Dela via

MEDIAID Function (Media)

Gets the unique identifier of a media object on a record.


Guid := Record.MediaField.MEDIAID  


Type: Record

Specifies the record that uses the media.

Type: Media

Specifies the field that contains the media. This field has the Media data type.

Property Value/Return Value

Type: GUID

Specifies the GUID of media in the database.


When a media is imported on the Media data type field of table record, the media is given a GUID and stored in the system table 2000000184 Tenant Media of the application database. The GUID is then included in the Media data type field as a reference to the media in the database.


This example uses the MEDIAID function to get the GUID of the media object that is used on item number 1 in the a the table named My Items.

The example assumes that the My Items table already exists and has a Media data type field named Image.

This code requires you to create the following variables.

Variable name DataType Subtype
myItemRec Record My Items
imageID GUID

This code requires you to create the following text constant.

Text constant ConstValue
Text001 Item %1 has a media object with the following ID: %2
    mediaGuid := myItemRec.Image.MEDIAID;  
    MESSAGE(Text000, myItemRec."No.", imageID);  

See Also

Working With Media on Records
IMPORTFILE Function (Media)
IMPORTSTREAM Function (Media)
Media Data Type