Dela via

API-mallar i Azure API Management

Med Azure API Management kan du anpassa innehållet på utvecklarportalsidorna med hjälp av en uppsättning mallar som konfigurerar deras innehåll. Med hjälp av DotLiquid-syntax och valfri redigerare, till exempel DotLiquid för designers, och en uppsättning lokaliserade strängresurser, Glyph-resurser och sidkontroller, har du stor flexibilitet att konfigurera innehållet på sidorna som du vill med hjälp av dessa mallar.

Med mallarna i det här avsnittet kan du anpassa innehållet på API-sidorna i utvecklarportalen.


Exempel på standardmallar ingår i följande dokumentation, men kan komma att ändras på grund av kontinuerliga förbättringar. Du kan visa live-standardmallarna i utvecklarportalen genom att gå till önskade enskilda mallar. Mer information om hur du arbetar med mallar finns i Anpassa API Management utvecklarportalen med hjälp av mallar.


Följande dokumentationsinnehåll handlar om den inaktuella utvecklarportalen. Du kan fortsätta att använda den som vanligt tills den dras tillbaka i oktober 2023, då den tas bort från alla API Management-tjänster. Den inaktuella portalen får bara kritiska säkerhetsuppdateringar. Mer information finns i följande artiklar:



Den här funktionen är tillgänglig på nivåerna Premium, Standard, Basic och Developer för API Management.

Information om funktionstillgänglighet på v2-nivåerna (förhandsversion) finns i översikten över v2-nivåer.


Med api-listmallen kan du anpassa brödtexten på API-listsidan i utvecklarportalen.

API-lista över


<div class="row">  
    <div class="col-md-9">  
        <h2>{% localized "ApisStrings|PageTitleApis" %}</h2>  
<div class="row">  
    <div class="col-md-12">  
    {% if apis.size > 0 %}  
    <ol class="list-unstyled">  
    {% for api in apis %}  
          <a href="/docs/services/{{}}">{{}}</a>  
    {% endfor %}  
    {% else %}  
    {% localized "CommonResources|NoItemsToDisplay" %}  
    {% endif %}  


Mallen API list kan använda följande sidkontroller.


Egenskap Typ Description
apis Samling API-sammanfattningsentiteter . API:erna som är synliga för den aktuella användaren.

Exempel på malldata

    "apis": [  
            "id": "570275f1b16653124c8f9ba3",  
            "name": "Basic Calculator",  
            "description": "Arithmetics is just a call away!"  
            "id": "57026e30de15d80041040001",  
            "name": "Echo API",  
            "description": null  
    "pageTitle": "APIs"  


Med åtgärdsmallen kan du anpassa brödtexten på åtgärdssidan i utvecklarportalen.

Sidan Åtgärd för utvecklarportalen


<p>{{api.description }}</p>  
<div class="panel">  
    <p>{{operation.description }}</p>  
    <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{consoleUrl}}" id="btnOpenConsole" role="button">  
        Try it  
<h4>{% localized "Documentation|SectionHeadingRequestUrl" %}</h4>  
<div class="panel">  
    <div class="panel-body">  
        <label>{{ sampleUrl | escape }}</label>  
{% if operation.request %}  
    {% if operation.request.parameters.size > 0 %}  
        <h4>{% localized "Documentation|SectionHeadingRequestParameters" %}</h4>  
        <div class="panel">  
            {% for parameter in operation.request.parameters %}  
                 <div class="row panel-body">  
                    <div class="col-md-3">  
                        {% unless parameter.required %}  
                            <span class="text-muted">({% localized "Documentation|FormLabelSubtextOptional" %})</span>  
                        {% endunless %}  
                    <div class="col-md-1">  
                    <div class="col-md-8">  
            {% endfor %}  
    {% endif %}  
    {% if operation.request.headers.size > 0 %}  
        <h4>{% localized "Documentation|SectionHeadingRequestHeaders" %}</h4>  
        <div class="panel">  
            {% for header in operation.request.headers %}  
                 <div class="row panel-body">  
                    <div class="col-md-3">  
                        {%unless header.required %}  
                            <span class="text-muted">({% localized "Documentation|FormLabelSubtextOptional" %})</span>  
                        {% endunless %}  
                    <div class="col-md-1">  
                    <div class="col-md-8">  
            {% endfor %}  
    {% endif %}  
    {% if operation.request.description or operation.request.representations.size > 0 %}  
        <h4>{% localized "Documentation|SectionHeadingRequestBody" %}</h4>  
        <div class="panel">  
            {% if operation.request.description %}  
                <p>{{operation.request.description }}</p>	  
            {% endif %}  
            {% if operation.request.representations.size > 0 %}  
                <div role="tabpanel">  
                    <ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">  
                        {% for representation in operation.request.representations %}  
                            <li role="presentation" {% if forloop.first %}class="active"{% endif %}>  
                                <a href="#requesttab{{forloop.index}}" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">  
                        {% endfor %}  
                    <div class="tab-content tab-content-boxed">  
                        {% for representation in operation.request.representations %}  
                            <div id="requesttab{{forloop.index}}" role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane snippet{% if forloop.first %} active{% endif %}">  
                                {% if representation.sample or representation.schema %}	  
                                <div role="tabpanel">  
                                    {% if representation.sample and representation.schema %}   
                                    <ul class="nav nav-tabs-borderless" role="tablist">  
                                        <li role="presentation" class="active">  
                                            <a href="#requesttab{{forloop.index}}sample" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Sample</a>  
                                        <li role="presentation">  
                                            <a href="#requesttab{{forloop.index}}schema" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">Schema</a>  
                                    {% endif %}  
                                    <div class="tab-content">  
                                        {% if representation.sample %}  
                                        <div id="requesttab{{forloop.index}}sample" role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane snippet active">  
                                            <pre><code class="{{representation.Brush}}">{{ representation.sample | escape }}</code></pre>  
                                        {% endif %}  
                                        {% if representation.schema %}  
                                        <div id="requesttab{{forloop.index}}schema" role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane snippet">  
                                            <pre><code class="{{representation.Brush}}">{{ representation.schema | escape }}</code></pre>  
                                        {% endif %}  
                                {% endif %}  
                        {% endfor %}  
            {% endif %}  
            <div class="clearfix"></div>  
    {% endif %}  
{% endif %}  
{% if operation.responses.size > 0 %}  
    {% for response in operation.responses %}  
        {% if response.description or response.representations.size > 0 %}  
            <h4>{% localized "Documentation|SectionHeadingResponse" %} {{response.statusCode}}</h4>  
            <div class="panel">  
                {% if response.description %}  
                    <p>{{ response.description }}</p>  
                {% endif %}  
                {% if response.representations.size > 0 %}  
                    <div role="tabpanel">  
                        <ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">  
                            {% for representation in response.representations %}  
                                <li role="presentation" {% if forloop.first %}class="active"{% endif %}>  
                                    <a href="#response{{response.statusCode}}tab{{forloop.index}}" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">  
                            {% endfor %}  
                        <div class="tab-content tab-content-boxed">  
                            {% for representation in response.representations %}  
                                <div id="response{{response.statusCode}}tab{{forloop.index}}" role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane snippet{% if forloop.first %} active{% endif %}">  
                                    {% if representation.sample or representation.schema %}  
                                    <div role="tabpanel">  
                                        {% if representation.sample and representation.schema %}  
                                        <ul class="nav nav-tabs-borderless" role="tablist">  
                                            <li role="presentation" class="active">  
                                                <a href="#response{{response.statusCode}}tab{{forloop.index}}sample" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">  
                                            <li role="presentation">  
                                                <a href="#response{{response.statusCode}}tab{{forloop.index}}schema" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">  
                                        {% endif %}  
                                        <div class="tab-content">  
                                            {% if representation.sample %}  
                                            <div id="response{{response.statusCode}}tab{{forloop.index}}sample" role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane snippet active">  
                                                <pre><code class="{{representation.Brush}}">{{ representation.sample | escape }}</code></pre>  
                                            {% endif %}  
                                            {% if representation.schema %}  
                                            <div id="response{{response.statusCode}}tab{{forloop.index}}schema" role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane snippet">  
                                                <pre><code class="{{representation.Brush}}">{{ representation.schema | escape }}</code></pre>  
                                            {% endif %}  
                                    {% endif %}  
                            {% endfor %}  
                {% endif %}  
                <div class="clearfix"></div>  
        {% endif %}  
    {% endfor %}  
{% endif %}  
<h4>{% localized "Documentation|SectionHeadingCodeSamples" %}</h4>  
<div role="tabpanel">  
    <ul class="nav nav-tabs" role="tablist">  
        {% for sample in samples %}  
            <li role="presentation" {% if forloop.first %}class="active"{% endif %}>  
                <a href="#{{sample.brush}}" aria-controls="{{sample.brush}}" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">  
        {% endfor %}  
    <div class="tab-content tab-content-boxed" title="{% localized "Documentation|TooltipTextDoubleClickToSelectAll=""" %}">  
        {% for sample in samples %}  
            <div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane tab-content-boxed {% if forloop.first %} active{% endif %} snippet snippet-resizable" id="{{sample.brush}}" >  
                <pre><code class="{{sample.brush}}">{% partial sample.template for sample in samples %}</code></pre>  
        {% endfor %}  
    <div class="clearfix"></div>  


Mallen Operation tillåter inte användning av sidkontroller.


Egenskap Typ Description
apiId sträng ID:t för det aktuella API:et.
apiName sträng Namnet på API:et.
apiDescription sträng En beskrivning av API:et.
api API-sammanfattningsentitet . Det aktuella API:et.
operation Åtgärd Den aktuella åtgärden visas.
sampleUrl sträng URL:en för den aktuella åtgärden.
operationMenu Åtgärdsmeny En meny med åtgärder för det här API:et.
consoleUrl URI URI:n för knappen Prova .
samples Samling kodexempelentiteter . Kodexemplen för den aktuella åtgärden.

Exempel på malldata

    "apiId": "570275f1b16653124c8f9ba3",  
    "apiName": "Basic Calculator",  
    "apiDescription": "Arithmetics is just a call away!",  
    "api": {  
        "id": "570275f1b16653124c8f9ba3",  
        "name": "Basic Calculator",  
        "description": "Arithmetics is just a call away!"  
    "operation": {  
        "id": "570275f2b1665305c811cf49",  
        "name": "Add two integers",  
        "description": "Produces a sum of two numbers.",  
        "scheme": "https",  
        "uriTemplate": "calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
        "host": "",  
        "httpMethod": "GET",  
        "request": {  
            "description": null,  
            "headers": [  
                    "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
                    "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
                    "value": "{subscription key}",  
                    "typeName": "string",  
                    "options": null,  
                    "required": true,  
                    "readonly": false  
            "parameters": [  
                    "name": "a",  
                    "description": "First operand. Default value is <code>51</code>.",  
                    "value": "51",  
                    "options": [  
                    "required": true,  
                    "kind": 1,  
                    "typeName": null  
                    "name": "b",  
                    "description": "Second operand. Default value is <code>49</code>.",  
                    "value": "49",  
                    "options": [  
                    "required": true,  
                    "kind": 1,  
                    "typeName": null  
            "representations": []  
        "responses": []  
    "sampleUrl": "{a}&b={b}",  
    "operationMenu": {  
        "ApiId": "570275f1b16653124c8f9ba3",  
        "CurrentOperationId": "570275f2b1665305c811cf49",  
        "Action": "Operation",  
        "MenuItems": [  
                "Id": "570275f2b1665305c811cf49",  
                "Title": "Add two integers",  
                "HttpMethod": "GET"  
                "Id": "570275f2b1665305c811cf4c",  
                "Title": "Divide two integers",  
                "HttpMethod": "GET"  
                "Id": "570275f2b1665305c811cf4b",  
                "Title": "Multiply two integers",  
                "HttpMethod": "GET"  
                "Id": "570275f2b1665305c811cf4a",  
                "Title": "Subtract two integers",  
                "HttpMethod": "GET"  
    "consoleUrl": "/docs/services/570275f1b16653124c8f9ba3/operations/570275f2b1665305c811cf49/console",  
    "samples": [  
            "title": "Curl",  
            "snippet": null,  
            "brush": "plain",  
            "template": "DocumentationSamplesCurl",  
            "body": "{body}",  
            "method": "GET",  
            "scheme": "https",  
            "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
            "query": "",  
            "host": "",  
            "headers": [  
                    "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
                    "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
                    "value": "{subscription key}",  
                    "typeName": "string",  
                    "options": null,  
                    "required": true,  
                    "readonly": false  
            "parameters": []  
            "title": "C#",  
            "snippet": null,  
            "brush": "csharp",  
            "template": "DocumentationSamplesCsharp",  
            "body": "{body}",  
            "method": "GET",  
            "scheme": "https",  
            "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
            "query": "",  
            "host": "",  
            "headers": [  
                    "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
                    "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
                    "value": "{subscription key}",  
                    "typeName": "string",  
                    "options": null,  
                    "required": true,  
                    "readonly": false  
            "parameters": []  
            "title": "Java",  
            "snippet": null,  
            "brush": "java",  
            "template": "DocumentationSamplesJava",  
            "body": "{body}",  
            "method": "GET",  
            "scheme": "https",  
            "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
            "query": "",  
            "host": "",  
            "headers": [  
                    "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
                    "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
                    "value": "{subscription key}",  
                    "typeName": "string",  
                    "options": null,  
                    "required": true,  
                    "readonly": false  
            "parameters": []  
            "title": "JavaScript",  
            "snippet": null,  
            "brush": "xml",  
            "template": "DocumentationSamplesJs",  
            "body": "{body}",  
            "method": "GET",  
            "scheme": "https",  
            "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
            "query": "",  
            "host": "",  
            "headers": [  
                    "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
                    "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
                    "value": "{subscription key}",  
                    "typeName": "string",  
                    "options": null,  
                    "required": true,  
                    "readonly": false  
            "parameters": []  
            "title": "ObjC",  
            "snippet": null,  
            "brush": "objc",  
            "template": "DocumentationSamplesObjc",  
            "body": "{body}",  
            "method": "GET",  
            "scheme": "https",  
            "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
            "query": "",  
            "host": "",  
            "headers": [  
                    "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
                    "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
                    "value": "{subscription key}",  
                    "typeName": "string",  
                    "options": null,  
                    "required": true,  
                    "readonly": false  
            "parameters": []  
            "title": "PHP",  
            "snippet": null,  
            "brush": "php",  
            "template": "DocumentationSamplesPhp",  
            "body": "{body}",  
            "method": "GET",  
            "scheme": "https",  
            "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
            "query": "",  
            "host": "",  
            "headers": [  
                    "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
                    "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
                    "value": "{subscription key}",  
                    "typeName": "string",  
                    "options": null,  
                    "required": true,  
                    "readonly": false  
            "parameters": []  
            "title": "Python",  
            "snippet": null,  
            "brush": "python",  
            "template": "DocumentationSamplesPython",  
            "body": "{body}",  
            "method": "GET",  
            "scheme": "https",  
            "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
            "query": "",  
            "host": "",  
            "headers": [  
                    "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
                    "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
                    "value": "{subscription key}",  
                    "typeName": "string",  
                    "options": null,  
                    "required": true,  
                    "readonly": false  
            "parameters": []  
            "title": "Ruby",  
            "snippet": null,  
            "brush": "ruby",  
            "template": "DocumentationSamplesRuby",  
            "body": "{body}",  
            "method": "GET",  
            "scheme": "https",  
            "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
            "query": "",  
            "host": "",  
            "headers": [  
                    "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
                    "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
                    "value": "{subscription key}",  
                    "typeName": "string",  
                    "options": null,  
                    "required": true,  
                    "readonly": false  
            "parameters": []  


Med följande mallar kan du anpassa brödtexten för de enskilda kodexemplen på åtgärdssidan.

Kodexempel för mallar för utvecklarportalen


Med mallen DocumentationSamplesCurl kan du anpassa kodexemplet i avsnittet med kodexempel på åtgärdssidan.


curl -v -X {{method}} "{{scheme}}://{{host}}{{path}}{{query | escape }}"  
{% for header in headers -%}  
-H "{{ }}: {{ header.value }}"  
{% endfor -%}  
{% if body -%}   
--data-ascii "{{ body | replace:'"','^"' }}"   
{% endif -%}  


Kodexempelmallarna tillåter inte användning av sidkontroller.


Kodexempelentitet .

Exempel på malldata

    "title": "Curl",  
    "snippet": null,  
    "brush": "plain",  
    "template": "DocumentationSamplesCurl",  
    "body": "{body}",  
    "method": "GET",  
    "scheme": "https",  
    "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
    "query": "",  
    "host": "",  
    "headers": [  
            "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
            "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
            "value": "{subscription key}",  
            "typeName": "string",  
            "options": null,  
            "required": true,  
            "readonly": false  
    "parameters": []  


Med mallen DocumentationSamplesCsharp kan du anpassa kodexemplet i avsnittet med kodexempel på åtgärdssidan.


using System;  
using System.Net.Http.Headers;  
using System.Text;  
using System.Net.Http;  
using System.Web;  
namespace CSHttpClientSample  
    static class Program  
        static void Main()  
            Console.WriteLine("Hit ENTER to exit...");  
        static async void MakeRequest()  
            var client = new HttpClient();  
            var queryString = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(string.Empty);  
{% if headers.size > 0 -%}  
            // Request headers  
{% for header in headers -%}  
{% case header.Name -%}  
{% when "Accept"%}  
{% when "Accept-Charset" -%}  
{% when "Accept-Encoding" -%}  
{% when "Accept-Language" -%}  
{% when "Cache-Control" -%}  
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.CacheControl = CacheControlHeaderValue.Parse("{{header.value}}");  
{% when "Connection" -%}  
{% when "Date" -%}  
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Date = DateTimeOffset.Parse("{{header.value}}");  
{% when "Expect" -%}  
{% when "If-Match" -%}  
{% when "If-Modified-Since" -%}  
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.IfModifiedSince = DateTimeOffset.Parse("{{header.value}}");  
{% when "If-None-Match" -%}  
{% when "If-Range" -%}  
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.IfRange = RangeConditionHeaderValue.Parse("{{header.value}}");  
{% when "If-Unmodified-Since" -%}  
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.IfUnmodifiedSince = DateTimeOffset.Parse("{{header.value}}");  
{% when "Max-Forwards" -%}  
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.MaxForwards = int.Parse("{{header.value}}");  
{% when "Pragma" -%}  
{% when "Range" -%}  
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Range = RangeHeaderValue.Parse("{{header.value}}");  
{% when "Referer" -%}  
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Referrer = new Uri("{{header.value}}");  
{% when "TE" -%}  
{% when "Transfer-Encoding" -%}  
{% when "Upgrade" -%}  
{% when "User-Agent" -%}  
{% when "Via" -%}                
{% when "Warning" -%}  
{% when "Content-Type" -%}  
{% else -%}  
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("{{header.Name}}", "{{header.value}}");  
{% endcase -%}  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
{% if parameters.size > 0 -%}  
            // Request parameters  
{% for parameter in parameters -%}  
            queryString["{{parameter.Name}}"] = "{{parameter.Value}}";  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
            var uri = "{{scheme}}://{{host}}{{path}}{% if path contains '?' %}&{% else %}?{% endif %}" + queryString;  
{% case method -%}  
{% when "POST" -%}  
            HttpResponseMessage response;  
            // Request body  
            byte[] byteData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{{ body | replace:'"','\"'}}");  
            using (var content = new ByteArrayContent(byteData))  
{% if body -%}  
               content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("< your content type, i.e. application/json >");  
{% endif -%}  
               response = await client.PostAsync(uri, content);  
{% when "GET" -%}  
            var response = await client.GetAsync(uri);  
{% when "DELETE" -%}  
            var response = await client.DeleteAsync(uri);  
{% when "PUT" -%}  
            HttpResponseMessage response;  
            // Request body  
            byte[] byteData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{{ body | replace:'"','\"'}}");  
            using (var content = new ByteArrayContent(byteData))  
{% if body -%}  
                content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("< your content type, i.e. application/json >");  
{% endif -%}  
                response = await client.PutAsync(uri, content);  
{% when "HEAD" -%}  
            var response = await client.SendAsync(new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Head, uri));  
{% when "OPTIONS" -%}  
            var response = await client.SendAsync(new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Options, uri));  
{% when "TRACE" -%}  
            var response = await client.SendAsync(new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Trace, uri));  
            if (response.Content != null)  
                var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();  
{% endcase -%}  


Kodexemplemallarna tillåter inte användning av sidkontroller.


Kodexempelentitet .


    "title": "C#",  
    "snippet": null,  
    "brush": "csharp",  
    "template": "DocumentationSamplesCsharp",  
    "body": "{body}",  
    "method": "GET",  
    "scheme": "https",  
    "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
    "query": "",  
    "host": "",  
    "headers": [  
            "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
            "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
            "value": "{subscription key}",  
            "typeName": "string",  
            "options": null,  
            "required": true,  
            "readonly": false  
    "parameters": []  


Med mallen DocumentationSamplesJava kan du anpassa kodexemplet i avsnittet kodexempel på åtgärdssidan.


// // This sample uses the Apache HTTP client from HTTP Components (  
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;  
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;  
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;  
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;  
import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder;  
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;  
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;  
public class JavaSample   
    public static void main(String[] args)   
        HttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();  
            URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder("{{scheme}}://{{host}}{{path}}");  
{% if parameters.size > 0 -%}  
{% for parameter in parameters -%}  
            builder.setParameter("{{}}", "{{parameter.value}}");  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
            URI uri =;  
            Http{{ method | downcase | capitalize }} request = new Http{{ method | downcase | capitalize }}(uri);  
{% for header in headers -%}  
            request.setHeader("{{header.Name}}", "{{header.value}}");  
{% endfor %}  
{% if body -%}  
            // Request body  
            StringEntity reqEntity = new StringEntity("{{ body | replace:'"','\"' }}");  
{% endif -%}  
            HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(request);  
            HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();  
            if (entity != null)   
        catch (Exception e)  


Kodexemplemallarna tillåter inte användning av sidkontroller.


Kodexempelentitet .


    "title": "Java",  
    "snippet": null,  
    "brush": "java",  
    "template": "DocumentationSamplesJava",  
    "body": "{body}",  
    "method": "GET",  
    "scheme": "https",  
    "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
    "query": "",  
    "host": "",  
    "headers": [  
            "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
            "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
            "value": "{subscription key}",  
            "typeName": "string",  
            "options": null,  
            "required": true,  
            "readonly": false  
    "parameters": []  


Med mallen DocumentationSamplesJs kan du anpassa kodexemplet i avsnittet med kodexempel på åtgärdssidan.


<!DOCTYPE html>  
    <script src=""></script>  
<script type="text/javascript">  
    $(function() {  
        var params = {  
{% if parameters.size > 0 -%}  
            // Request parameters  
{% for parameter in parameters -%}  
            "{{}}": "{{parameter.value}}",  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
            url: "{{scheme}}://{{host}}{{path}}{% if path contains '?' %}&{% else %}?{% endif %}" + $.param(params),  
{% if headers.size > 0 -%}  
            beforeSend: function(xhrObj){  
                // Request headers  
{% for header in headers -%}  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
            type: "{{method}}",  
{% if body -%}  
            // Request body  
            data: "{{ body | replace:'"','\"' }}",  
{% endif -%}  
        .done(function(data) {  
        .fail(function() {  


Kodexemplemallarna tillåter inte användning av sidkontroller.


Kodexempelentitet .


    "title": "JavaScript",  
    "snippet": null,  
    "brush": "xml",  
    "template": "DocumentationSamplesJs",  
    "body": "{body}",  
    "method": "GET",  
    "scheme": "https",  
    "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
    "query": "",  
    "host": "",  
    "headers": [  
            "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
            "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
            "value": "{subscription key}",  
            "typeName": "string",  
            "options": null,  
            "required": true,  
            "readonly": false  
    "parameters": []  

Objective C

Med mallen DocumentationSamplesObjc kan du anpassa kodexemplet i avsnittet med kodexempel på åtgärdssidan.


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>  
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])  
    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];  
    NSString* path = @"{{scheme}}://{{host}}{{path}}";  
    NSArray* array = @[  
                         // Request parameters  
{% if parameters.size > 0 -%}  
{% for parameter in parameters -%}  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
    NSString* string = [array componentsJoinedByString:@"&"];  
    path = [path stringByAppendingFormat:@"?%@", string];  
    NSLog(@"%@", path);  
    NSMutableURLRequest* _request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:path]];  
    [_request setHTTPMethod:@"{{method}}"];  
{% if headers.size > 0 -%}  
    // Request headers  
{% for header in headers -%}  
    [_request setValue:@"{{header.value}}" forHTTPHeaderField:@"{{}}"];  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
{% if body -%}  
    // Request body  
    [_request setHTTPBody:[@"{{ body | replace:'"','\"' }}" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];  
{% endif -%}  
    NSURLResponse *response = nil;  
    NSError *error = nil;  
    NSData* _connectionData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:_request returningResponse:&response error:&error];  
    if (nil != error)  
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);  
        NSError* error = nil;  
        NSMutableDictionary* json = nil;  
        NSString* dataString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:_connectionData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];  
        NSLog(@"%@", dataString);  
        if (nil != _connectionData)  
            json = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:_connectionData options:NSJSONReadingMutableContainers error:&error];  
        if (error || !json)  
            NSLog(@"Could not parse loaded json with error:%@", error);  
        NSLog(@"%@", json);  
        _connectionData = nil;  
    [pool drain];  
    return 0;  


Kodexemplemallarna tillåter inte användning av sidkontroller.


Kodexempelentitet .


    "title": "ObjC",  
    "snippet": null,  
    "brush": "objc",  
    "template": "DocumentationSamplesObjc",  
    "body": "{body}",  
    "method": "GET",  
    "scheme": "https",  
    "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
    "query": "",  
    "host": "",  
    "headers": [  
            "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
            "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
            "value": "{subscription key}",  
            "typeName": "string",  
            "options": null,  
            "required": true,  
            "readonly": false  
    "parameters": []  


Med mallen DocumentationSamplesPhp kan du anpassa kodexemplet i avsnittet med kodexempel på åtgärdssidan.


// This sample uses the HTTP_Request2 PHP library (  
require_once 'HTTP/Request2.php';  
$request = new Http_Request2('{{scheme}}://{{host}}{{path}}');  
$url = $request->getUrl();  
{% if headers.size > 0 -%}  
$headers = array(  
    // Request headers  
{% for header in headers -%}  
    '{{}}' => '{{header.value}}',  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
{% if parameters.size > 0 -%}  
$parameters = array(  
    // Request parameters  
{% for parameter in parameters -%}  
    '{{}}' => '{{parameter.value}}',  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
{% if body -%}  
// Request body  
$request->setBody("{{ body | replace:'"','\"' }}");  
{% endif -%}  
    $response = $request->send();  
    echo $response->getBody();  
catch (HttpException $ex)  
    echo $ex;  


Kodexemplemallarna tillåter inte användning av sidkontroller.


Kodexempelentitet .


    "title": "PHP",  
    "snippet": null,  
    "brush": "php",  
    "template": "DocumentationSamplesPhp",  
    "body": "{body}",  
    "method": "GET",  
    "scheme": "https",  
    "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
    "query": "",  
    "host": "",  
    "headers": [  
            "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
            "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
            "value": "{subscription key}",  
            "typeName": "string",  
            "options": null,  
            "required": true,  
            "readonly": false  
    "parameters": []  


Med mallen DocumentationSamplesPython kan du anpassa kodexemplet i avsnittet med kodexempel på åtgärdssidan.


########### Python 2.7 #############  
import httplib, urllib, base64  
headers = {  
{% if headers.size > 0 -%}  
    # Request headers  
{% for header in headers -%}  
    '{{}}': '{{header.value}}',  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
params = urllib.urlencode({  
{% if parameters.size > 0 -%}  
    # Request parameters  
{% for parameter in parameters -%}  
    '{{}}': '{{parameter.value}}',  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
{% case scheme -%}  
{% when "http" -%}  
    conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('{{host}}')  
{% when "https" -%}  
    conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection('{{host}}')  
{% endcase -%}  
    conn.request("{{method}}", "{{path}}{% if path contains '?' %}&{% else %}?{% endif %}%s" % params{% if body %}, "{{ body | replace:'"','\"' }}"{% endif %}, headers)  
    response = conn.getresponse()  
    data =  
except Exception as e:  
    print("[Errno {0}] {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))  
########### Python 3.2 #############  
import http.client, urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error, base64  
headers = {  
{% if headers.size > 0 -%}  
    # Request headers  
{% for header in headers -%}  
    '{{}}': '{{header.value}}',  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
params = urllib.parse.urlencode({  
{% if parameters.size > 0 -%}  
    # Request parameters  
{% for parameter in parameters -%}  
    '{{}}': '{{parameter.value}}',  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
{% case scheme -%}  
{% when "http" -%}  
    conn = http.client.HTTPConnection('{{host}}')  
{% when "https" -%}  
    conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection('{{host}}')  
{% endcase -%}  
    conn.request("{{method}}", "{{path}}{% if path contains '?' %}&{% else %}?{% endif %}%s" % params{% if body %}, "{{ body | replace:'"','\"' }}"{% endif %}, headers)  
    response = conn.getresponse()  
    data =  
except Exception as e:  
    print("[Errno {0}] {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))  


Kodexemplemallarna tillåter inte användning av sidkontroller.


Kodexempelentitet .


    "title": "Python",  
    "snippet": null,  
    "brush": "python",  
    "template": "DocumentationSamplesPython",  
    "body": "{body}",  
    "method": "GET",  
    "scheme": "https",  
    "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
    "query": "",  
    "host": "",  
    "headers": [  
            "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
            "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
            "value": "{subscription key}",  
            "typeName": "string",  
            "options": null,  
            "required": true,  
            "readonly": false  
    "parameters": []  


Med mallen DocumentationSamplesRuby kan du anpassa kodexemplet i avsnittet med kodexempel på åtgärdssidan.


require 'net/http'  
uri = URI('{{scheme}}://{{host}}{{path}}')  
uri.query = URI.encode_www_form({  
{% if parameters.size > 0 -%}  
    # Request parameters  
{% for parameter in parameters -%}  
    '{{}}' => '{{parameter.value}}'{% unless forloop.last %},{% endunless %}  
{% endfor -%}  
{% endif -%}  
request = Net::HTTP::{{ method | downcase | capitalize }}.new(uri.request_uri)  
{% for header in headers -%}  
# Request headers  
request['{{}}'] = '{{header.value}}'  
{% endfor -%}  
{% if body -%}  
# Request body  
request.body = "{{ body | replace:'"','\"' }}"  
{% endif -%}  
response = Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, :use_ssl => uri.scheme == 'https') do |http|  
puts response.body  


Kodexemplemallarna tillåter inte användning av sidkontroller.


Kodexempelentitet .


    "title": "Ruby",  
    "snippet": null,  
    "brush": "ruby",  
    "template": "DocumentationSamplesRuby",  
    "body": "{body}",  
    "method": "GET",  
    "scheme": "https",  
    "path": "/calc/add?a={a}&b={b}",  
    "query": "",  
    "host": "",  
    "headers": [  
            "name": "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key",  
            "description": "Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your <a href='/developer'>Profile</a>.",  
            "value": "{subscription key}",  
            "typeName": "string",  
            "options": null,  
            "required": true,  
            "readonly": false  
    "parameters": []  

Nästa steg

Mer information om hur du arbetar med mallar finns i Anpassa API Management utvecklarportalen med hjälp av mallar.