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About Microsoft Application Virtualization 4.6 SP2

Gäller för: Application Virtualization 4.6 SP2

Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) 4.6 SP2 provides several enhancements and new features, which are described in this topic.


I det här avsnittet beskrivs hur du ändrar Windows-registret med hjälp av Registereditorn. Om du ändrar Windows-registret på fel sätt kan allvarliga problem uppstå och du kan behöva installera om Windows. Säkerhetskopia alltid registerfilerna (System.dat och User.dat) innan du gör några ändringar i registret. Microsoft kan inte garantera att det går att lösa problem som kan uppstå när du ändrar registret. Ändringar av registret sker på egen risk.

Support for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012

App-V 4.6 SP2 adds support for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 Remote Desktop Services.

Support for coexistence with App-V 5.0 client

App-V 4.6 SP2 provides support for coexistence with the Microsoft Application Virtualization 5.0 client. Review the App-V 5.0 documentation for instructions on how to configure the App-V 5.0 client for coexistence with the App-V 4.6 SP2 client. For more information about App-V 5.0, see Application Virtualization 5 on TechNet.

Ability to virtualize Adobe Reader X with Protected Mode

You can virtualize Adobe Reader X with its Protected Mode feature turned on by using the following procedures. Previously you had to disable Protected Mode in order to virtualize Adobe Reader X.

  • Before launching the App-V Sequencer, create the following registry value under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE \Microsoft\SoftGrid\4.5\SystemGuard\Overrides:








    Set this value to 1 in order to start Adobe Reader X in Protected Mode during the launch phase.


    On a computer running a 64-bit operating system, create the registry value under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\SoftGrid\4.5\SystemGuard\Overrides.

  • For each OSD-file in your Adobe Reader X package, add the following items under the <POLICIES> element:




New Sequencer command-line parameter

When you create a Package Accelerator (PA) through the Sequencer GUI, you can select an RTF or TXT file that provides packaging and deployment guidance to the administrators who will apply the Package Accelerator. This functionality is now available using the Sequencer CLI.


Specify a path to an RTF or TXT file that provides packaging and deployment guidance when creating a Package Accelerator.

Microsoft Application Error Reporting no longer needs to be installed

When you are installing the App-V 4.6 SP2 client by using setup.msi, you no longer need to install Microsoft Application Error Reporting (dw20shared.msi). App-V 4.6 SP2 now uses Microsoft Error Reporting. For more information, see How to Install the App-V Client by Using Setup.msi.

Customer feedback and hotfix rollup

App-V 4.6 SP2 includes a rollup of fixes to address issues found since the App-V 4.6 SP1 release. App-V 4.6 SP2 contains the latest fixes up to and including Microsoft Application Virtualization 4.6 SP1 Hotfix 6.

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