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Common DeployR Administration Tasks

Applies to: DeployR 8.x (See comparison between 8.x and 9.x)

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Starting and Stopping DeployR for Microsoft R Server 8.0.5

To start or stop all DeployR-related services on the main server (not nodes) at once, use the administrator utility.

  1. Launch the DeployR administrator utility script with administrator privileges:

    • On Windows:

      cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-<version>\deployr\tools\
    • On Linux:

      cd /home/deployr-user/deployr/<version>/deployr/tools/ 
      sudo ./
  2. From the main menu, choose option Start/Stop Server.

  3. When prompted whether you want to stop (S) or restart (R) the DeployR server, enter your choiceR. It may take some time for the Tomcat process to terminate and restart.

Starting and Stopping DeployR 8.0.0

To start or stop all DeployR-related services on the main server (not nodes) use the following commands.

Table: Starting DeployR 8.0.0

Operating System Commands
Windows To start the services, run:
net start Apache-Tomcat-for-DeployR-8.0
net start RServe7.4
net start MongoDB-DeployR-8.0
Linux To start the services individually on the main server (not nodes):
/home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.0/tomcat/ start
/home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.0/rserve/ start
/home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.0/mongo/ start

To start all services on the main server (not nodes) at once:
Mac OS X To start the services individually on the main server (not nodes):
/Users/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.0/tomcat/ start
/Users/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.0/rserve/ start
/Users/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.0/mongo/ start

To start all services on the main server (not nodes) at once:

Table: Stopping DeployR 8.0.0
Operating System Commands
Windows To stop the services, run:
net stop Apache-Tomcat-for-DeployR-8.0
net stop RServe7.4
net stop MongoDB-DeployR-8.0
Linux To stop the services individually on the main server (not nodes):
/home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.0/tomcat/ stop
/home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.0/rserve/ stop
/home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.0/mongo/ stop

To stop all services on the main server (not nodes) at once:
Mac OS X To stop the services individually on the main server (not nodes):
/Users/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.0/tomcat/ stop
/Users/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.0/rserve/ stop
/Users/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.0/mongo/ stop

To stop all services on the main server (not nodes) at once:

Inspecting Server Logs

The catalina.out server log file is found at the following location:

Operating System Location
Windows C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-\Apache_Tomcat\logs\catalina.out
Linux /home/deployr-user/deployr//tomcat/tomcat7/logs/catalina.out
Mac OS X /Users/deployr-user/deployr//tomcat/tomcat7/logs/catalina.out

Look here for more information on other log files associated with DeployR.

By default, the DeployR server logs at the INFO level, which is appropriate for production environments. The server emits [DEPLOYR-EVENT] log statements that provide a permanent record of the following:

  1. API Call / Response Events
  2. Authentication Events
  3. HTTP Session Events
  4. Grid R Session Events

Each [DEPLOYR-EVENT] is rendered to the log file in a fixed format, which simplifies parsing and searching both manually or within log inspection tools.

The following section describes the different [DEPLOYR-EVENT] that can be found in the server log file.

API Call / Response Events

The log file captures the following events related to API calls:

  • [API-PRE] - denoting the start of an API call including call parameters.
  • [RESPONSE] - denoting the response generated for the call.
  • [API-POST] - denoting the end of an API call.

For example:
[ INFO 08:29:15:218] ServerFilters DEPLOYR-EVENT[API-PRE][][0FBAD0638F6BE1A859F3FF65E64FDD80][testuser][/deployr/r/project/create][format:json]

[ INFO 08:29:15:292] ResponseBuilder DEPLOYR-EVENT[RESPONSE][0FBAD0638F6BE1A859F3FF65E64FDD80][deployr:[response:[success:true, call:/r/project/create, httpcookie:0FBAD0638F6BE1A859F3FF65E64FDD80, project:[project:PROJECT-bb21452e-9f4b-490e-9f1d-90c1ac7f9487, name:null, descr:null, longdescr:null, live:true, shared:false, cookie:null, origin:Project original., author:testuser, authors:[testuser], lastmodified:1404044955286]]]]

[ INFO 08:29:15:295] ServerFilters DEPLOYR-EVENT[API-POST][][0FBAD0638F6BE1A859F3FF65E64FDD80][testuser][/deployr/r/project/create]

Authentication Events

The log file captures the following events related to user authentications:

  • [SECURITY][AuthenticationSuccessEvent] - denoting a successful user authentication.
  • [SECURITY][AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent] - denoting a failed user authentication.

For example:
[ INFO 08:29:20:296] SecurityEventLogger DEPLOYR-EVENT[SECURITY][AuthenticationSuccessEvent][testuser]

[ INFO 01:52:00:694] SecurityEventLogger DEPLOYR-EVENT[SECURITY][AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent][testuser]

HTTP Session Events

The log file captures the following events related to HTTP session creation and release:

  • [HTTP-SESSION]: CREATED - denoting the creation of an HTTP session
  • [HTTP-SESSION]: RELEASED - denoting the release of an HTTP session

For example:
[ INFO 01:51:58:967] HttpSessionListener DEPLOYR-EVENT[HTTP-SESSION]: CREATED [E5B10C188FE7DC25EA804CDF932AC85B]

[ INFO 01:53:45:952] HttpSessionListener DEPLOYR-EVENT[HTTP-SESSION]: RELEASED [E5B10C188FE7DC25EA804CDF932AC85B][Mon Jun 30 01:51:58 EDT 2014][Mon Jun 30 01:53:27 EDT 2014][1]

Grid R Session Events

The log file captures the following events related to R session creation and release:

  • [GRID-SESSION]: CREATED - denoting the creation of an R session on the grid
  • [GRID-SESSION]: RELEASED - denoting the release of an R session on the grid

For example:
[ INFO 08:29:15:287] LiveEngineService DEPLOYR-EVENT[GRID-SESSION]: CREATED LiveToken[E]: [][0FBAD0638F6BE1A859F3FF65E64FDD80][PROJECT-bb21452e-9f4b-490e-9f1d-90c1ac7f9487][testuser] [Temporary Project false null NODE-6fb4583c-fa25-4854-b8ba-0600c30ec195 DeployR Default Node Authenticated ]

[ INFO 08:29:16:909] LiveEngineService DEPLOYR-EVENT[GRID-SESSION]: RELEASED LiveToken[E]: [][0FBAD0638F6BE1A859F3FF65E64FDD80][PROJECT-bb21452e-9f4b-490e-9f1d-90c1ac7f9487][testuser] [Temporary Project false projectClose NODE-6fb4583c-fa25-4854-b8ba-0600c30ec195 DeployR Default Node Authenticated ]

Related log events can be traced in a number of ways including but not limited to the use of the HTTP session identifier or a DeployR-managed project identifier. For example, using the HTTP session identifier makes the tracing of a series of log events representing an anonymous execution of a repository-managed R script simple as follows.

[ INFO 06:49:35:859] ServerFilters DEPLOYR-EVENT[API-PRE][][2DD2302B91770E89333848DBB9505D0A][anonymous][/deployr/r/repository/script/execute][preloadfileversion:, preloadobjectauthor:, storeobject:, preloadfiledirectory:, preloadobjectname:, storefile:, format:json, preloadfileauthor:, version:, preloadobjectdirectory:, preloadfilename:, author:testuser, inputs:{}, storeworkspace:, storedirectory:, directory:root, storepublic:false, filename:Histogram of Auto Sales, graphics:png, robjects:, storenewversion:false, preloadobjectversion:]

[ INFO 06:49:35:936] LiveEngineService DEPLOYR-EVENT[GRID-SESSION]: CREATED LiveToken[E]: [][2DD2302B91770E89333848DBB9505D0A][STATELESS-8c3e26c7-84a3-4ab7-ab9a-f0e0155f1cf1][anonymous] [Stateless Project false null NODE-6fb4583c-fa25-4854-b8ba-0600c30ec195 DeployR Default Node Anonymous ]

[ INFO 06:49:36:680] LiveEngineService DEPLOYR-EVENT[GRID-SESSION]: RELEASED LiveToken[E]: [][2DD2302B91770E89333848DBB9505D0A][STATELESS-8c3e26c7-84a3-4ab7-ab9a-f0e0155f1cf1][anonymous] [Stateless Project false null NODE-6fb4583c-fa25-4854-b8ba-0600c30ec195 DeployR Default Node Anonymous ]

[ INFO 06:49:36:714] ResponseBuilder DEPLOYR-EVENT[RESPONSE][2DD2302B91770E89333848DBB9505D0A][deployr:[response:[success:true, call:/r/repository/script/execute, httpcookie:2DD2302B91770E89333848DBB9505D0A, interrupted:false, workspace:[objects:[]], project:[project:STATELESS-8c3e26c7-84a3-4ab7-ab9a-f0e0155f1cf1, name:Project: Autosaved, descr:Autosaved by DeployR., shared:false, longdescr:null, origin:Project original., author:STATELESS, authors:[STATELESS], cookie:null, lastmodified:1404125376681, live:true], repository:[files:[]], execution:[console:     cars trucks suvs, code:, interrupted:false, results:[], artifacts:[[project:STATELESS-8c3e26c7-84a3-4ab7-ab9a-f0e0155f1cf1, category:plot, length:7285, lastmodified:1404125376000, filename:histogram.png, descr:null, type:image/png, url:]], warnings:[], execution:EXEC-08dc2db6-496b-43fd-a9b8-60abbb6af18e, timeStart:1404125375865, timeCode:176, timeTotal:255, tag:null, actor:anonymous, resultsGenerated:0, resultsAvailable:0]]]]

[ INFO 06:49:36:717] ServerFilters DEPLOYR-EVENT[API-POST][][2DD2302B91770E89333848DBB9505D0A][anonymous][/deployr/r/repository/script/execute]

This sample log output captures an /r/repository/script/execute API call, originating from, executed on behalf of an anonymous user, on HTTP session 2DD2302B91770E89333848DBB9505D0A. The log output also indicates the time taken on the call as well as the response data returned on call completion.

Backing Up and Restoring Data

### For DeployR for Microsoft R Server 8.0.5

To back up and restore your Deployr data:

  1. Log into the DeployR landing page.

  2. From the landing page, open the Administration Console.

  3. Follow these instructions.

### For DeployR 8.0.0 Follow these instructions to back up and restore your DeployR data or to reset the database to its initial post-installation state.

Follow these steps to back up the data in the database used by DeployR.

  1. Log into the machine as a user with administrator privileges.

  2. Ensure all users are logged out of DeployR. As admin, you can always check the grid activity in the Grid tab of the Administration Console.

  3. Run the database utility script as follows:

    • On Windows:

          cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DeployR-8.0\deployr\tools
    • On Linux:

         cd /home/deployr-user/deployr/8.0.0/deployr/tools
  4. When prompted by the script:

    • To reinitialize the database, choose option 2.
    • To back up the database, choose option 3 and enter the path in which the database backup should be saved. Verify that the backup was successful by checking the contents of the directory where you dumped the database.
    • To restore the database, choose option 4 and enter the path to your backup folder. By default, the backup path includes a date stamped folder and ends with the folder deployr.

Opening DeployR Ports

To learn more about the ports you need to open, refer to the DeployR Installation Guide for your operating system and DeployR version.