
Dela via

plannerChecklistItems resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

The plannerChecklistItemCollection resource represents the collection of checklist items on a task. It's an Open Type. It's part of the task details object. The value in the property-value pair is the checklistItem object.


Properties of an Open Type can be defined by the client. In this case, the client should provide GUIDs as properties and their values must be checklistItem objects. Example is shown below. To remove an item in the checklist, set the value of the property to null.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

    "isChecked": true,
    "lastModifiedBy": "String-value",
    "lastModifiedByDateTime": "String(timestamp)",
    "orderHint": "String-value",
    "title": "String-value"

// Example

  "3a73c9dd-fb47-4230-9c0f-b80788fb0f9b": // client-generated GUID
    "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.checklistItem", // required in PATCH requests to edit the checklist on a task
    "isChecked": true,
    "lastModifiedBy": {
      "user": {
        "id": "ebf3b108-5234-4e22-b93d-656d7dae5874"
    "lastModifiedByDateTime": "2015-09-21T17:45:12.039Z",
    "orderHint": "0009005756397228702",
    "title": "Get stamps"
     "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.checklistItem",
    "isChecked": false,
    "lastModifiedBy": {
      "user": {
        "id": "ebf3b108-5234-4e22-b93d-656d7dae5874"
    "lastModifiedByDateTime": "2015-09-21T17:45:12.039Z",
    "orderHint": "0004105723397228784",
    "title": "Mail card at UPS"