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BizTalk Adapter Service PowerShell CmdLets - LobRelay



Microsoft Azure BizTalk Services (MABS) is being retired, and replaced with Azure Logic Apps. If you currently use MABS, then Move from BizTalk Services to Logic Appsprovides some guidance on moving your integration solutions to Logic Apps.

If you're brand new to Logic Apps, then we suggest getting started here:

In Microsoft Azure BizTalk Services, BizTalk Adapter Service installs PowerShell cmdlets to perform common LOB Relay tasks, including:

  • Get-LOBRelay

  • New-LOBRelay

  • Remove-LOBRelay

  • Set-LOBRelay


Get-LOBRelay returns a list of the LOB Relays on the BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime. Parameters include:




-ServerUrl String


The BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime URL of the BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime server. The default BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime server URL is the local Management Service:




If -ServerURL is specified, all the LOB Relays for that server are returned.

If -ServerURL is not specified, all the LOB Relays for the default BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime server are returned.

-Path String


The path to the LOB Relay on the BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime Server. Path string options include:

  • Complete URL Path: https://MyServer/BAService/ManagementService/Namespace1/relay1

  • Relative sub-path: /namespace1/relay1

If -Path is specified, the specific LOB Relay at that path is returned.

If -Path is not specified, all the LOB Relays on the default BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime server are returned.

-Namespace String


The Service Bus namespace for the LOB Relays.

If -Namespace is specified, all the LOB Relays for that namespace are returned.

If -Namespace is not specified, all the LOB Relays for all the namespaces on the default BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime server are returned.



Enter this cmdlet to skip the certificate check.



Can be used with any cmdlet and are implemented by Windows PowerShell. They are not specific to BizTalk Adapter Service PowerShell. Options include:

  • -Verbose

  • -Debug

  • -ErrorActions

  • -ErrorVariable

  • -WarningAction

  • -WarningVariable

  • -OutBuffer

  • -OutVariable

get-help about_commonparameters provides detailed information about these common parameters. about_CommonParameters is also a good resource.


// Returns all the LOB Relays from the default Runtime server:

// Returns all the LOB Relays in the ns1 Service Bus namespace from the default Runtime server:
Get-LOBRelay -namespace ns1

// Returns all the LobRelays hosted at https://MyServer:8080/BAService:
Get-LOBRelay –ServerURL https://MyServer:8080/BAService

// Returns the relay path from the default Runtime server:
Get-LOBRelay -path /relay1

Additional examples are available by typing: get-help Get-LOBRelay -examples. get-help get-lobrelay -full provides more detailed information on this cmdlet.


Creates a new LOB Relay on the BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime. Parameters include:




-RelayPath String


The path to the LOB Relay on the BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime Server. RelayPath string options include:

  • Complete URL Path: https://MyServer/BAService/ManagementService/Namespace1/relay1

  • Relative sub-path: /namespace1/relay1

If -RelayPath is specified, the specific LOB Relay at that path is returned.

If -RelayPath is not specified, all the LOB Relays on the default BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime server are returned.

-Namespace String


The Service Bus namespace for the LOB Relays.

If -Namespace is specified, all the LOB Relays for that namespace are returned.

If -Namespace is not specified, all the LOB Relays for all the namespaces on the default BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime server are returned.

-IssuerName String


The Service Bus Issuer Name.

If -IssuerName is specified, the -IssuerSecret must also be specified.

-IssuerSecret String


The Service Bus Issuer Secret key.

If -IssuerSecret is specified, -IssuerName must also be specified.

-Status RelayStatus


Starts or stops a LOB Relay. Options include:

  • Stopped

  • Started

If -Status is specified, all LOB Relays are updated with the specified status.

-UseMessageCredentials Boolean


Default is False. When set to False, the logon credentials are NOT included in the WS-Security header of the message. When to set to True, the logon credentials are included in the WS-Security header of the message.

-ServerUrl String


The BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime URL of the BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime server. The default BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime server URL is the local Management Service:




If -ServerURL is specified, all the LOB Relays for that server are returned.

If -ServerURL is not specified, all the LOB Relays for the default BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime server are returned.



Enter this cmdlet to skip the certificate check.



Can be used with any cmdlet and are implemented by Windows PowerShell. They are not specific to BizTalk Adapter Service PowerShell. Options include:

  • -Verbose

  • -Debug

  • -ErrorActions

  • -ErrorVariable

  • -WarningAction

  • -WarningVariable

  • -OutBuffer

  • -OutVariable

get-help about_commonparameters provides detailed information about these common parameters. about_CommonParameters is also a good resource.


// Creates a new LOBRelay using MyNamespace, MyIssuerKey, and MyIssuerName on the default Runtime server:
New-LOBRelay –Namespace MyNamespace -IssuerSecret MyIssuerKey -IssuerName MyIssuerName

// Creates a new LOBRelay in the stopped state on the default Runtime server:
New-LOBRelay –Namespace MyNamespace –IssuerName MyIssuerName –IssuerSecret MyIssuerKey -Status stopped

// Creates a new LOBRelay using Message Security hosted at https://MyServer:8080/BAService:
New-LOBRelay –Namespace -IssuerSecret MyIssuerKey -IssuerName MyIssuerName –UseMessageCredentials True -ServerURL https://MyServer:8080/BAService

// Creates a new LOBRelay using the “relay1” path in a started state on the default Runtime server and skipping the certificate validation:
New-LOBRelay New-LOBRelay –Namespace -IssuerSecret MyIssuerKey -IssuerName MyIssuerName -relaypath /relay1 -Status started -SkipCertCheck

Additional examples are available by typing: get-help New-LOBRelay -examples. get-help new-lobrelay -full provides more detailed information on this cmdlet.


Removes a LOB Relay on the BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime. Parameters include:






Deletes a LOB Relay even if it contains LOB Targets.

-Path String


The path to the LOB Relay on the BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime Server. Path string options include:

  • Complete URL Path: https://MyServer/BAService/ManagementService/Namespace1/relay1

  • Relative sub-path: /namespace1/relay1

If -Path is specified, the specific LOB Relay at that path is removed.

If -Path is not specified, all the LOB Relays on the default BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime server are removed.

-ServerUrl String


The BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime URL of the BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime server. The default BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime server URL is the local Management Service:




If -ServerURL is specified, all the LOB Relays for that server are removed.

If -ServerURL is not specified, all the LOB Relays for the default BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime server are removed.



Enter this cmdlet to skip the certificate check.



Can be used with any cmdlet and are implemented by Windows PowerShell. They are not specific to BizTalk Adapter Service PowerShell. Options include:

  • -Verbose

  • -Debug

  • -ErrorActions

  • -ErrorVariable

  • -WarningAction

  • -WarningVariable

  • -OutBuffer

  • -OutVariable

get-help about_commonparameters provides detailed information about these common parameters. about_CommonParameters is also a good resource.


// Removes all the LOBRelays from the default Runtime server:

// Removes all LOBRelays from the default Runtime server, even if the LOBRelay has LOBTargets:
Remove-LOBRelay -ForceDelete

// Removes all the LOBRelays in the ns1 Service Bus namespace from the default Runtime server:
Remove -LOBRelay -namespace ns1

// Removes all the LOBRelays hosted at https://MyServer:8080/BAService:
Remove -LOBRelay -ServerURL https://MyServer:8080/BAService

// Removes the “relay1” relay path from the default Runtime server:
Remove -LOBRelay -path /relay1

Additional examples are available by typing: get-help Remove-LOBRelay -examples. get-help remove-lobrelay -full provides more detailed information on this cmdlet.


Set-LOBRelay updates an existing LOB Relay on the BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime. Parameters include:




-IssuerName String


The Service Bus Issuer Name.

If -IssuerName is specified, the -IssuerSecret must also be specified.

-IssuerSecret String


The Service Bus Issuer Secret key.

If -IssuerSecret is specified, -IssuerName must also be specified.

-Status RelayStatus


Starts or stops a LOB Relay. Options include:

  • Stopped

  • Started

If -Status is specified, all LOB Relays are updated with the specified status.

-Path String


The path to the LOB Relay on the BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime Server. Path string options include:

  • Complete URL Path: https://MyServer/BAService/ManagementService/Namespace1/relay1

  • Relative sub-path: /namespace1/relay1

If -Path is specified, the specific LOB Relay at that path is updated.

If -Path is not specified, all the LOB Relays on the default BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime server are updated.

-ServerUrl String


The BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime URL of the BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime server. The default BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime server URL is the local Management Service:




If -ServerURL is specified, all the LOB Relays for that server are updated.

If -ServerURL is not specified, all the LOB Relays for the default BizTalk Adapter Service Runtime server are updated.



Enter this cmdlet to skip the certificate check.

-InputObject LOB Relay


Specifies one or more LOB Relays to update. This value is specified in the input pipeline.

If -InputObject is specified, that specific LOB Relay is updated.



Can be used with any cmdlet and are implemented by Windows PowerShell. They are not specific to BizTalk Adapter Service PowerShell. Options include:

  • -Verbose

  • -Debug

  • -ErrorActions

  • -ErrorVariable

  • -WarningAction

  • -WarningVariable

  • -OutBuffer

  • -OutVariable

get-help about_commonparameters provides detailed information about these common parameters. about_CommonParameters is also a good resource.


// Updates all LOBRelays to a stopped state on the default Runtime server:
Set-LOBRelay -Status stopped

// Updates all the LOBRelays to use MySecretKey and MySecretName in the default Runtime server:
Set-LOBRelay -IssuerSecret MySecretKey -IssuerName MySecretName

// Updates all the LOBRelays to a started state hosted at https://MyServer:8080/BAService:
Set-LOBRelay -ServerURL https://MyServer:8080/BAService -Status started

// Updates the “relay1” relay path to a stopped state from the default Runtime server:
Set-LOBRelay -path /relay1 -Status stopped

Additional examples are available by typing: get-help Set-LOBRelay -examples. get-help set-lobrelay -full provides more detailed information on this cmdlet.

See Also

BizTalk Adapter Service PowerShell CmdLets - LobTarget
PowerShell Cmdlets for the BizTalk Adapter Service
LOB Security in BizTalk Adapter Service
Windows PowerShell Cmdlet Help Topics