
Dela via


Serializes a network descriptor structure into an opaque string that is safe to communicate over title and platform-specific communication channels.


PartyError SerializeNetworkDescriptor(  
    const PartyNetworkDescriptor* networkDescriptor,  
    char* serializedNetworkDescriptorString  


networkDescriptor   PartyNetworkDescriptor*

The network descriptor to serialize.

serializedNetworkDescriptorString   char*
output string buffer of size c_maxSerializedNetworkDescriptorStringLength+1

The output buffer to which the serialized network descriptor string is written. The serialized network descriptor string will never contain non-ASCII, control, or other characters that would require JSON or XML escaping.

Return value


c_partyErrorSuccess if the descriptor is serializable and was successfully serialized, or an error code otherwise.


A network descriptor contains all the information required for a device to connect to the network to which the descriptor is associated. serializedNetworkDescriptorString is the serialized form of the descriptor specified by networkDescriptor and is safe to communicate over title and platform-specific communication channels. The string may be up to c_maxSerializedNetworkDescriptorStringLength characters long, not including the null terminator, and will never contain non-ASCII, control, or other characters that would require JSON or XML escaping.

This method will fail if the network descriptor is not serializable. For example, the descriptor provided synchronously by a call to CreateNewNetwork() is not serializable because it does not contain enough information for a remote client to connect to the new network. The network descriptor changes and becomes serializable when the PartyCreateNewNetworkCompletedStateChange is provided and indicates success. The updated network descriptor is provided as a field in the PartyCreateNewNetworkCompletedStateChange. Once connected to the network, the descriptor can be retrieved using PartyNetwork::GetNetworkDescriptor().

PartyNetworkDescriptors work in tandem with PartyInvitations to facilitate inviting remote users to join the network. First, obtain the network descriptor via PartyNetwork::GetNetworkDescriptor() and serialize it via SerializeNetworkDescriptor(). Next, create an invitation via PartyNetwork::CreateInvitation() or query for a preexisting invitation via PartyNetwork::GetInvitations() and obtain the invitation's identifier from its configuration via PartyInvitation::GetInvitationConfiguration(). Last, include both the serialized network descriptor and the invitation identifier in the payload of the platform-specific invite mechanism. When the remote user receives the invite, they deserialize the network descriptor from the platform-invite payload via DeserializeNetworkDescriptor() and pass the deserialized descriptor to ConnectToNetwork(). After connecting, the remote user joins by authenticating into the network via PartyNetwork::AuthenticateLocalUser() with the invitation identifier in the platform-invite payload.

This method can be called prior to the Initialize() method.


Header: Party.h

See also
