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Best Practices for Handling Exceptions

A well-designed set of error handling code blocks can make a program more robust and less prone to crashing because the application handles such errors. The following list contains suggestions on best practices for handling exceptions:

  • Know when to set up a try/catch block. For example, you can programmatically check for a condition that is likely to occur without using exception handling. In other situations, using exception handling to catch an error condition is appropriate.

    The following example uses an if statement to check whether a connection is closed. You can use this method instead of throwing an exception if the connection is not closed.

If conn.State <> ConnectionState.Closed Then
End IF
if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Closed)
if (conn->State != ConnectionState::Closed)

In the following example, an exception is thrown if the connection is not closed.

Catch ex As InvalidOperationException
End Try
catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
catch (InvalidOperationException^ ex)

The method you choose depends on how often you expect the event to occur. If the event is truly exceptional and is an error (such as an unexpected end-of-file), using exception handling is better because less code is executed in the normal case. If the event happens routinely, using the programmatic method to check for errors is better. In this case, if an exception occurs, the exception will take longer to handle.

  • Use try/finally blocks around code that can potentially generate an exception and centralize your catch statements in one location. In this way, the try statement generates the exception, the finally statement closes or deallocates resources, and the catch statement handles the exception from a central location.

  • Always order exceptions in catch blocks from the most specific to the least specific. This technique handles the specific exception before it is passed to a more general catch block.

  • End exception class names with the word "Exception". For example:

Public Class MyFileNotFoundException
    Inherits Exception
End Class
public class MyFileNotFoundException : Exception
public ref class MyFileNotFoundException : public Exception
  • When creating user-defined exceptions, you must ensure that the metadata for the exceptions is available to code executing remotely, including when exceptions occur across application domains. For example, suppose Application Domain A creates Application Domain B, which executes code that throws an exception. For Application Domain A to properly catch and handle the exception, it must be able to find the assembly containing the exception thrown by Application Domain B. If Application Domain B throws an exception that is contained in an assembly under its application base, but not under Application Domain A's application base, Application Domain A will not be able to find the exception and the common language runtime will throw a FileNotFoundException. To avoid this situation, you can deploy the assembly containing the exception information in two ways:

    • Put the assembly into a common application base shared by both application domains

      - or -

    • If the domains do not share a common application base, sign the assembly containing the exception information with a strong name and deploy the assembly into the global assembly cache.

  • In C# and C++, use at least the three common constructors when creating your own exception classes. For an example, see How to: Create User-Defined Exceptions.

  • In most cases, use the predefined exceptions types. Define new exception types only for programmatic scenarios. Introduce a new exception class to enable a programmer to take a different action in code based on the exception class.

  • For most applications, derive custom exceptions from the Exception class. It was originally thought that custom exceptions should derive from the ApplicationException class; however in practice this has not been found to add significant value.

  • Include a localized description string in every exception. When the user sees an error message, it is derived from the description string of the exception that was thrown, rather than from the exception class.

  • Use grammatically correct error messages, including ending punctuation. Each sentence in a description string of an exception should end in a period.

  • Provide Exception properties for programmatic access. Include extra information in an exception (in addition to the description string) only when there is a programmatic scenario where the additional information is useful.

  • Return null for extremely common error cases. For example, Open returns null if the file is not found, but throws an exception if the file is locked.

  • Design classes so that an exception is never thrown in normal use. For example, a FileStream class exposes another way of determining whether the end of the file has been reached. This avoids the exception that is thrown if you read past the end of the file. The following example shows how to read to the end of the file.

Class FileRead
    Public Sub ReadAll(fileToRead As FileStream)
        ' This if statement is optional
        ' as it is very unlikely that
        ' the stream would ever be null.
        If fileToRead Is Nothing Then
            Throw New System.ArgumentNullException()
        End If

        Dim b As Integer

        ' Set the stream position to the beginning of the file.
        fileToRead.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin)

        ' Read each byte to the end of the file.
        For i As Integer = 0 To fileToRead.Length - 1
            b = fileToRead.ReadByte()
            ' Or do something else with the byte.
        Next i
    End Sub
End Class
class FileRead
    public void ReadAll(FileStream fileToRead)
        // This if statement is optional
        // as it is very unlikely that
        // the stream would ever be null.
        if (fileToRead == null)
            throw new System.ArgumentNullException();

        int b;

        // Set the stream position to the beginning of the file.
        fileToRead.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

        // Read each byte to the end of the file.
        for (int i = 0; i < fileToRead.Length; i++)
            b = fileToRead.ReadByte();
            // Or do something else with the byte.
class FileRead
    void ReadAll(FileStream^ fileToRead)
        // This if statement is optional
        // as it is very unlikely that
        // the stream would ever be null.
        if (fileToRead == nullptr)
            throw gcnew System::ArgumentNullException();

        int b;

        // Set the stream position to the beginning of the file.
        fileToRead->Seek(0, SeekOrigin::Begin);

        // Read each byte to the end of the file.
        for (int i = 0; i < fileToRead->Length; i++)
            b = fileToRead->ReadByte();
            // Or do something else with the byte.

Throw an InvalidOperationException if a property set or method call is not appropriate given the object's current state.

Throw an ArgumentException or a class derived from ArgumentException if invalid parameters are passed.

The stack trace begins at the statement where the exception is thrown and ends at the catch statement that catches the exception. Be aware of this fact when deciding where to place a throw statement.

Use exception builder methods. It is common for a class to throw the same exception from different places in its implementation. To avoid excessive code, use helper methods that create the exception and return it. For example:

Class FileReader
    Private fileName As String

    Public Sub New(path As String)
        fileName = path
    End Sub

    Public Function Read(bytes As Integer) As Byte()
        Dim results() As Byte = FileUtils.ReadFromFile(fileName, bytes)
        If results Is Nothing
            Throw NewFileIOException()
        End If
        Return results
    End Function

    Function NewFileIOException() As FileReaderException
        Dim description As String = "My NewFileIOException Description"

        Return New FileReaderException(description)
    End Function
End Class
class FileReader
    private string fileName;

    public FileReader(string path)
        fileName = path;

    public byte[] Read(int bytes)
        byte[] results = FileUtils.ReadFromFile(fileName, bytes);
        if (results == null)
            throw NewFileIOException();
        return results;

    FileReaderException NewFileIOException()
        string description = "My NewFileIOException Description";

        return new FileReaderException(description);
ref class FileReader
    String^ fileName;

    FileReader(String^ path)
        fileName = path;

    array<Byte>^ Read(int bytes)
        array<Byte>^ results = FileUtils::ReadFromFile(fileName, bytes);
        if (results == nullptr)
            throw NewFileIOException();
        return results;

    FileReaderException^ NewFileIOException()
        String^ description = "My NewFileIOException Description";

        return gcnew FileReaderException(description);

Alternatively, use the exception's constructor to build the exception. This is more appropriate for global exception classes, such as ArgumentException.

  • Throw exceptions instead of returning an error code or HRESULT.

  • Clean up intermediate results when throwing an exception. Callers should be able assume that there are no side effects when an exception is thrown from a method.

See Also

Other Resources

Handling and Throwing Exceptions