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Tracked Events Page

Open the Tracked Events page by clicking any of the metrics or instances in the WCF Call History section, or by clicking on the Tracked Events action in the right-hand pane of IIS Manager.


You can use the Tracked Events page to examine events generated by WCF and WF services. These events are collected by the Event Collection service and written into the Monitoring database.

The following sections describe the features and use of the Tracked Events page.

Tracked Events Page

Query Control

Use the query control grid at the top of the middle pane to filter the events displayed on the page.

The query control contains two sections: a Query Summary section that shows you the abbreviated text of your query, and a query grid where you can select fields, operators, and criteria values. Below the grid is a Run Query button that runs your query. You can collapse the query control grid by clicking anywhere in the Query Summary section.

The following table lists the fields that you can use in your query.

Field Description


Name of the host machine that emitted the event


Site or virtual path of the service that emitted the event

Workflow Instance ID

Instance ID of the workflow that emitted the event

Emit Time

Date and time when the event was emitted


  • All WCF events

    • - WCF completed calls

    • - WCF exceptions

    • - All WCF errors

    • - WCF exceptions

    • - WCF user defined errors

    • - WCF failed calls

    • - WCF faulted calls

    • - WCF throttle hits

  • All WF events


All user defined events are displayed when the Events field has the All WCF events option selected. This is also the case when no Events field is selected in the Query Control.

Tracked Workflow Variables

Use this field to query for events in which specific values for workflow variables have been extracted.

Maximum Items

Maximum number of items to return for the query

End to End Activity ID

Unique ID of the request associated with the event. This ID can be used to correlate events throughout an application.

Tracked Events List

The tracked events list is located in the middle pane below the query control. At the top of the list is a heading that shows a count of the number of items found and the number of items displayed. You can group entries by the following attributes: Group by.

  • No Grouping

  • Level

  • Event Type

  • WF Activity Name

  • Operation Name

  • Call Duration (ms)

  • Service Name

  • Service Virtual Path

  • Machine

The following table describes columns that can be displayed in the list.

Field Description

No Grouping

Not grouped by any criteria


Informational, Warning, or Error

Event Type

Type of event that was emitted

WF Activity Name

Name of the WF activity associated with the event. This column is shown when the list may contain WF events. You will see this only when there is no Events condition in the Query Control, or when the Events condition is set to All WF Events.

Operation Name

The name of the WCF service operation related to the event. This column is shown only when the list may contain WCF events. You will see it unless the Events condition is in the query and is set to All WF events.

Call Duration (ms)

The duration, in milliseconds, of the WCF service operation. This column is shown only when the list may contain WCF events. You will see it unless the Events condition is in the query and is set to All WF events.

Service Name

Name of the service that emitted the event

Service Virtual Path

Full virtual path of the service


Computer from which the event was emitted

Details Pane

The Details pane is a tabbed control that you can use to quickly investigate the details of a selected event.

Overview tab

Sets of properties are associated with event types. For example, WCF client operation events indicate the name of the operation (in the OperationName field) being invoked when the event is emitted. For more information about event properties, see the .NET Framework 4 documentation.

Tracked Variables tab

Displays names and values of variables tracked in the selected event.

Errors tab

Displays error and exception information for the selected event, including any user defined error events. When selecting a WCF failed or faulted call event on the Tracked Events Page, the Errors tab within the Details pane is not always populated with error and exception data. The Errors tab uses WCF transfer events to gather exception information from the Service Model exception event. This event corresponds to a WCF failed call, or a WCF faulted call, event. If the application being monitored is configured to use a monitoring level below the End-to-End Monitoring level, WCF transfer events are not captured. As a result, no error information will be displayed within the Errors tab.

Actions Pane

The Actions pane is the rightmost pane. The items available in the Actions pane change depending on what is selected in the middle pane.

The Refresh and AppFabric Dashboard actions are always available.

  • Clicking Refresh causes the metrics values on the page to be updated.

  • Clicking AppFabric Dashboard takes you back to the AppFabric Dashboard at the scope selected in the Connections pane.

The remaining actions are available when you select a tracked event from the event list in the middle pane.

  • The View Tracked WF Instance action navigates from a tracked event to the parent WF instance. When you click the View Tracked WF Instance action, the Tracked WF Instances page is opened and a query is executed to retrieve the instance whose Workflow Instance ID matches that of the tracked event.

  • The View All Related Events action refreshes the Tracked Events page with a query that shows the events that are related to the selected event. The query uses the selected event's end-to-end activity ID and transfers between IDs to find the related events.