Det här avsnittet visar hjälpavsnitt för Azure Notification Hub-cmdletar. Meddelandehubbar används för att skicka push-meddelanden till flera klienter oavsett vilken plattform (iOS, Android, Windows Phone 8, Windows Store osv.) som används av dessa klienter. Dessa hubbar motsvarar ungefär enskilda appar: var och en av dina appar har vanligtvis en egen meddelandehubb. Meddelandehubbar organiseras i logiska containrar som kallas namnrymder och SAS-auktoriseringsregler (Signatur för delad åtkomst) används för att hantera åtkomst till hubbar och namnområden. Alla dessa element kan administreras med hjälp av Notification Hub-cmdletarna.
Notification Hubs
Get-AzNotificationHub |
Gets information about your notification hubs. |
Get-AzNotificationHubAuthorizationRule |
Gets information about the authorization rules associated with a notification hub. |
Get-AzNotificationHubListKey |
Gets the primary and secondary connection strings associated with a notification hub authorization rule. |
Get-AzNotificationHubPNSCredential |
Gets the PNS credentials for a notification hub. |
Get-AzNotificationHubsNamespace |
Gets information about a notification hub namespace. |
Get-AzNotificationHubsNamespaceAuthorizationRule |
Gets information about the authorization rules associated with a notification hub namespace. |
Get-AzNotificationHubsNamespaceListKey |
Gets the primary and secondary connection strings associated with a notification hub namespace authorization rule. |
New-AzNotificationHub |
Creates a notification hub. |
New-AzNotificationHubAuthorizationRule |
Creates an authorization rule and assigns the rule to a notification hub. |
New-AzNotificationHubKey |
Regenerate the Authorization Rule Key for a NotificationHub . |
New-AzNotificationHubsNamespace |
Creates a notification hub namespace. |
New-AzNotificationHubsNamespaceAuthorizationRule |
Creates an authorization rule and assigns that rule to a notification hub namespace. |
New-AzNotificationHubsNamespaceKey |
Regenerate the Authorization Rule Key for a Namespace. |
Remove-AzNotificationHub |
Removes an existing notification hub. |
Remove-AzNotificationHubAuthorizationRule |
Removes an authorization rule from a notification hub. |
Remove-AzNotificationHubsNamespace |
Removes a notification hub namespace. |
Remove-AzNotificationHubsNamespaceAuthorizationRule |
Removes an authorization rule from a notification hub namespace. |
Set-AzNotificationHub |
Sets property values for a notification hub. |
Set-AzNotificationHubAuthorizationRule |
Sets authorization rules for a notification hub. |
Set-AzNotificationHubsNamespace |
Sets property values for a notification hub namespace. |
Set-AzNotificationHubsNamespaceAuthorizationRule |
Sets authorization rules for a notification hub namespace. |
Azure PowerShell