentLines | void | Employee | Updates the status of the fulfillment lines to Rejected. |
GetPackingSlipsData | string salesId | IEnumerable<PackingSlipData> | Employee | Gets the list of packing slip data given a sales identifier. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetHardwareProfileById | string hardwareProfileId | HardwareProfile | Employee | Gets hardware profile by id. |
GetHardwareStationProfiles | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<HardwareStationProfile> | Employee | Gets collection of hardware station profiles. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetIncomeExpenseAccounts | int incomeExpenseAccountType, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<IncomeExpenseAccount> | Employee | Gets the income or expense accounts. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
DisassembleKitTransactions | KitTransaction | KitTransaction | Employee | Performs kit (disassembly) transaction operations. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetGiftCardInquiry | string giftCardId | GiftCard | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Get gift card with additional information by identifier. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetImageBlob | long imageId | MediaBlob | Employee, Customer, Anonymous, Application | Gets image blob by image identifier. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetStoreSafes | QueryResultSettings settings | PageResult<StoreSafe> | Employee, | Get store safe list. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetWarehouseById | string inventLocation | PageResult<StoreSafe> | Employee, Customer | Gets a Warehouse by its record identifier. |
SearchWarehouses | string searchText, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<Warehouse> | Application, Employee, Customer | Retrieves a list of warehouses that matches the given search text. |
GetLocations | string inventLocation, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<WarehouseLocation> | Application, Employee, Customer | Gets the warehouse locations of the specified Warehouse. |
SearchLocations | string inventLocation, string searchText, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<WarehouseLocation> | Application, Employee, Customer | Retrieves a list of warehouse locations for the given warehouse that matches the given search text. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
Get | PageResult<Recommendation> | Application, Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Gets the list of recommendations. | |
GetElements | string listId, RecommendationCriteria criteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PagedResult<RecommendedElement> | Application, Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Gets the collection of recommended elements given the (optional) contextual information as criteria. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
Get | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<TransferOrder> | Employee | Gets open transfer orders for the store. |
Commit | string orderId | Void | Employee | Commits a transfer order. |
GetTransferOrderJournals | string orderId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<TransferOrderJournal> | Employee | Gets the transfer order journals of the specified transfer order. |
GetTransferOrderLines | string orderId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<TransferOrderLine> | Employee | Gets the transfer order lines. |
CreateTransferOrderLines | string orderId, IEnumerable<TransferOrderLine> transferOrderLines, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<TransferOrderLine> | Employee | Creates the transfer order lines. |
UpdateTransferOrderLines | string orderId, IEnumerable<TransferOrderLine> transferOrderLines, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<TransferOrderLine> | Employee | Updates the transfer order lines. |
DeleteTransferOrderLines | string orderId, IEnumerable<TransferOrderLine> transferOrderLines, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<TransferOrderLine> | Employee | Deletes the transfer order lines. |
GetTransferOrderComments | string orderId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<Comment> | Employee | Gets the comments of the specified transfer order. |
AddTransferOrderComment | string orderId, string commentedBy, string comment | Comment | Employee | Gets the comments of the specified transfer order. |
GetTransferPackingSlip | string orderId, string voucherId, ReceiptRetrievalCriteria criteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<Receipt> | Employee | Gets the packing slip for the specified transfer order journal. |
PatchEntity | TransferOrder entity | TransferOrder | Employee | Saves a transfer order to the local database. |
GetEntityByKey | string orderId | TransferOrder | Employee | Gets a transfer order by order identifier. |
DeleteEntity | TransferOrder entity | void | Employee | Deletes the specified transfer order. |
CreateEntity | TransferOrder entity | TransferOrder | Employee | Creates transfer order. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
Get | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<PurchaseOrder> | Employee | Gets open purchase orders for the store. |
Commit | string orderId | Void | Employee | Commits a purchase order. |
PatchEntity | PurchaseOrder entity | PurchaseOrder | Employee | Saves a purchase order to the local database. |
GetEntityByKey | string orderId | PurchaseOrder | Employee | Get a purchase order by order identifier. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
Get | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<OrgUnit> | Application, Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Gets all organization as IQueryable. |
GetOrgUnitLocationsByArea | SearchArea searchArea, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<OrgUnitLocation> | Application, Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Finds stores in a defined area. |
SearchOrgUnitLocations | OrgUnitLocationSearchCriteria orgUnitLocationSearchCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<OrgUnitLocation> | Application, Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Search stores with specified filter criteria within current fulfillment group. |
GetAvailableInventory | string itemId, string variantId, string barcode, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<OrgUnitAvailability> | Application, Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Get available inventory across all stores for an item identifier or barcode. |
GetProductAvailability | long productId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<OrgUnitAvailability> | Application, Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Get available inventory across all stores for a product. |
SearchProductAvailability | long productId, OrgUnitAvailabilitySearchCriteria orgUnitAvailabilitySearchCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<OrgUnitAvailability> | Application, Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Search available inventory across all stores for a product. |
GetAvailableInventoryNearby | IEnumerable<ItemUnit> itemIds, SearchArea searchArea, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<OrgUnitAvailability> | Application, Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Get available inventory of nearby stores for given list of items in defined search area. |
GetTillLayout | int? height, int? width | TillLayout | Application, Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Gets a single till layout. |
GetOrgUnitConfiguration | ChannelConfiguration | Application, Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Gets the configuration for the current organization unit. | |
Search | SearchStoreCriteria storeSearchCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<OrgUnit> | Application, Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Searches for organization unit by the given search query. |
GetTerminalInfo | string orgUnitNumber, int deviceType, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<TerminalInfo> | Employee, | Retrieves terminal and device association information data of the store. |
GetProductAvailabilityByDimensions | IEnumerable<string> inventLocationIds, long productId, IEnumerable<ProductDimensionCombination> productDimensionCombinations, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<OrgUnitAvailability> | Application, Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Gets orgUnit availabilities at each specified inventory location based on the given product dimensions. |
GetStoreHours | string storeNumber | StoreHours | Application, Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Retrieve the store hours for a given store number. |
GetEntityByKey | string orgUnitNumber | OrgUnit | Application, Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Gets organization entity by key. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetCatalogs | long channelId, bool activeOnly, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<ProductCatalog> | Application, Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Gets catalogs by OData query. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetCategories | long channelId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<Category> | Application, Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Gets categories by OData query. |
GetChildren | long channelId, long categoryId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<Category> | Application, Employee, Anonymous | Gets subcategories by given Channel Id and Category Id. |
GetAttributes | long categoryId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<AttributeCategory> | Application | Gets categories' attributes by OData query. |
Get | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<Category> | Application, Employee, Anonymous | Gets full list of categories as IQueryable. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
UpdateApplicationVersion | string appVersion | void | Employee | Updates the POS device's current application version. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetAttributeDefinitions | AttributeDefinitionCriteria attributeDefinitionCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<AttributeDefinition> | Employee | Gets the attribute definitions by an attribute group identifier. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetAttributeGroupDefinitions | AttributeGroupDefinitionCriteria attributeGroupDefinitionCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<AttributeGroupDefinition> | Employee | Gets the attribute group definitions by collection of attribute group identifiers. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
RegisterAuditEvent | AuditEvent auditEvent | void | Employee | Performs the audit event saving operation. |
RegisterAndGetAuditEvent | AuditEvent auditEvent | AuditEvent | Anonymous, Customer, Device, Employee, Application | Performs the audit event saving operation. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetShift | long shiftId, string terminalId | Shift | Employee | Gets the shift by shift id and terminal id. |
GetByStatus | int statusValue, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<Shift> | Employee | Gets the shifts by status. |
GetByStatusFilterByUserRole | int statusValue, bool filterByUserRole, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<Shift> | Employee | Gets the shifts by status. |
GetByRetrievalCriteria | ShiftRetrievalCriteria shiftRetrievalCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<Shift> | Employee | Gets the shifts by retrieval criteria. |
UpsertAndValidateShifts | long? shiftId, string terminalId, IEnumerable<Shift> shifts | bool | Employee | Inserts or update given shifts and validate them. |
DeleteShifts | bool | Employee | Delete shifts is not supported in the online context. | |
Open | Shift | Employee | Opens a new shift. | |
Close | long shiftId, string terminalId, string transactionId, bool forceClose | Shift | Employee | Closes the shift for the given terminal. |
BlindClose | long shiftId, string terminalId, string transactionId, bool forceClose | Shift | Employee | Blind closes a shift. |
ForceDelete | long shiftId, string terminalId, string transactionId | void | Employee | Forcefully deletes a shift. Used to delete invalid shifts. |
Resume | long shiftId, string terminalId, string cashDrawer | Shift | Employee | Resumes a shift. |
Use | long shiftId, string terminalId | Shift | Employee | Uses an existing shift. |
Suspend | long shiftId, string terminalId, string transactionId | Shift | Employee | Suspends a shift. |
PostShift | Shift shift | HttpResponseMessage | Employee | Handles POST requests that create new shift |
PatchShift | long shiftId, string terminalId, Delta<Shift> delta | Shift | Employee | Handles Patch request that update existing shift. |
GetXReport | long shiftId, string terminalId, string transactionId, string hardwareProfileId | Receipt | Employee | Gets receipt for X report. |
GetZReport | string transactionId, string hardwareProfileId | Receipt | Employee | Gets receipt for Z report. |
ValidateCashDrawerLimit | string shiftTerminalId, long shiftId | void | Employee | Gets all suspended carts for given shift. |
GetSuspendedCartsByShift | string shiftTerminalId, long shiftId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<SuspendedCart> | Employee | Voids the suspended transactions for given shift. |
VoidSuspendedCarts | long shiftId, string shiftTerminalId | void | Employee | Voids the suspended transactions for given shift. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetDownloadInterval | string dataStoreName | string | Device | Gets download interval. |
GetUploadInterval | GetUploadInterval | string | Device | Gets upload interval. |
GetTerminalDataStoreName | string terminalId | string | Device | Gets data store name. |
GetDownloadLink | string dataStoreName, long downloadSessionId | string | Device | Gets download link. |
GetDownloadSessions | string dataStoreName, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<DownloadSession> | Device | Gets the download sessions. |
GetInitialDownloadSessions | string dataStoreName, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<DownloadSession> | Device | Gets initial download sessions. |
GetUploadJobDefinitions | string dataStoreName, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | IEnumerable<string> | Device | Gets the download sessions. |
UpdateDownloadSession | DownloadSession downloadSession | bool | Device | Update download session status. |
PostOfflineTransactions | IEnumerable<string> offlineTransactionForMPOS | bool | Device | Posts offline transactions. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetCardTypes | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<CardTypeInfo> | Application, Employee, Customer, Anonymous | Returns the list of card types. |
GetSupportedPaymentCardTypes | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<string> | Application, Customer, Anonymous | Returns the list of payment cards supported by the payment connector. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetCommissionSalesGroups | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<CommissionSalesGroup> | Employee | Gets collection of commission sales groups for the channel. |
SearchCommissionSalesGroups | string searchText, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<CommissionSalesGroup> | Employee | Searches for the commission sales groups for the channel for a given search text. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetEnvironmentConfiguration | EnvironmentConfiguration | Anonymous, Employee, Application | Gets a single environment configuration. | |
GetExtensionProfile | ExtensionProfile | Anonymous, Employee, Application | Gets the extension profile which can be used to download extension package and communicate with micro-services. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetExtensionPackageDefinitions | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | IEnumerable<ExtensionPackageDefinition> | Device, Employee, Application | Gets the configured extension package definitions. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetExtensibleEnumerations | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | IEnumerable<ExtensibleEnumerationContainer> | Device, Employee, Application, Anonymous, Customer, Storefront | Gets all extensible enumeration classes. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
IssueLoyaltyCard | LoyaltyCard loyaltyCard | LoyaltyCard | Employee, Customer | Issues a new loyalty card. |
GetLoyaltyCard | string cardNumber | LoyaltyCard | Employee, Customer | Gets a loyalty card. |
GetCustomerLoyaltyCards | string accountNumber, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<LoyaltyCard> | Employee, Customer | Gets the customer loyalty cards. |
GetLoyaltyCardTransactions | string cardNumber, string rewardPointId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<LoyaltyCardTransaction> | Employee, Customer | Gets the loyalty card transactions. |
GetLoyaltyRewardPointActivityTimeline | string cardNumber, string rewardPointId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<LoyaltyRewardPointActivity> | Employee, Customer | Gets the timeline activity for the reward point of a loyalty card. |
GetLoyaltyRewardPointActivityTimelineForExpiredPoints | string cardNumber, string rewardPointId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<LoyaltyRewardPointActivity> | Employee, Customer | Gets the expired points timeline activity for the reward point of a loyalty card. |
GetLoyaltyRewardPointsExpiringSoon | string cardNumber, string rewardPointId, int daysToExpiry, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<LoyaltyRewardPointActivity> | Employee, Customer | Gets the loyalty card reward points that are going to expire soon. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetNonSalesTransactions | string shiftId, string shiftTerminalId, int nonSalesTenderTypeValue, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<NonSalesTransaction> | Employee | Gets the aggregated amount for non sale tender operation. |
CreateNonSalesTransaction | NonSalesTransaction nonSalesTransaction | NonSalesTransaction | Employee | Performs saving drawer type of operations like declare start amount / tender removal / float entry. |
GetAffiliations | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<Affiliation> | Employee | Gets affiliations. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetOperationPermissionById | int operationId | OperationPermission | Employee | Gets Operation permission by using operation identifier. |
GetOperationPermissions | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<OperationPermission> | Employee | Returns a collection of operation permissions. |
SearchJournalTransactions | TransactionSearchCriteria searchCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<Transaction> | Employee | Returns a collection of transactions matching the specified search criteria. |
GetInventoryAvailableToPromise | long productId, string itemId, string inventoryLocationId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<InventoryAvailableToPromise> | Employee | Get available inventory across all stores for a product. |
VoidSuspendedTransactions | IEnumerable<string> suspendedCartIds | void | Employee | Void the suspended transactions specified by given cart ids. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetShiftReconciliationLines | ShiftReconciliationLineRetrievalCriteria shiftReconciliationLineRetrievalCriteria, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<ShiftReconciliationLine> | Employee | Gets download interval. |
ReconcileLines | IEnumerable<ShiftReconciliationLine> lines, string description | void | Employee | Reconciles the lines. |
UndoReconciliation | IEnumerable<ShiftReconciliationLine> lines | void | Employee | Unreconciles all the lines that are a part of any of the groups in the lines passed in. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
Get | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<StockCountJournal> | Employee | Gets StockCountJournal entities as IQueryable. |
Sync | QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<StockCountJournal> | Employee | Syncs the Stock Count journal from AX to RetailServer DB and gets the current list of SC journal from DB. |
SyncTransactions | string journalId, QueryResultSettings queryResultSettings | PageResult<StockCountJournalTransaction> | Employee | Syncs the Stock Count journal from AX to RetailServer and gets the current list of journal transactions. |
RemoveJournal | string journalId | void | Employee | Deletes the stock count journals from local. |
RemoveTransaction | string journalId, string itemId, string inventSizeId, string inventColorId, string inventStyleId, string configId | void | Employee | Deletes the stock count journal transaction from local. |
RemoveStockCountLineByLineId | string journalId, long stockCountLineId | void | Employee | Deletes the stock count journal transaction from local by stock count line identifier. |
RemoveStockCountLineByProductRecId | string journalId, long productRecId | void | Employee | Deletes the stock count journal transaction from local by product identifier. |
Commit | string journalId | void | Employee | Commits the list of Stock journal transactions to AX. |
GetEntityByKey | string journalId | StockCountJournal | Employee | Creates journal entity. |
UpdateEntity | StockCountJournal entity | StockCountJournal | Employee | Updates journal entity. |
PatchEntity | StockCountJournal entity | StockCountJournal | Employee | Partially updates journal entity. |
API | Parameter | Return value | Supported Commerce Roles | Description |
GetEntityByKey | string scannedText | ScanResult | Employee | Gets the ScanResult entity by key. |
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Manage and organize your product catalog with Dynamics 365 Sales - Training
Microsoft Dynamics 365 helps organize and manage even the most complex product catalog to support your customers in customer engagement scenarios (for example, sales and column service). In this module, you learn how to define products, families, and bundles, take advantage of product properties, and define price lists. You also learn about pricing options for increased consistency and efficiency.
Utforma och konfigurera Hantering av leveranskedjan i Dynamics 365 och relaterade verktyg.