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Property Promotion Activity

This topic applies to Windows Workflow Foundation 4 (WF4).

This sample provides an end-to-end solution that integrates the SqlWorkflowInstanceStore Promotion feature directly into the workflow authoring experience. A collection of configuration elements, workflow activities, and workflow extensions that simplify the use of the Promotion feature are provided. Additionally, the sample contains a simple workflow that demonstrates how to use this collection.


Samples are provided for educational purposes only. They are not intended for a production environment, and have not been tested in a production environment. Microsoft does not provide technical support for these samples.


Sample Projects

  • The PropertyPromotionActivity project contains files pertaining to the promotion-specific configuration elements, workflow activities, and workflow extensions.

  • The CounterServiceApplication project contains a sample workflow that uses the SqlWorkflowInstanceStorePromotion project.

  • A SQL script (PropertyPromotionActivitySQLSample.sql) that must be run against the SqlWorkflowInstanceStore database.

  • A solution file that links the two Visual Studio 2010 projects (PropertyPromotionActivity.sln)

To set up and run the sample

  1. Initialize a workflow persistence database.

    1. Navigate to the sample directory (\WF\Basic\Persistence\PropertyPromotionActivity) and run CreateInstanceStore.cmd.

    2. If Administrator privileges are not available, create a SQL Server login. In SQL Server Management Studio, go to Security, Logins. Right-click Logins and create a new login. Add your ACL user to the SQL role by opening Databases, InstanceStore, Security. Right-click Users and select New user. Set the Login name to the user created above. Add the user to the Database role membership System.Activities.DurableInstancing.InstanceStoreUsers (and others). Note that the user might exist already (for example, user dbo).

  2. Open the PropertyPromotionActivity.sln solution file in Visual Studio 2010.

  3. If you created the instance store in a database other than a local installation of SQL Server Express, then you must update the database connection string. Alter the App.config file under the CounterServiceApplication by setting the value of the connectionString attribute on the sqlWorkflowInstanceStorePromotion node so that it points to the persistence database that was initialized in step 1.

  4. Build and run the solution. This will start the Counter WF service and automatically start a workflow instance.

  5. Quickly select all the rows in the [dbo].[CounterService] view in your persistence database (this view was added by running CreateInstanceStore.cmd in step 1). You will see a result set similar to the following:

    InstanceId CounterValue CounterValueLastUpdated



    2010-02-18 22:48:01.740

    As you keep refreshing the view, you will notice that CounterValue and CounterValueLastUpdated change every two seconds. This is the interval at which the counter updates itself. CounterValue and CounterValueLastUpdated represent promoted properties for this workflow.

To remove the sample

  • Run RemoveInstanceStore.cmd in the sample directory (\WF\Basic\Persistence\PropertyPromotionActivity).

Understanding This Sample

The sample contains two projects and an SQL file:

  • CounterServiceApplication is a console application that hosts a simple Counter WF service. Upon receiving a one-way message through the Start endpoint, the workflow counts from 0 to 29, incrementing a counter variable every two seconds. After every counter increment, the workflow persists, and the promoted properties are updated in the [dbo].[CounterService] view. When the console application is run, it hosts the WF service and sends a message to the Start endpoint, creating a Counter WF instance.

  • PropertyPromotionActivity is a class library that contains the configuration elements, workflow activities, and workflow extensions that the CounterServiceApplication uses.

  • PropertyPromotionActivitySQLSample.sql creates and adds the view [dbo].[CounterService] to the database.


Using the SqlWorkflowInstanceStorePromotion Configuration Element

The SqlWorkflowInstanceStorePromotion configuration element inherits from the SqlWorkflowInstanceStore configuration element, but adds an additional configuration element called promotionSets. The promotionSets element enables the user to specify promoted properties through configuration. This is the configuration file that is used by the sample:

<sqlWorkflowInstanceStorePromotion connectionString ="Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=SqlWorkflowInstanceStoreTest;Integrated Security=True;">
    <promotionSet name="CounterService">
      <promotedValue propertyName="Count"/>
      <promotedValue propertyName="LastIncrementedAt"/>

Examine the definition for the [dbo].[CounterService] view.

create view [dbo].[CounterService] as
      select [InstanceId],
 [Value1] as [CounterValue],
 [Value2] as [CounterValueLastUpdated]
      from [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InstancePromotedProperties]
      where [PromotionName] = 'CounterService'

When a workflow instance persists, a row is inserted into the InstancePromotedProperties view for each PromotionSet defined in the configuration. This row contains all the promoted properties of the PromotionSet (one promoted property per column). This PromotionSet is keyed by the tuple: InstanceId, PromotionName. In this sample, we have one PromotionSet defined in configuration whose name attribute is CounterService. Note how the PromotionName column value is equal to the name attribute of the PromotionSet element.

The order of the promotedValue elements correlates with the placement of the promoted properties in the InstancePromotedProperties view. Count is the first promotedValue element. As a result, it is mapped to the Value1 column in the InstancePromotedProperties view. LastIncrementedAt is the second promotedValue element. As a result, it is mapped to the Value2 column in the InstancePromotedProperties view.

Using the PromoteValue Activity

Examine the CounterService.xamlx file in the Windows Workflow Foundation Designer. Notice that there are two special activities in the WF definition: PromoteValue<DateTime> and PromoteValue<Int32>.

The PromoteValue<Int32> activity has its Name member defined as Count. This matches with the first promotedValue element in the configuration, and has its Value defined as the Counter workflow variable. When the workflow persists, the Counter workflow variable is persisted as a promoted property into the Value1 column of the InstancePromotedProperties view.

The PromoteValue<DateTime> activity has its Name member defined as LastIncrementedAt. This matches with the second promotedValue element in the configuration, and has its Value defined as the TimeLastIncremented workflow variable. This means that when the workflow persists, the value for the TimeLastIncremented workflow variable will be persisted as a promoted property into the Value2 column of the InstancePromotedProperties view.

Note that the PromotedValue activity also has a Boolean member called ClearExistingPromotedData. When this member is set to true, this clears all the promoted property values up to that point in the workflow. For example, if a Sequence activity is defined as follows:

  1. PromoteValue { Name = “Count”, Value = 3}

  2. PromoteValue {Name = “LastIncrementedAt”, Value = 1-1-2000 }

  3. Persist

  4. PromoteValue {Name = “Count”, Value = 4, ClearExistingPromotedData = true}

  5. Persist

On the second persist, the promoted value for Count will be 4. However, the promoted value for LastIncrementedAt will be NULL. If ClearExistingPromotedData was not set to true for step 4, then after the second persist, the promoted value for Count would be 4. As a result, the promoted value for LastIncrementedAt would still be 1-1-2000.


This class library contains the following public classes to simplify use of the SqlWorkflowInstanceStore Promotion feature.

PromoteValue Class

This class promotes one property. The name of the promoted property should match a name attribute of a promotedValue element in the configuration. This activity can be used in the Workflow Designer. See the CounterServiceApplication for an example usage.

public class PromoteValue<T> : CodeActivity
    public PromoteValue()

    public bool ClearExistingPromotedData { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public InArgument<T> Value { get; set; }
  • ClearExistingPromotedData (Bool)
    Clears all values that were promoted before this activity.
  • Name (string)
    The name that represents this property. This should match the name attribute of a <promotedValue> element in the configuration.
  • Value (InArgument<T>)
    The variable / value that you want to store in the column.

PromoteValues Class

Promotes multiple properties. The names of the promoted properties should match all name attributes in the promotedValue elements in the configuration. Usage is similar to the PromoteValue activity, except for the fact that multiple properties can be promoted at the same time. This activity cannot be used in the Workflow Designer.

public class PromoteValues : CodeActivity
    public PromoteValues()
        this.ValuesToPromote = new Dictionary<string, InArgument>();

    public bool ClearExistingPromotedData { get; set; }
    public IDictionary<string, InArgument> ValuesToPromote { get; set; }


Derives from SqlWorkflowInstanceStoreBehavior. This derived class adds a custom persistence participant (also a part of this library) as a workflow extension. The implementation of the previous two workflow activities relies on this custom persistence participant.

public class SqlWorkflowInstanceStorePromotionBehavior :
             SqlWorkflowInstanceStoreBehavior, IServiceBehavior
        public void Promote(string name, IEnumerable<string> promoteAsSqlVariant,
                            IEnumerable<string> promoteAsBinary)


This class library also contains the ConfigurationElement implementation for the SqlWorkflowInstanceStorePromotionElement and a custom persistence participant used by the previous promotion activities.


This SQL file creates a [dbo].[CounterService] view in addition to the [InstancePromotedProperties] view for querying all instances that have a CounterService Promotion set.

Ff642473.Important(en-us,VS.100).gif Note:
The samples may already be installed on your computer. Check for the following (default) directory before continuing:


If this directory does not exist, go to Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) Samples for .NET Framework 4 to download all Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and WF samples. This sample is located in the following directory:


See Also

Other Resources

AppFabric Hosting and Persistence Samples