Create a call queue via cmdlets
PowerShell is installed on your computer
Set up your computer for Windows PowerShell
MSTeams Module Installed
Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -Force -AllowClobber
Microsoft Graph module installed
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph -Force -AllowClobber
You have tenant administration rights
You have purchased Microsoft Teams Phone
The agents, distribution lists, and Teams channels referred to below have already been created
Note: The Teams Channel cmdlet used below is part of the Public Preview version of Teams PowerShell Module. For more information, see Install Teams PowerShell public preview and also see Microsoft Teams PowerShell Release Notes.
Users who already have the MicrosoftTeams module installed should Update-Module MicrosoftTeams
to ensure the most up-to-date version is installed.
The following three call queues will be created:
Sales Call Queue information:
- Fronted by Auto Attendant: Yes
- Direct calling from PSTN: No
- Language: English US
- Greeting: None
- Music on hold: Play an audio file
- Filename: sales-hold-in-queue-music.wav
- Call Answering: Users
- Conference Mode: On
- Routing method: Attendant
- Presence-based routing: Off
- Call agents can opt out of taking calls: Yes
- Call agent alert time: 15
- Call overflow handling: 200
- Redirect to:
- Call timeout handling: 120 seconds
- Redirect to:
Support Call Queue information:
- Fronted by Auto Attendant: Yes
- Direct calling from PSTN: No
- Language: English UK
- Greeting: Play an audio file
- Filename: support-greeting.wav
- Music on hold: Play an audio file
- Filename: support-hold-in-queue-music.wav
- Call Answering: Support distribution list
- Conference Mode: On
- Routing method: Longest Idle
- Presence-based routing: N/A – on by default because of Longest Idle
- Call agents can opt out of taking calls: No
- Call agent alert time: 15
- Call overflow handling: 200
- Redirect: Support Shared Voicemail
- Play an audio file (support-shared-voicemail-greeting.wav)
- Transcription enabled
- Redirect: Support Shared Voicemail
- Call timeout handling: 45 minutes
- Redirect: Support Shared Voicemail
- TTS: "We're sorry to have kept you waiting and are now transferring your call to voicemail."
- Transcription enabled
- Redirect: Support Shared Voicemail
Facilities Collaborative Calling Queue information:
- Fronted by Auto Attendant: No
- Direct calling from PSTN: No (internal calling only)
- Language: French FR
- Greeting: None
- Music on hold: default
- Call Answering: Team: Facilities
- Call Answering Channel: Help Desk
- Channel Owner:
- Conference Mode: On
- Routing method: Round Robin
- Presence-based routing: On
- Call agents can opt out of taking calls: No
- Call agent alert time: 15
- Call overflow handling: 200
- Disconnect
- Call timeout handling: 45 minutes
- Disconnect
You will be prompted to enter your Teams administrator credentials.
$credential = Get-Credential
Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Credential $credential
Connect-MgGraph -Credential $credential
Sales Queue
Create Audio Files
Replace "d:\" with the path to where the wav files are stored on your computer.
$content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes('d:\sales-hold-in-queue-music.wav')
$audioFileSalesHoldInQueueMusicID = (Import-CsOnlineAudioFile -ApplicationID HuntGroup -FileName "sales-hold-in-queue-music.wav" -Content $content).ID
Get Users ID
$userAdeleID = (Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity "").Identity
$userSalesBillID = (Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity "").Identity
$userSalesMaryID = (Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity "").Identity
Get list of supported languages
Create Call Queue
New-CsCallQueue -Name "Sales" -AgentAlertTime 15 -AllowOptOut $true -MusicOnHoldAudioFileID $audioFileSalesHoldInQueueMusicID -OverflowAction Forward -OverflowActionTarget $userAdeleID -OverflowThreshold 200 -TimeoutAction Forward -TimeoutActionTarget $userAdeleID -TimeoutThreshold 120 -RoutingMethod Attendant -ConferenceMode $true -User @($userSalesBillID, $userSalesMaryID) -LanguageID "en-US"
Get license types
Create and Assign Resource Account
Note: Phone number not required here as call queue is front ended by an Auto Attendant
- ApplicationID
- Auto Attendant: ce933385-9390-45d1-9512-c8d228074e07
- Call Queue: 11cd3e2e-fccb-42ad-ad00-878b93575e07
Note: The license type shown below (PHONESYSTEM_VIRTUALUSER) must be one that is listed by the Get-MgSubscribedSku
cmdlet above.
New-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -UserPrincipalName -DisplayName "Sales" -ApplicationID "11cd3e2e-fccb-42ad-ad00-878b93575e07"
Update-MgUser -UserId "" -UsageLocation US
Set-MgUserLicense -UserId "" -AddLicenses @(contoso:PHONESYSTEM_VIRTUALUSER) -RemoveLicenses @()
$applicationInstanceID = (Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity "").Identity
$callQueueID = (Get-CsCallQueue -NameFilter "Sales").Identity
New-CsOnlineApplicationInstanceAssociation -Identities @($applicationInstanceID) -ConfigurationID $callQueueID -ConfigurationType CallQueue
Support Queue
Create audio files
Replace "d:\" with the path to where the wav files are stored on your computer.
$content1 = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes('d:\support-greeting.wav')
$audioFileSupportGreetingID = (Import-CsOnlineAudioFile -ApplicationID HuntGroup -FileName "support-greeting.wav" -Content $content1).ID
$content2 = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes('d:\support-hold-in-queue-music.wav')
$audioFileSupportHoldInQueueMusicID = (Import-CsOnlineAudioFile -ApplicationID HuntGroup -FileName "support-hold-in-queue-music.wav" -Content $content2).ID
$content3 = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes('d:\support-shared-voicemail-greeting.wav')
$audioFileSupportSharedVoicemailGreetingID = (Import-CsOnlineAudioFile -ApplicationID HuntGroup -FileName "support-shared-voicemail-greeting.wav" -Content $content3).ID
Get Support team group ID
$teamSupportID = (Get-Team -DisplayName "Support").GroupID
Get list of supported languages
Create Call Queue
New-CsCallQueue -Name "Support" -AgentAlertTime 15 -AllowOptOut $false -DistributionLists $teamSupportID -WelcomeMusicAudioFileID $audioFileSupportGreetingID -MusicOnHoldAudioFileID $audioFileSupportHoldInQueueMusicID -OverflowAction SharedVoicemail -OverflowActionTarget $teamSupportID -OverflowThreshold 200 -OverflowSharedVoicemailAudioFilePrompt $audioFileSupportSharedVoicemailGreetingID -EnableOverflowSharedVoicemailTranscription $true -TimeoutAction SharedVoicemail -TimeoutActionTarget $teamSupportID -TimeoutThreshold 2700 -TimeoutSharedVoicemailTextToSpeechPrompt "We're sorry to have kept you waiting and are now transferring your call to voicemail." -EnableTimeoutSharedVoicemailTranscription $true -RoutingMethod LongestIdle -ConferenceMode $true -LanguageID "en-US"
Get license types
Create and Assign Resource Account
Note: Phone number not required here as call queue is front-ended by an Auto Attendant
- ApplicationID
- Auto Attendant: ce933385-9390-45d1-9512-c8d228074e07
- Call Queue: 11cd3e2e-fccb-42ad-ad00-878b93575e07
Note: The license type shown below (PHONESYSTEM_VIRTUALUSER) must be one that is listed by the Get-MgSubscribedSku
cmdlet above.
New-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -UserPrincipalName -DisplayName "Support" -ApplicationID "11cd3e2e-fccb-42ad-ad00-878b93575e07"
Update-MgUser -UserId "" -UsageLocation US
Set-MgUserLicense -UserId "" -AddLicenses @(contoso:PHONESYSTEM_VIRTUALUSER) -RemoveLicenses @()
$applicationInstanceID = (Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity "").Identity
$callQueueID = (Get-CsCallQueue -NameFilter "Support").Identity
New-CsOnlineApplicationInstanceAssociation -Identities @($applicationInstanceID) -ConfigurationID $callQueueID -ConfigurationType CallQueue
Facilities Collaborative Calling Queue
Get Facilities team group ID
$teamFacilitiesGroupID = (Get-Team -DisplayName "Facilities").GroupID
Get Facilities Help Desk team channel ID
Get-TeamChannel -GroupId $teamFacilitiesGroupID
$teamFacilitiesHelpDeskChannelID = "{assign ID from output of above command}"
Get Facilities Help Desk channel owner user ID
$teamFacilitiesHelpDeskChannelUserID = (Get-TeamChannelUser -GroupId $teamFacilitiesGroupID -DisplayName "Help Desk" -Role Owner).UserId
Get On Behalf Of Calling Resource Account ID
$oboResourceAccountID = (Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity "").Identity
Get list of supported languages
Create Call Queue
New-CsCallQueue -Name "Facilities" -AgentAlertTime 15 -AllowOptOut $false -ChannelId $teamFacilitiesHelpDeskChannelID -ChannelUserObjectId $teamFacilitiesHelpDeskChannelUserID -ConferenceMode $true -DistributionList $teamFacilitiesGroupID -LanguageID "fr-FR" -OboResourceAccountIds $oboResourceAccountID -OverflowAction DisconnectWithBusy -OverflowThreshold 200 -RoutingMethod RoundRobin -TimeoutAction Disconnect -TimeoutThreshold 2700 -UseDefaultMusicOnHold $true
Get license types
Create and Assign Resource Account
Note: Phone number not required here as call queue is front-ended by an Auto Attendant
- ApplicationID
- Auto Attendant: ce933385-9390-45d1-9512-c8d228074e07
- Call Queue: 11cd3e2e-fccb-42ad-ad00-878b93575e07
Note: The license type shown below (PHONESYSTEM_VIRTUALUSER) must be one that is listed by the Get-MgSubscribedSku
cmdlet above.
New-CsOnlineApplicationInstance -UserPrincipalName -DisplayName "Facilities" -ApplicationID "11cd3e2e-fccb-42ad-ad00-878b93575e07"
Update-MgUser -UserId "" -UsageLocation US
Set-MgUserLicense -UserId "" -AddLicenses @(contoso:PHONESYSTEM_VIRTUALUSER) -RemoveLicenses @()
$applicationInstanceID = (Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity "").Identity
$callQueueID = (Get-CsCallQueue -NameFilter "Facilities").Identity
New-CsOnlineApplicationInstanceAssociation -Identities @($applicationInstanceID) -ConfigurationID $callQueueID -ConfigurationType CallQueue