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Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching Namespace

The Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching namespace provides APIs that allow you to develop applications that use AppFabric Caching. Caching provides access to an in-memory application cache for developing scalable, high-performance applications. This namespace can be used to cache any serializable common language runtime (CLR) object and provides access through simple APIs.


Class Description
BaseOperationNotification The base class for an event used for notifications.
ConfigStoreEntry Represents a key-value pair that can be used by a custom provider for the cache cluster configuration store.
ConfigStoreException An exception that should be thrown from an implementation of the ICustomProvider interface.
DataCache The object that is used by cache-enabled applications for storing and retrieving objects from the cache cluster. An instance of this object is referred to as the cache client.
DataCacheClientLogManager Provides support for changing the logging level of Windows Server AppFabric caching features.
DataCacheErrorCode A static class used to store global error codes.
DataCacheErrorSubStatus Used to retrieve substatus codes for errors returned to the client.
DataCacheException Used for cache-related exceptions.
DataCacheFactory Provides methods to return DataCache objects that are mapped to a named cache. This class also enables programmatic configuration of the cache client.
DataCacheFactoryConfiguration Specifies the configuration settings for a new cache client.
DataCacheItem Used to retrieve all information associated with the cached object in the cluster.
DataCacheItemVersion Used to represent the version of a cached object.
DataCacheLocalCacheProperties Specifies the local cache settings for a cache client.
DataCacheLockHandle Represents the structure used as a key to lock and unlock cached objects in a pessimistic concurrency scenario.
DataCacheNotificationDescriptor Identifies a cache notification callback. This identifier is required to remove the corresponding cache notification callback.
DataCacheNotificationProperties Specifies the notification settings for a cache client.
DataCacheOperationDescriptor Represents a notification event for operations performed against the cache [Add Item, Remove Item, Replace Item, Clear Region, Create Region, Remove Region]
DataCacheSecurity Used to enable signing and/or encryption of data sent between client and server.
DataCacheServerEndpoint Used to specify an individual cache host when programmatically configuring the cache client.
DataCacheSessionStoreProvider A session storage provider that enables Web applications to store session-state data to a distributed cache system.
DataCacheTag Represents an optional string-based identifier that you can associate with a cached object.
DataCacheTransportProperties Specifies the transport settings for a cache client.


Interface Description
ICustomProvider Represent an ICustomProvider interface.


Delegate Description
DataCacheBulkNotificationCallback Specifies a callback which is called with a list of cache operations.
DataCacheFailureNotificationCallback Specifies the parameters required for a method to be invoked by a failure notification when the cache client misses cache notifications.
DataCacheNotificationCallback Represents a callback method that is to be invoked by a cache notification when one or more cache operations take place.


Enumeration Description
DataCacheLocalCacheInvalidationPolicy Specifies the way locally cached objects should be invalidated.
DataCacheOperations An enumeration used to specify specific item or region events that can trigger a cache notification.
DataCacheProtectionLevel Enumeration indicating whether data sent between client and server is signed and/or encrypted. Possible return values are no signing or encryption; integer value equals 1, signing only; integer value equals 2 and both encryption and signing; integer value equals 3.
DataCacheSecurityMode Enumeration indicating whether channel security is enabled for data sent between client and server. Possible return values are None; integer value equals 1 and Transport; integer value equals 2.
EvictionType Specifies the eviction used for a cache.

  ff806938(v=azure.10).md 2011-08-26