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Create an AS2 Agreement in Azure BizTalk Services



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Create an AS2 agreement in BizTalk Services to exchange messages between trading partners using the AS2 protocol.

AS2 non-EDI messaging

AS2 messages can be sent to a non-EDI destination or received from a non-EDI destination. This functionality is built into AS2 so you don’t have to worry about the transport protocol. You can use X12, EDIFACT, or other protocols that are not included with BizTalk Services. For example, you receive a non-EDI message from a supplier over AS2. You process the XML data and then transform the message to UBL documents.

Non-EDI messaging is enabled in the BizTalk Service project or in the BizTalk Services Portal. To use non-EDI messaging in the BizTalk Service project, use any of the following tools in the Toolbox:

  • XML One-Way Bridge

  • XML Request-Reply Bridge

  • Two-Way External Service Endpoint

  • Two-Way Relay Endpoint

AS2 Non-Repudiation of Receipt (NRR)

AS2 includes Non-Repudiation of Receipt (NRR) support. Non-Repudiation provides proof that a message is valid and authentic. If the message validity is ever questioned, its validity can be proven and possibly legally binding.

For example, you and Contoso agree to non-repudiation. You send an AS2 message to Contoso to purchase widgets. Then, you deny sending the message to purchase the widgets from Contoso. With non-repudiation enabled, Contoso can retrieve the message to confirm that you agreed to purchase the widgets.

Non-Repudiation of Receipt (NRR) is enabled in the BizTalk Services Portal and is used for EDI and non-EDI messages.

The topics in this section list the steps to create an AS2 agreement, including Non-Repudiation and non-EDI destinations.

Configure the AS2 General Settings

The first step to create an AS2 agreement between two trading partners is to enter the partners and their AS2 identities.

  1. In the BizTalk Services Portal home page, select Agreements.

  2. On the Agreements page, select the AS2 tab. Select Add. The General Settings tab is displayed.

  3. Enter the following properties:


    Required. Enter a unique name for the agreement.


    Enter notes or a description for the agreement.

  4. For hosted and guest partners, enter the following:

    Hosted Partner


    Select the hosted partner for the agreement. A hosted partner is the partner that BizTalk Services deploys the AS2 send and receive pipelines.


    The default profile is displayed. Choose the desired profile which has been configured for the partner.

    AS2 Identity

    Enter the AS2 Identity, which is the name to identify the partner. Examples include the company name or the company department.

    Guest Partner


    Select the partner for the agreement. A Guest Partner is a partner managed by the service provider and the pipelines are deployed for that partner during agreement deployment.


    The default profile is displayed. Choose the desired profile which has been configured for the partner.

    AS2 Identity

    Enter the AS2 Identity, which is the name to identify the partner. Examples include the company name or the company department.

  5. Under NRR Status, select the Enable NRR checkbox to enable non-repudiation on receipt (NRR) in the agreement. NRR is used when the Hosted Partner and Guest Partner agree to use NRR.

  6. Select Continue. The Receive Settings and Send Settings tabs are added. Each tab is used to create a one-way agreement between the two partners: one to receive messages and another for sending messages.

Configure the AS2 Receive Settings

AS2 receive settings primarily include protocol details such as message signing, encryption, and compression, as well as sending MDNs.

  1. Select the Receive Settings tab of the AS2 agreement page. The first step is to determine whether the receive settings in the agreement are used or the settings in the incoming messages are used. Whether you check or uncheck the Override receive side agreement settings with those in the incoming AS2 message governs that.


    Use the settings configured in the agreement.


    Use the settings from the incoming messages and override the settings in the agreement. The following settings are always honored in the agreement and never overridden:

    • MDN Text

    • Message should be encrypted

    • Message should be signed

  2. Choose the message settings to use with this agreement or template:

    Message should be signed

    This option forces the Guest Partner to sign the AS2 messages with their private certificate before sending the message to the Hosted Partner.

    The Guest Partner has a Private Certificate (.pfx). The Guest Partner creates the corresponding public certificate (.cer) and sends it to you, the Service Provider. This corresponding public key certificate (.cer) is uploaded by you to the Guest Partner’s profile. This public key certificate validates the signature of the Guest Partner.

    Certificate: In the drop down list, choose the Guest Partner’s public certificate (.cer) you uploaded to the Guest Partner’s profile. Incoming messages are checked for the correct signature of the Guest Partner.


    This option cannot be overridden by an incoming message.

    Message should be encrypted

    This option forces the Guest Partner to encrypt the message being received by the Hosted Partner.

    The Hosted Partner has a Private Certificate (.pfx) uploaded to its profile. You create the corresponding public certificate (.cer) and send the public certificate to the Guest Partner. The Guest Partner’s public certificate encrypts the message and the Hosted Partner’s corresponding private certificate decrypts the message.

    Certificate: In the drop down list, choose the Hosted Partner’s private certificate (.pfx) you added to the Hosted Partner’s profile. Incoming encrypted messages are decrypted using the private key certificate from the Hosted Partner’s profile.

    > [!NOTE]
    > <P>This option cannot be overridden by an incoming message.</P>

    Message should be compressed

    Choose this option to compress messages sent from the Guest Partner to the Hosted Partner.

    1. Choose the acknowledgement settings you want to use with this agreement or template. These settings specify that the Guest Partner requests an acknowledgment message from the Hosted Partner in the agreement. The acknowledgment messages from the Hosted Partner are sent to the Guest Partner based on the URL in the Send Settings of this AS2 agreement.

      MDN Text

      Enter the text used in the body of the Message Disposition Notification (MDN) receipt. This applies if the message sender requests the MDN or the agreement is configured to send MDN receipts.

      Send MDN

      This setting configures the agreement to send MDN receipts to the sender, which is the Guest Partner. The sender in the context of the receive settings of the agreement is the Guest Partner.

      The following options are available when sending the MDN to the Guest Partner:

      Send Signed MDN

      This option configures whether the MDN receipt is sent to the Guest Partner and is signed by the Hosted Partner’s private key certificate.

      You can optionally choose a MIC algorithm option. The following MIC algorithm options are supported for computing the Received-Content-MIC field of the outgoing MDN for non-repudiation at the Guest Partner:

      • MD5 : Received-Content-MIC field populated using the MD5 algorithm.

      • SHA1 (Default) : Received-Content-MIC field populated using the SHA1 algorithm.

      • SHA2-256 : Received-Content-MIC field populated using the SHA2-256 algorithm.

      • SHA2-384 : Received-Content-MIC field populated using the SHA2-384 algorithm.

      • SHA2-512 : Received-Content-MIC field populated using the SHA2-512 algorithm.


      For security reasons, it is recommended to use a SHA algorithm instead of MD5.

      Send asynchronous MDN

      Choose this option to send an asynchronous MDN receipt to the Guest Partner. Enter the endpoint URL that the Guest Partner receives MDNs.

      For information on importing certificates on the computer, see [APPENDIX: BizTalk Services Certificates Overview](hh949825\(v=azure.100\).md).

      Configure the AS2 Send Settings

      AS2 send settings primarily include protocol details such as message signing, encryption, and compression, as well as requesting an MDN.

      1. Select the Send Settings tab of the AS2 agreement page. Choose the message settings to use with this agreement. These settings are used when sending AS2 messages from the hosted partner to the guest partner:

        Enable message signing

        This option signs messages sent from the hosted partner to the guest partner.

        The Hosted Partner has a Private Certificate (.pfx) used for signing uploaded to the Hosted Partner’s profile. You create the corresponding public certificate (.cer) and send the public certificate to the Guest Partner. This public key validates the Hosted Partner’s signature to the Guest Partner.

        MIC algorithm options:

        • MD5

        • SHA1 (default)

        • SHA2-256 

        • SHA2-384 

        • SHA2-512 


        For security reasons, it is recommended to use a SHA algorithm instead of MD5.

        Certificate: In the drop down list, choose the Hosted Partner’s private certificate (.pfx) you added to the Hosted Partner’s profile. Outgoing messages sent to the Guest Partner are signed with the Hosted Partner’s signing certificate.

        Enable message encryption

        This option is used by the Hosted Partner to encrypt AS2 messages using the Guest Partner’s public certificate (.cer).

        Your Guest Partner has a Private Certificate (.pfx). The Guest Partner creates the corresponding public certificate (.cer) and sends it to you, the Service Provider. This corresponding public key certificate (.cer) is uploaded by you to the Guest Partner’s profile. Your Hosted Partner’s public certificate encrypts the message and your Guest Partner’s corresponding private certificate decrypts the message.

        Encryption algorithm options:

        • AES-128

        • AES-192

        • AES-256

        • DES3 (default)

        • RC2


        For security reasons, it is recommended to use an AES or DES algorithm instead of RC2.

        Certificate: In the drop down list, choose the Guest Partner’s public certificate (.cer) you added to the Guest Partner’s profile. Outgoing messages are encrypted using the public key certificate from the Guest Partner’s profile.

        Enable message compression

        Choose this option to compress messages sent from the Hosted Partner to the Guest Partner.

        Unfold HTTP headers

        Select this check box to unfold HTTP content-type headers into a single line.

        For information on importing certificates on the computer, see APPENDIX: BizTalk Services Certificates Overview.

      2. Choose the acknowledge settings you want to use with this agreement or template. These settings specify that the Hosted Partner requests an acknowledgment message from the Guest Partner in the agreement. The acknowledgment messages from the Guest Partner are sent to the Hosted Partner based on the Inbound URI URL in the Receive Settings of the agreement.

        Request MDN

        This setting configures the agreement to send MDN receipts to the sender of the original AS2 message, which is the Hosted Partner. Acknowledgements are sent to the Hosted Partner after successful delivery of the AS2 message.

        The following options are available when the Hosted Partner requests a MDN:

        Request signed MDN

        This option requests that the MDN receipt is signed with the Guest Partner’s private key. The signature is validated using the Guest Partner’s public key certificate that is uploaded to the Guest Partner’s profile.

        Request asynchronous MDN

        This option requests that the MDN receipts are sent asynchronously to the sender of the original AS2 message, which is the Hosted Partner. The asynchronous message is sent to the Inbound URI URL for the Hosted Partner. This Inbound URI URL is set on the Receive Settings of the agreement.

      3. Select Save to save the agreement.

      Known Issues

      • The BizTalk Services Portal allows you to modify the Qualifier of an Identity when an agreement is configured. This can result in inconsistence properties. For example, there is an agreement using ZZ:1234567 and ZZ:7654321 the Qualifier. In the BizTalk Services Portal profile settings, you change ZZ:1234567 to be 01:ChangedValue. You open the agreement and 01:ChangedValue is displayed instead of ZZ:1234567.

        To modify the Qualifier of an identity, delete the agreement, update Identities in the partner profile, and then recreate the agreement.


        This behavior impacts X12 and AS2.

      • Attachments for AS2 messages are not supported in send or receive. Specifically, attachments are silently ignored and the message body is processed as a regular AS2 message.

      See Also

      Create Agreements in Azure BizTalk Services