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Create the Windows 8 customer application



Microsoft Azure BizTalk Services (MABS) is being retired, and replaced with Azure Logic Apps. If you currently use MABS, then Move from BizTalk Services to Logic Appsprovides some guidance on moving your integration solutions to Logic Apps.

If you're brand new to Logic Apps, then we suggest getting started here:

In this section, we set up a Windows 8 application that can be used by customers from within a car to look for service partners associated with Contoso, Ltd., select the services they want to avail, and then order those services. Instead of providing instructions on how to create the application, this topic focuses on explaining the CloudCar application that is available as a sample download at


Make sure you meet the following prerequisites on a computer running Windows 8.

Understanding the CloudCar Windows 8 application

Download and open the CloudCar Windows 8 application from It contains two projects – CloudCar and CloudCarServiceManager.

  • CloudCar is a Windows 8 application, which in turn contains the following:

    • GroupedItemsPage.xaml – This page lists the service categories that are available around the customer location. Because this tutorial only deals with restaurants, the page only has one category (food) to choose from. Other categories can be included as required from the SampleDataSource.cs file under the \DataModel folder in the solution.

      Once customers select a category from this page, Bing map is loaded.

    • MapPage.xaml – This page renders the Bing map as part of the customer application, zooms to the customer location, and then points the location of the Fourth Coffee restaurant on the map.

      Once customers tap on the icon of Fourth Coffee restaurant on the map, a menu page is loaded.

    • SplitPageFood.xaml – This page lists the menu items that the customers can select from. The page also asks customers to provide details like their name, address, e-mail etc. These inputs are sent to the BizTalk Services bridge in the form of an XML message.

      Once the customers have provided all the details, they can also submit their order from this page.

  • CloudCarServiceManager is used to perform the background tasks like sending messages to the BizTalk Services bridge, etc. This project contains the following components:

    • CustomerOrder.cs – This is used to construct the XML message from the details (name, e-mail, address, contact number) provided by the customer.

    • SupplierCatalog.cs – This is used to retrieve and load the supplier catalog on the SplitPageFood.xaml page in the Windows 8 application.

    • MessageSender.cs – This is used to send the customer order to the BizTalk Services bridge deployed on Azure.

    • CloudCarServiceManager.cs – This uses all the other classes to perform the entire task. This class first authenticates with the BizTalk Services using ACS tokens. After that, it sets up a data context and uses the SupplierCatalog class to retrieve the catalog offered by the partner. After that, it uses the CustomerOrder to create an XML message and then uses MessageSender to send the XML message to the BizTalk Services bridge.


The CloudCar Windows 8 application has the capability to locate other service providers as well such as re-fueling, tire services, etc. However, for this tutorial demo we only look at the food service category. You can un-comment relevant code snippets in the file SampleDataSource.cs (under the DataModel folder), to look up other service providers as well. To use services provided by other service providers, you must have already added them as partners in those specific categories using the PartnerOnboarding application.

Use the CloudCar application

You must make the following changes to use the CloudCar Windows 8 application to work with your BizTalk Services environment.

  1. In the file MapPage.xaml, replace the placeholder INSERT_YOUR_BING_MAPS_KEY with your Bing Maps Key.

    <bm:Map Credentials="INSERT_YOUR_BING_MAPS_KEY" x:Name="myMap" Grid.Row="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" RenderTransformOrigin="0.496,0.49"></bm:Map>
  2. In the file CloudCarServiceManager.cs, provide the following values:

    • For the variable, tpmBaseUri, specify the base URI relevant to your BizTalk Services subscription to retrieve the metadata for the TPM context.

    • For the variable acsAddress, specify the ACS address used for your BizTalk Services subscription.

    • For the variable issuerName, specify the owner for the ACS namespace.

    • For the variable issuerKey, specify the shared secret key for the ACS namespace.

    • In the following snippet, replace the placeholder [BIZTALK_SERVICE_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME] with your BizTalk Services subscription name.

      await MessageSender.SendMessage("https://[BIZTALK_SERVICE_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME]", purchaseOrder, "application/xml");
  3. In the file MessageSender.cs, replace the placeholder with your BizTalk Services subscription name.

    private static string baseUri = "https://[BIZTALK_SERIVCE_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME]";
  4. Build and run the application.

See Also

Using BizTalk Services from a Windows 8 Application