
Dela via

Initializing a wrapped PST store provider

Applies to: Outlook 2013 | Outlook 2016

To implement a wrapped Personal Folders file (PST) store provider, you must initialize the wrapped PST store provider by using the MSProviderInit function as an entry point. After the provider's DLL is initialized, the MSGSERVICEENTRY function configures the wrapped PST store provider.

In this topic, the MSProviderInit function and the MSGSERVICEENTRY function are demonstrated by using code examples from the Sample Wrapped PST Store Provider. The sample implements a wrapped PST provider that is intended to be used in conjunction with the Replication API. For more information about downloading and installing the Sample Wrapped PST Store Provider, see Installing the Sample Wrapped PST Store Provider. For more information about the Replication API, see About the Replication API.

After you have initialized a wrapped PST store provider, you must implement functions so that MAPI and the MAPI spooler can log onto the message store provider. For more information, see Logging On to a Wrapped PST Store Provider.

Initialization routine

All wrapped PST store providers must implement the MSProviderInit function as an entry point to initialize the provider's DLL. MSProviderInit checks to see if the version number of the service provider interface, ulMAPIVer, is compatible with the current version number, CURRENT_SPI_VERSION. The function saves the MAPI memory management routines into the g_lpAllocateBuffer, g_lpAllocateMore, and g_lpFreeBuffer parameters. These memory management routines should be used throughout the wrapped PST store implementation for memory allocation and deallocation.

MSProviderInit() example

    HINSTANCE /*hInstance*/, 
    LPMALLOC lpMalloc, 
    LPALLOCATEBUFFER lpAllocateBuffer, 
    LPALLOCATEMORE lpAllocateMore, 
    LPFREEBUFFER lpFreeBuffer, 
    ULONG ulFlags, 
    ULONG ulMAPIVer, 
    ULONG FAR * lpulProviderVer, 
    LPMSPROVIDER FAR * lppMSProvider) 
    Log(true,"MSProviderInit function called\n"); 
    if (!lppMSProvider || !lpulProviderVer) return MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; 
    HRESULT hRes = S_OK; 
    *lppMSProvider = NULL; 
    *lpulProviderVer = CURRENT_SPI_VERSION; 
        Log(true,"MSProviderInit: The version of the subsystem cannot handle this" 
            + "version of the provider\n"); 
        return MAPI_E_VERSION; 
    Log(true,"MSProviderInit: saving off memory management routines\n"); 
    g_lpAllocateBuffer = lpAllocateBuffer; 
    g_lpAllocateMore = lpAllocateMore; 
    g_lpFreeBuffer = lpFreeBuffer; 
    HMODULE hm = LoadLibrary("C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\System" + 
        "\\MSMAPI\\1033\\MSPST32.dll" ); 
    if (!hm) hm = LoadLibrary("C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office12" + 
        "\\MSPST32.dll" ); 
    Log(true,"LoadLibrary returned 0x%08X\n", hm); 
    if (hm) 
        pMsProviderInit = (LPMSPROVIDERINIT)GetProcAddress(hm, "MSProviderInit"); 
        Log(true,"GetProcAddress returned 0x%08X\n", pMsProviderInit); 
    else hRes = E_OUTOFMEMORY; 
    if (pMsProviderInit) 
        Log(true,"Calling pMsProviderInit\n"); 
        CMSProvider* pWrappedProvider = NULL; 
        LPMSPROVIDER pSyncProviderObj = NULL; 
        hRes = pMsProviderInit( 
            hm,// not hInstance: first param is handle of module in which the function lives 
        Log(true,"pMsProviderInit returned 0x%08X\n", hRes); 
        if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) 
            pWrappedProvider = new CMSProvider (pSyncProviderObj); 
            if (NULL == pWrappedProvider) 
                Log(true,"MSProviderInit: Failed to allocate new CMSProvider object\n"); 
                hRes = E_OUTOFMEMORY; 
            // Copy pointer to the allocated object back into the  
            //return IMSProvider object pointer 
            *lppMSProvider = pWrappedProvider; 
    else hRes = E_OUTOFMEMORY; 
    return hRes; 

Wrapped PST and Unicode paths

To retrofit the original sample prepared in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 to use Unicode paths to the NST for use in Unicode-enabled Microsoft Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2013, the CreateStoreEntryID routine, which produces the entry identifier, should use one format for ASCII paths, and another for Unicode paths. These are represented as structures in the following example.

typedef struct                              // short format
         BYTE             rgbFlags[4];     // MAPI-defined flags
         MAPIUID          uid;             // PST provider MUID
         BYTE             bReserved;       // Reserved (must be zero)
         CHAR             szPath[1];       // Full path to store (ASCII)
// Unicode version of EIDMSW is an extension of EIDMS
// and szPath is always NULL
typedef struct                              // Long format to support Unicode path and name
         BYTE             rgbFlags[4];     // MAPI-defined flags
         MAPIUID          uid;             // PST provider MUID
         BYTE             bReserved;       // Reserved (must be zero)
         CHAR             szPath[1];       // ASCII path to store is always NULL
         WCHAR            wzPath[1];       // Full path to store (Unicode)


The differences in these structures are two NULL bytes prior to a Unicode path. If you need to interpret the entry identifier in the "Service Entry Routine" that follows, one way to determine whether that is the case or not would be to cast as EIDMS first, then check whether the szPath[0] is NULL. If it is, cast it as EIDMSW instead.

Service Entry routine

The MSGSERVICEENTRY function is the message service entry point where the wrapped PST store provider is configured. The function calls GetMemAllocRoutines() to get the MAPI memory management routines. The function uses the lpProviderAdmin parameter to locate the profile section for the provider and sets the properties in the profile.

ServiceEntry() example

    HINSTANCE /*hInstance*/, 
    LPMALLOC lpMalloc, 
    ULONG ulUIParam, 
    ULONG ulFlags, 
    ULONG ulContext, 
    ULONG cValues, 
    LPSPropValue lpProps, 
    LPPROVIDERADMIN lpProviderAdmin, 
    LPMAPIERROR FAR *lppMapiError) 
    if (!lpMAPISup || !lpProviderAdmin) return MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; 
    HRESULT         hRes = S_OK; 
    Log(true,"ServiceEntry function called\n"); 
    Log(true,"About to call NSTServiceEntry\n"); 
    if (MSG_SERVICE_INSTALL         == ulContext || 
        MSG_SERVICE_DELETE            == ulContext || 
        MSG_SERVICE_UNINSTALL        == ulContext || 
        MSG_SERVICE_PROVIDER_CREATE == ulContext || 
        MSG_SERVICE_PROVIDER_DELETE == ulContext) 
        // These contexts are not supported 
        return MAPI_E_NO_SUPPORT; 
    // Get memory routines 
    hRes = lpMAPISup-> 
    HMODULE hm = LoadLibrary("C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\System" + 
        "\\MSMAPI\\1033\\MSPST32.dll" ); 
    if (!hm) hm = LoadLibrary("C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office12" + 
        "\\MSPST32.dll" ); 
    Log(true, "Got module 0x%08X\n", hm); 
    if (!hm) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; 
        (LPMSGSERVICEENTRY)GetProcAddress(hm, "NSTServiceEntry"); 
    Log(true, "Got procaddress  0x%08X\n", pNSTServiceEntry); 
    if (!pNSTServiceEntry) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; 
    // Get profile section 
    LPPROFSECT lpProfSect = NULL; 
    hRes = lpProviderAdmin-> 
        OpenProfileSection((LPMAPIUID) NULL, NULL, MAPI_MODIFY, &lpProfSect); 
    // Set passed in props into the profile 
    if (lpProps && cValues) 
        hRes = lpProfSect->SetProps(cValues,lpProps,NULL); 
    // Make sure there is a store path set 
    if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) hRes = SetOfflineStoreProps(lpProfSect,ulUIParam); 
    ULONG            ulProfProps = 0; 
    LPSPropValue    lpProfProps = NULL; 
    // Evaluate props 
    hRes = lpProfSect->GetProps((LPSPropTagArray)&sptClientProps, 
    if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) 
        CSupport * pMySup = NULL; 
        pMySup = new CSupport(lpMAPISup, lpProfSect); 
        if (!pMySup) 
            Log(true,"MSProviderInit: Failed to allocate new CSupport object\n"); 
            hRes = E_OUTOFMEMORY; 
        if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) 
            hRes = pNSTServiceEntry( 
                NULL,//pAdminProvObj, //Don't pass this when creating an NST 
            if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) 
                // Finish setting up the profile 
                hRes = InitStoreProps( 
                hRes = lpProfSect->SaveChanges(KEEP_OPEN_READWRITE); 
    Log(true, "Ran pNSTServiceEntry 0x%08X\n", hRes); 
    if (lpProfSect) lpProfSect->Release(); 
    return hRes; 

See also