
Dela via

Create early-bound entity classes with the Code Generation tool


If you are using Dataverse, you should use the Power Platform CLI pac modelbuilder build command. CrmSvcUtil.exe still works with Dataverse, but we recommend using the pac modelbuilder build command because of the improved experience and new features that will be added. Learn more about generating early-bound classes for the SDK for .NET with Dataverse.

Because the Power Platform CLI is not available for Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises), you must use CrmSvcUtil.exe.

CrmSvcUtil.exe is a command-line code generation tool for use with Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement. This tool generates early-bound .NET Framework classes that represent the entity data model used by Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises).

The code generation tool (CrmSvcUtil.exe) is distributed as part of the Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreTools NuGet package. For information about downloading the code generation tool (CrmSvcUtil.exe), see Dataverse development tools.

Generate Entity classes

The CrmSvcUtil tool creates a Microsoft Visual C# or Visual Basic .NET output file that contains strongly-typed classes for tables in your environment. This includes custom tables and columns. This output file contains one class derived from Entity for each table, providing early binding and IntelliSense support in Visual Studio to aid you as you write code. The generated classes are partial classes that can be extended with custom business logic in separate files. You can also write extensions for this tool to customize its functionality. For more information, see Create extensions for the Code Generation Tool.

Generate an OrganizationServiceContext class

The tool can also be used to generate a class derived from the OrganizationServiceContext class that acts as an entity container in the EDM. This service context provides the facilities for tracking changes and managing identities, concurrency, and relationships. This class also exposes a SaveChanges() method that writes inserts, updates, and deletes table rows in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises). For more information, see Use OrganizationServiceContext.

Use generated classes

The classes created by the code generation tool are designed to be built into a class library that can be referenced by projects that use Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises). After you have generated the class file(s) using the tool, you should add the file(s) to your Visual Studio project. You must also add references to several assemblies that the generated classes are dependent upon.

The following lists assemblies that must be referenced in your project when you use the generated code file.

  • Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.dll
  • Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll

These assemblies are part of the Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreAssemblies or Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client NuGet package. Use one of these NuGet packages to add the required assemblies to your Visual Studio project.

Run the code generation tool

The code generation tool takes several parameters that determine the contents of the file that is created. The parameters can be passed in from the command line when you run the tool or in a .NET-connected application configuration file.

Run the CrmSvcUtil.exe application from the folder where it is installed. If you run the tool from another folder location, make sure that a copy of the Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll assembly is in that same folder.

The following sample shows the format for running the tool from the command line with Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises). To use an interactive environment login, you can simply provide these options:

CrmSvcUtil.exe /interactivelogin ^
/out:<outputFilename>.cs ^
/namespace:<outputNamespace> ^
/serviceContextName:<serviceContextName> ^

When you run the tool with the interactivelogin (shortcut il) option you will open a dialog and be able to specify your login credentials and the server you want to connect with.

You can also specify the parameters you want to pass directly in the command line or via a batch (.bat) file you can run to generate new classes.

CrmSvcUtil.exe ^
/url:https://<organizationUrlName> ^
/out:<outputFilename>.cs ^
/username:<username> ^
/password:<password> ^
/namespace:<outputNamespace> ^

For example:

CrmSvcUtil.exe ^
/url: ^
/out:MyOrganizationSdkTypes.cs ^
/ ^
/password:myp455w0rd ^
/namespace:MyOrg ^


The examples uses the carat (^) character to break up the list of parameters for readability. You can compose the command parameters with arguments using notepad and then paste it into the command line.

  • For the username and password parameters, type the user name and password that is used to sign in to your Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises) environment.
  • For the url parameter you can look up the correct URL in Power Apps, or in the legacy web application by selecting Settings, navigating to Customizations, and then choosing Developer Resources. The URL is shown under Organization Service.

Claims based authentication

The following examples show how to use of the code generation tool with claims based authentication. Note that user name and password are optional parameters. If your credentials for the target Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises) server are stored in the Windows credential vault, you do not have to provide them to run the code generation tool.

Active Directory

The following example shows how to run the code generation tool by using claims authentication in Active Directory. Note the use of https because this sample server is using Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

CrmSvcUtil.exe ^
/url:https://myport:555/MyOrg/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc ^
/out:GeneratedCode.cs ^
/username:administrator ^

Internet facing deployment (IFD)

The following sample shows how to run the code generation tool using claims authentication with IFD.

CrmSvcUtil.exe ^
/url: ^
/out:GeneratedCode.cs ^
/username:administrator ^


To view the latest supported command-line parameters, use the following command.

CrmSvcUtil.exe /?  

The following table lists the code generation tool parameters at the time when this topic was last updated, and provides a brief description of command parameter use.

Parameter Shortcut Description
url The URL for the Organization service. Required, unless you use interactivelogin
out o The file name for the generated code. Required
language l The language to generate the code in. This can be either "CS" or "VB". The default value is "CS".
namespace n The namespace for the generated code. The default is the global namespace.
username u The user name to use when you connect to the server for authentication.
password p The password to use when you connect to the server for authentication.
domain d The domain to authenticate against when you connect to an on-premises server.
servicecontextname The name of the generated context class. If no value is supplied, no service context is created.
help ? Show usage information.
nologo Suppress the banner at runtime.
generateActions Generate request and response classes for custom actions.
interactivelogin il When used, a dialog to log into the Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises) service is displayed. All other connection related parameters specified on the command line are ignored.
connectionstring connstr Contains information, provided as a single string, for connecting to a Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises) organization. All other connection related parameters specified on the command line are ignored. For more information see Use connection strings in XRM tooling.
suppressGeneratedCodeAttribute sgca Suppresses the GeneratedCodeAttribute on all classes
emitfieldsclasses emitfc Generate a Fields class per entity that contains all of the field names at the time of code generation
entitynamesfilter Filters the list of entities retrieved when reading data from Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises). Passed in as a semicolon separated list using the form <entitylogicalname>;<entitylogicalname>;...
messagenamesfilter Filters the list of messages that are retrieved when reading data from Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises). Passed in as a semicolon separated list. Required messages ( Create, Update, Delete, Retrieve, RetrieveMultiple, Associate and DisAssociate) are always included. A * can be used to proceed or trail a message allowing for all messages starting with or ending with a string. The list takes the form <messagename>;<messagename>;...
splitfiles Splits the output into files by type, organized by entity, message, and optionsets. when enabled, the out property is ignored and outdirectory is required instead
outdirectory outdir Write entity, message and optionset files to a specified output directory. Valid only with the splitfiles option
entitytypesfolder Folder name that will contain entities. THe default folder name is "Entities". Valid only with the splitfiles option.
messagestypesfolder Folder name that will contain messages. The default name is "Messages". Valid only with the splitfiles option
optionsetstypesfolder Folder name that will contain optionsets. The default name is "OptionSets". Valid only with splitfiles option
generateGlobalOptionSets Emit all global optionsets. Note: if an entity contains a reference to a global optionset, it will be emitted even if this switch is not present
legacyMode Disable emitting optionsets and many newer code features to support compatibility with older custom extensions

Use the configuration File

The CrmSvcUtil.exe.config configuration file must be in the same folder as the CrmSvcUtil.exe tool. The configuration file uses the standard key/value pairs in the appSettings section. However, if you enter a value at the command line, that value will be used instead of the one in the configuration file. Any key/value pairs found in the application configuration file that do not match any of the expected parameters are ignored.

Do not include the url and namespace parameters in the configuration file. These must be entered from the command line when the CrmSvcUtil.exe tool is being run.

The following sample shows how to configure the output file and the domain name parameters in the application configuration file using shortcut keys.

    <add key="o" value="CrmProxy.cs"/>    
    <add key="d" value="mydomain"/>

Enable tracing

To enable tracing when you run the tool, add the following lines to the configuration file:

   <trace autoflush="false" indentsize="4">   
         <add name="configConsoleListener" type="System.Diagnostics.ConsoleTraceListener">   
            <filter type="System.Diagnostics.EventTypeFilter" initializeData="Error" />   

For more information on supported tracing options see Configure tracing for XRM tooling.

Community tools

Early Bound Generator is a tool from the XrmToolbox community. Please see the Developer tools and resources topic for more community developed tools.


The community tools are not a product of Microsoft and does not extend support to the community tools. If you have questions pertaining to the tool, please contact the publisher. More Information: XrmToolBox.

See Also

Developer Tools for Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises)
Create extensions for the code generation tool
Late-bound and early-bound programming