Dela via

IMetaDataImport::FindMemberRef Method

Gets a pointer to the MemberRef token for the member reference that is enclosed by the specified Type and that has the specified name and metadata signature.

HRESULT FindMemberRef (
   [in]  mdTypeRef          td,
   [in]  LPCWSTR            szName, 
   [in]  PCCOR_SIGNATURE    pvSigBlob, 
   [in]  ULONG              cbSigBlob, 
   [out] mdMemberRef        *pmr


  • td
    [in] The TypeRef token for the class or interface that encloses the member reference to search for. If this value is mdTokenNil, the lookup is done for a global variable or a global-function reference.

  • szName
    [in] The name of the member reference to search for.

  • pvSigBlob
    [in] A pointer to the binary metadata signature of the member reference.

  • cbSigBlob
    [in] The size in bytes of pvSigBlob.

  • pmr
    [out] A pointer to the matching MemberRef token.


You specify the member using its enclosing class or interface (td), its name (szName), and optionally its signature (pvSigBlob).

The signature passed to FindMemberRef must have been generated in the current scope, because signatures are bound to a particular scope. A signature can embed a token that identifies the enclosing class or value type. The token is an index into the local TypeDef table. You cannot build a run-time signature outside the context of the current scope and use that signature as input to FindMemberRef.

FindMemberRef finds only member references that were defined directly in the class or interface; it does not find inherited member references.


Platforms: See .NET Framework System Requirements.

Header: Cor.h

Library: Included as a resource in MsCorEE.dll

.NET Framework Versions: 4, 3.5 SP1, 3.5, 3.0 SP1, 3.0, 2.0 SP1, 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

See Also


IMetaDataImport Interface

IMetaDataImport2 Interface