
Dela via


Information specific to the FindLobbiesCompleted type of state change.


struct PFLobbyFindLobbiesCompletedStateChange : PFLobbyStateChange {  
    HRESULT result;  
    PFEntityKey searchingEntity;  
    void* asyncContext;  
    uint32_t searchResultCount;  
    const PFLobbySearchResult* searchResults;  


result   HRESULT

Indicates the result of the search lobbies operation.

The human-readable form of this result can be retrieved via PFMultiplayerGetErrorMessage().

searchingEntity   PFEntityKey

The entity provided to the call associated with this state change.

asyncContext   void*

The async context provided to the call associated with this state change.

searchResultCount   uint32_t

The number of results returned by the search operation.

searchResults   const PFLobbySearchResult*
array of size searchResultCount

The results returned by the search operation.


Header: PFLobby.h

See also

PFLobby members