Dela via

IMetaDataEmit2::GetDeltaSaveSize Method

Gets a value indicating any change in metadata size that results from the current edit-and-continue session.

HRESULT GetDeltaSaveSize (
    [in]  CorSaveSize  fSave,
    [out] DWORD        *pdwSaveSize


  • fSave
    [in] One of the CorSaveSize values, indicating the level of precision desired. For the .NET Framework version 2.0, this parameter is ignored.

  • pdwSaveSize
    [out] The change in the size of the metadata.


Platforms: See .NET Framework System Requirements.

Header: Cor.h

Library: Used as a resource in MsCorEE.dll

.NET Framework Versions: 4, 3.5 SP1, 3.5, 3.0 SP1, 3.0, 2.0 SP1, 2.0

See Also


IMetaDataEmit2 Interface

IMetaDataEmit Interface