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PlayFab Party Typedefs

The PlayFab Party library uses several typedefs for convenient declarations of arrays of core types. It also provides typedefs for a few basic types to add semantic meaning and aid in static analysis. Macros are provided for dealing with PartyError return codes.

Basic types


The size of a C++ bool is implementation defined. PartyBool provides safe cross-platform serialization of boolean values.

typedef uint8_t PartyBool;


Error codes are 32-bit unsigned integers returned as PartyError. The success code is defined, as are macros for determining if a error code represents success or failure.

typedef _Return_type_success_(return == c_partyErrorSuccess) uint32_t PartyError;
static const PartyError c_partyErrorSuccess = 0;

#define PARTY_SUCCEEDED(partyError) ((partyError) == c_partyErrorSuccess)
#define PARTY_FAILED(partyError) (!PARTY_SUCCEEDED((partyError)))


A PartyString is a UTF-8 null-terminated const char array. The typedef exists in order to add an annotation for static analysis.

typedef _Null_terminated_ const char * PartyString;


A number of structs and method parameters use constant arrays of core types. To simplify usage and declaration of these arrays, the following typedefs are provided.

typedef class PartyEndpoint * const * PartyEndpointArray;
typedef class PartyLocalEndpoint * const * PartyLocalEndpointArray;
typedef class PartyDevice * const * PartyDeviceArray;
typedef class PartyInvitation * const * PartyInvitationArray;
typedef class PartyNetwork * const * PartyNetworkArray;
typedef class PartyChatControl * const * PartyChatControlArray;
typedef class PartyLocalChatControl * const * PartyLocalChatControlArray;
typedef class PartyTextToSpeechProfile * const * PartyTextToSpeechProfileArray;
typedef const struct PartyStateChange * const * PartyStateChangeArray;
typedef class PartyLocalUser * const * PartyLocalUserArray;
Typedef Core type
PartyEndpointArray PartyEndpoint
PartyLocalEndpointArray PartyLocalEndpoint
PartyDeviceArray PartyDevice
PartyInvitationArray PartyInvitation
PartyNetworkArray PartyNetwork
PartyChatControlArray PartyChatControl
PartyLocalChatControlArray PartyLocalChatControl
PartyTextToSpeechProfileArray PartyTextToSpeechProfile
PartyStateChangeArray PartyStateChange
PartyLocalUserArray PartyLocalUser


Header: Party.h

See also

Party members