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AvailabilitySet.DefinitionStages.WithProximityPlacementGroup Interface

public static interface AvailabilitySet.DefinitionStages.WithProximityPlacementGroup

The stage of the availability set definition setting ProximityPlacementGroup.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract WithCreate withNewProximityPlacementGroup(String proximityPlacementGroupName, ProximityPlacementGroupType type)

Creates a new proximity placement gruup witht he specified name and then adds it to the availability set.

abstract WithCreate withProximityPlacementGroup(String promixityPlacementGroupId)

Set information about the proximity placement group that the availability set should be assigned to.

Method Details


public abstract AvailabilitySet.DefinitionStages.WithCreate withNewProximityPlacementGroup(String proximityPlacementGroupName, ProximityPlacementGroupType type)

Creates a new proximity placement gruup witht he specified name and then adds it to the availability set.


proximityPlacementGroupName - The name of the group to be created.
type - the type of the group


the next stage of the definition.


public abstract AvailabilitySet.DefinitionStages.WithCreate withProximityPlacementGroup(String promixityPlacementGroupId)

Set information about the proximity placement group that the availability set should be assigned to.


promixityPlacementGroupId - The Id of the proximity placement group subResource.


the next stage of the definition.

Applies to