
Dela via

alertEvidence resource type


Represents evidence related to an alert.

The alertEvidence base type and its derived evidence types provide a means to organize and track rich data about each artifact involved in an alert. For example, an alert about an attacker's IP address signing in to a cloud service using a compromised user account can track the following evidence:

This resource is the base type for the following evidence types:


Property Type Description
createdDateTime DateTimeOffset The date and time when the evidence was created and added to the alert. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
detailedRoles String collection Detailed description of the entity role/s in an alert. Values are free-form.
remediationStatus Status of the remediation action taken. The possible values are: none, remediated, prevented, blocked, notFound, unknownFutureValue.
remediationStatusDetails String Details about the remediation status.
roles collection The role/s that an evidence entity represents in an alert, for example, an IP address that is associated with an attacker has the evidence role Attacker.
tags String collection Array of custom tags associated with an evidence instance, for example, to denote a group of devices, high-value assets, etc.
verdict The decision reached by automated investigation. The possible values are: unknown, suspicious, malicious, noThreatsFound, unknownFutureValue.

detectionSource values

Value Description
detected A product of the threat that executed was detected.
blocked The threat was remediated at run time.
prevented The threat was prevented from occurring (running, downloading, and so on.).
unknownFutureValue Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use.

evidenceRemediationStatus values

Member Description
none No threats were found.
remediated Remediation action has completed successfully.
prevented The threat was prevented from executing.
blocked The threat was blocked while executing.
notFound The evidence wasn't found.
unknownFutureValue Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use.

evidenceRole values

Member Description
unknown The evidence role is unknown.
contextual An entity that arose likely benign but was reported as a side effect of an attacker's action. For example, the benign services.exe process was used to start a malicious service.
scanned An entity identified as a target of discovery scanning or reconnaissance actions. For example, a port scanner was used to scan a network.
source The entity the activity originated from. For example, a device, user, IP address, or so on.
destination The entity the activity was sent to. For example, a device, user, IP address, or so on.
created The entity was created as a result of the actions of an attacker. For example, a user account was created.
added The entity was added as a result of the actions of an attacker. For example, a user account was added to a permissions group.
compromised The entity was compromised and is under the control of an attacker. For example, a user account was compromised and used to log into a cloud service.
edited The entity was edited or changed by an attacker. For example, the registry key for a service was edited to point to the location of a new malicious payload.
attacked The entity was attacked. For example, a device was targeted in a DDoS attack.
attacker The entity represents the attacker. For example, the attacker`s IP address observed logging into a cloud service using a compromised user account.
commandAndControl The entity is being used for command and control. For example, a C2 (command and control) domain used by malware.
loaded The entity was loaded by a process under the control of an attacker. For example, a DLL was loaded into an attacker-controlled process.
suspicious The entity is suspected of being malicious or controlled by an attacker but hasn't been incriminated.
policyViolator The entity is a violator of a customer defined policy.
unknownFutureValue Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use.

evidenceRemediationStatus values

Member Description
unknown No verdict was determined for the evidence.
suspicious Recommended remediation actions awaiting approval.
malicious The evidence was determined to be malicious.
clean No threat was detected - the evidence is benign.
unknownFutureValue Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use.

evidenceVerdict values

Member Description
unknown No verdict was determined for the evidence.
suspicious Recommended remediation actions awaiting approval.
malicious The evidence was determined to be malicious.
noThreatsFound No threat was detected - the evidence is benign.
unknownFutureValue Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "",
  "createdDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "verdict": "String",
  "remediationStatus": "String",
  "remediationStatusDetails": "String",
  "roles": [
  "detailedRoles": [
  "tags": [