
Dela via


Gets one or more statistic counter values for the network.


PartyError GetNetworkStatistics(  
    uint32_t statisticCount,  
    const PartyNetworkStatistic* statisticTypes,  
    uint64_t* statisticValues  


statisticCount   uint32_t

The number of statistics in the input statisticTypes array and to be written in the statisticValues output array. This must be at least 1.

statisticTypes   PartyNetworkStatistic*
input array of size statisticCount

The statisticCount entry input array of unique PartyNetworkStatistic types to retrieve.

statisticValues   uint64_t*
output array of size statisticCount

The statisticCount entry output array where the statistic values should be written. Each statistic value will be written at the same entry index corresponding to where the requested PartyNetworkStatistic appears in the statisticTypes input array.

Return value


c_partyErrorSuccess if retrieving the network statistics succeeded or an error code otherwise. The human-readable form of the error code can be retrieved via PartyManager::GetErrorMessage().


This method is used to retrieve performance counters, queue lengths, historical usage metrics, or other statistical information recorded for this network.

A given PartyNetworkStatistic type may appear in any order in the statisticTypes array, but must not be specified more than once. Each corresponding statistic value will be written to the statisticValues array in the same order.

The returned statistic values are always the most current ones available. There is no guarantee they will report the same value from one GetNetworkStatistics() call to the next, even if there were no intervening calls to PartyManager::StartProcessingStateChanges() or PartyManager::FinishProcessingStateChanges().


Header: Party.h

See also
