
Dela via


Finds the endpoint with the corresponding network-unique identifier in this network, if it exists.


PartyError FindEndpointByUniqueIdentifier(  
    uint16_t uniqueIdentifier,  
    PartyEndpoint** endpoint  


uniqueIdentifier   uint16_t

The network-unique identifier of an endpoint.

endpoint   PartyEndpoint**
library-allocated output

The output endpoint with a network-unique identifier matching uniqueIdentifier.

Return value


c_partyErrorSuccess if an endpoint with a matching identifier was found on this network or an error code otherwise. The human-readable form of the error code can be retrieved via PartyManager::GetErrorMessage().


This method returns an error if the endpoint is not valid on the local device, that is, if the PartyEndpointCreatedStateChange for the endpoint associated with uniqueIdentifier has not yet been provided by PartyManager::StartProcessingStateChanges() or if the PartyEndpointDestroyedStateChange has been generated and all state changes referencing the endpoint have been returned to PartyManager::FinishProcessingStateChanges().

All devices in a network will agree on a given endpoint's unique identifier, but different devices may not see the same endpoints at a given moment. For example, it's possible for endpoint A to send a message to endpoint B that references a newly-created endpoint C's unique identifier, but that message between A and B may arrive before the PartyEndpointCreatedStateChange for endpoint C is generated on endpoint B's device. In that situation, this method will return an error when called on endpoint B's device because endpoint C is not yet known on that device.


Header: Party.h

See also
